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原价¥399 限时特惠 ¥180

作者:Evan Peng

朗读者:Aaron Smith



Welcome to ALO7's Power to Learn! Today's story is Wen Tong’s Bamboo, retold by Evan Peng and narrated by Aaron Smith.



Way, way back during the Song Dynasty, there was a famous artist named Wen Tong,. He was known for his paintings of bamboo. His paintings were so good that they almost looked real! Everyone wanted one to hang up in their house. No one else in all of China could draw bamboo like Wen Tong could.

But why was he so good at drawing bamboo? Well, he loved bamboo! He planted only bamboo in his garden. He even had a few bamboos inside his house.


But he didn’t just grow bamboo. He also loved to study bamboo. He studied bamboo to see how it moved and how it grew in different weather. He went outside to his bamboo garden, come rain or shine!

One day in spring, a storm moved into the village. Everyone rushed home to get inside. But Wen Tong rushed outside to his bamboo garden. He had to study the bamboo! He wanted to see how the rain bounced off the bamboo. This way, he could see what water on bamboo leaves looked like. Sure, he got very wet, but to him, it was all worth it.

One day in summer, the sun was high in the sky, and the air was hot and humid. Most people were inside their homes, trying to stay cool. But Wen Tong was outside in his bamboo garden. He had to study the bamboo! He wanted to see the bamboo clearly in the strong sunlight. This way, he could see every detail of every leaf. Sure, he got super sweaty, but to him, it was all worth it.

One day in fall, it got very windy. It was so windy that some people fell over when they stepped outside. But Wen Tong went outside to his bamboo garden. He had to study the bamboo! He wanted to see the bamboo leaves swaying in the wind. This way, he could see how the bamboo moved. Sure, he almost fell over a couple of times, but to him, it was all worth it.


One day in winter, it started to snow. All the other villagers were inside their homes, staying warm. But of course, there Wen Tong was, outside in his bamboo
garden. He had to study the bamboo! He wanted to see the snow on the bamboo. This way, he could see how the ice sat on the leaves. Sure, he was very, very cold, but to him, it was all worth it.

After many, many days just like these, he memorized all there was to know about bamboo. He knew what frozen bamboo looked like. He knew what burnt bamboo looked like. He knew what newly planted bamboo looked like. He knew what dying bamboo looked like. He knew what bamboo looked like in all seasons, in all weather, and at all ages.

So when it was time to paint, he remembered everything he had seen. He knew the bamboo so well that one of his friends said, “When Wen Tong draws bamboo, he has its image in his mind.”

The End

In modern Chinese, you can say that someone has an image of bamboo in his or her mind. This means that
the person plans ahead, just like Wen Tong planned ahead by always going outside to study his bamboo. Although it was inconvenient at the time, studying the bamboo meant that he could later create amazing paintings.

Question: Are you planning ahead for anything right now? What are you planning ahead for?


bamboo n. 竹子; 竹竿; 竹木家私
bounce v. 跳,反弹; 短促地动; 拒付,退票; 弹跳; 使弹起; 上下晃动
worth prep. 恰当于……代价,具有……价值
humid adj. 湿润的; 湿润的; 湿气重的
detail n. 细节,概况
super adv. (口)特大的,极好的,顶呱呱的
memorize v. 记住,熟记

He went outside to his bamboo garden, come rain or shine! 他走到竹园中,风雨无阻。come rain or shine为习语,标明风雨无阻。

he memorized all there was to know about bamboo. 他记住一切关于竹子的常识。all 为本句宾语,标明悉数作业,there was to know about bamboo为润饰all的定语从句,标明客观所存在的一切关于竹子的(常识)。



原价¥399 限时特惠 ¥180


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: