
  • A+

1. department store 百货商铺

2. ware sth. inside out 把…穿反了

3. death toll 去世人数

4. rock and mud slides 泥石流

5. golden window 救
援黄金时刻即灾后72小时6. mental trauma 精力伤口

7. plague prevention 疫情防控8. 地震灾区: the earthquake-hit area the quake-stricken area the scene of the disaster

9. 哪里发生了地震:an earthquake hit/jolted/struck+地址

10. 震级的表达: a magnitude-数字a 5-magnitude earthquake a magnitude-5 earthquake

11. 表达“我不理解,不了解”: It's beyond me. It's over my head. I'm in the dark.

12. a battery of 一批,一群,一系列,所接名词有相同的特征。

13. medium height 中等个头14. well-built 体魄健美的15. absent-minded 心猿意马的16. introverted 内向的extroverted 外向的 easy-going 和顺的,和蔼可亲的

wrap up 把…包起来;wrap up the books and mail them out .结束, 结束;The president wrapped up a three-day trip to Chinese.

18. The Belt and Road 一带一路。 缩写为B&R

19. work our bodies out to exhaustion.疲倦不堪地作业。

20. How to get a six-pack? 六块腹肌Aerobics exercise 有氧运动 push-ups 俯卧撑;sit-ups 仰起坐; pull-ups 引体向上;

21. I'm down and out. 我贫穷失落

22. cannot put one's finger on sth. 搞不理解,一头雾水,毫无条理。eg. I still cannot put my finger on who wrote me
that card.

23. like gold dust 描述某物难找,抢手。eg. Skilled workers are like gold dust in the engineering industry.

24. have a thing for sb. 喜爱。eg. I think he has a thing for you.

25. live life as fully as possible.

26. Here's the thing 这样吧。eg. Ok, here's the thing–let's.meet at 4 p.m. What do you say?

27. on the sly 悄然地,隐秘地。 eg. They have been seeing each other on the sly.

28. revise for 温习,温习。

29. too spineless and too stupid.又怂又蠢。

30. give me a thumbs up. 给我点赞。

31. soul mate 魂灵伴侣

32. unrequited love/ unrequited passion 单牵挂33. in a love triangle with sb 三角恋

34. 收购: merger; acquisition; takeover; buyout ;并购: mergers & acquisition 简称M & A

35. Not a single fuck was given.( I don't give a fuck. ) 我不在乎。

36. second choice / back up 备胎

37. love affair 风流风雅之事

38. 曝光: go official; be exposed; produce
a stream of exposures of sth.

39. love-struck 痴情的,颠三倒四

40. trading company 生意公司

41. the policy of reform and opening 变革翻开方针42. common interest 一起利益; common prosperity 一起昌盛殷实

43. profile photo; my profile 头像

44. trusting 简略信赖的,轻信的。I'm a trusting person.我很情愿信赖别人。

45. lineal 直系的; collateral 旁系的;collateral evidence 旁证; collateral relatives 旁系亲属。

46. get up: prepare for.get up a party for the newcomers.

47. 直升飞机: chopper/ helicopter.

48. severe torture 酷刑拷打; suffer the torture 受浪费; eg. She suffered the torture of toothache.

49. cheap and nasty 物贱卖劣的; cheap and cheerful 物美价廉的。

50. permanent committee/ standing committee 常务委员会; permanent member 常任理事国。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: