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对牛鼓簧:playing the pinao to the cow(or cattle 、ox);
顺手牵羊:lead away the sheep by the way;
杀鸡儆猴:beat/kill the chicken in front of the m;
人财两空:the hen has flown away and the eggs are broken;
狗急跳墙:a dog will leap over a wall in desperation;
回眸一笑: look back and flash a smile at sb=====return your gaze with a smile;
抓耳挠腮: scratch one's ears and cheeks in embarrassment;
瞎子摸象: a blind man feels and touch an elephant;
卧薪尝胆: liya is dancing after hearing nick crowed(crowed like a rooster);
笑里藏刀:hide a dagger in a smile;
哭笑不得:dont know whether to cry or to laugh;
畅怀大笑/捧腹大笑:belly laugh、 double up with laughter;
一箭双雕:kill two birds with one arrow;
eyes grow round with delight at the sight of money.
指手划脚:lift one's
eyebrows and wink as signals to sb
捧首痛哭:hug and cry on each other's shoulder;????