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立夏 始于每年阳历的5月5日前后。立夏标志着时节的变换,是阴历夏日初步的日子。此时,我国大有些区域气温显着升高,农作物进入生长旺季。


立夏的英文是 “The Beginning of Summer”, 咱们二十四节气中,夏天的节气有5个,除了“立夏”,还有 “小满”、“芒种”、“夏至”、“小暑”、“大暑”。


立夏:Beginning of summer

小满:Grain buds

芒种:Grain in ear

夏至:Summer Solstice

小暑:Slight Heat

大暑:Great Heat





The start of Summer was established in the end of the Warring States Period (239 BC), heralding the change of seasons and the beginning of summer.

If, in fact, according to standard of climatology, daily average temperature stable shengda more than 22 ℃ for the summer, before, during and after the "summer"
in our country only fuzhou to nanling region south of a line is the real "green thick overcast summer long, number crunchers reflection into the pond" in the summer, and the northeast and northwest parts of this is just coming into the spring, the average temperature in most parts of the country in 18 ~ 20 ℃ Next, it is "all kinds of red purple fight fangfei" mid-spring and late spring season. In May, locust flowers are blooming in many places. At the beginning of summer, everything is lush.




Since the start of Summer, the rainy season has officially started, with significantly more rainfall and rain days. Summer is the best season for many crops to flourish, with plenty of light and
temperature and plenty of rain providing the conditions plants need.


1.吃蛋(Eat people)




In the folk, there is a saying, "Eat eggs at the start of summer, and stones will be trampled down", which means that people will be strong if they eat eggs at the start of summer.

The ancients believed that eating eggs on summer days could help them prepare children for summer diseases. Eating eggs on summer days can help them prepare children for summer diseases. It is usually in the April of the lunar calendar. "April eggs are
cheap as dishes". People boil eggs in the leftover "seven family tea" to make "tea eggs". Later, people improved the cooking method and added fennel, meat gravy, cinnamon and minced ginger to "Qijia Tea". Since then, tea eggs have become one of the traditional snacks in China instead of the food for the start of Summer.

2.秤人(Libra people)




Ancient poem cloud: "The start of summer scales the weight of people, the scale hanging beam laugh baijiu bestie.

The custom of "weighing people" on the day of Start of Summer is mainly popular in southern China and originated in The Three Kingdoms Period. It is said that after weighing yourself on this day, you will not be afraid of the summer heat and will not lose weight, otherwise you will be plagued by disease. After the start of summer, a large scale was hung on the beam, and adults hung their weight by the hook with both hands and on their feet. Weighing children on a wicker basket or a stool hanging on a scale hook can help them prevent summer fever. If you gain weight, it is called "fattening", and if you lose weight, it is called "eliminating meat".


1.浙江区域立夏必吃“七家粥”(Seven porridge)



Also called drinking "seven family tea". Qijia congee is a big pot of congee, which is shared by the whole family, with rice from the neighboring families, mixed with beans and brown sugar. The seven Families bring their own freshly baked tea, mix it, cook it or brew it into a big pot of tea, and drink it together.

2.姑苏当地有“立夏见三新”(The beginning of summer sees three new things)



"San Xin" refers to newly ripe cherries, green plums and wheat. At the same time, suzhou also eats sea lions, gluten, white bamboo shoots, shepherd's purse, salted duck eggs and green broad beans on the day of Start of Summer.

3.无锡民间历来有“立夏尝三鲜”(Taste three delicacies in summer)



Three fresh land, three fresh trees, three fresh water. Three fresh ground namely broad bean, amaranth, cucumber; Tree three fresh namely cherry, loquat, apricot; Water three delicacies namely sea lions, puffer fish, shad.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: