
  • A+



1.A) People instinctively seek nature in different ways.

解析:第一段最终一句直接给出要害词profound belief, whether 引导的从句对应对案中的instinctively

2.D) Things that are purchased.

解析:第二段最终一句,what is best对应标题中的prefer, that is to say作为暗示直接引出之后的things that can be bought,选择D

3.B) More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.


4.D) are less likely to be involved in bullying


5.B) Provide more green spaces for them.


6.B) They enjoy a life of better quality.


7.C) access to nature contributes to the reduction of violence

解析:十一段引文中can reduce violent behavior,直接对应C选项


解析:题干是有关我们差错观念的疑问,找到倒数第三段的要害段error引导的内容,再对应到humanity and the natural world,得出separated(照抄原文separable与can重复,separable本身词义即可以别离的)

9.the wild world

解析:最终一段第二句直接射中题干,照抄the wild world即可。

10. harmony




W: This is one of our best and least expensive two-bedroom listings. It’s located in a quiet building and is close to bus lines.

M: That may be true, but look at it, it’s awful. The paint has peeled off and the carpet is worn and the stove is ancient.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


M: The pictures we took at the Botanical Garden should be ready tomorrow.

W: I can’t wait to see them. I’m wondering if the shots I took is as good as I thought.

Q: What is the woman eager to know?


W: The handle of the bookcase is broken. Can you have it fixed by next Tuesday?

M: Let me see. I need to find a handle that matches, but that shouldn’t take too long.

Q: What does the man mean?


M: This truck looks like what I need but I’m worried about maintenance. For us, it will have to operate for long periods of time in very cold temperatures.

W: We have several models that especially adapted for extreme conditions. Would you like to see them?

Q: What’s the man’s demand from the conversation?

Q15.M: I think your boss will be very upset when he gets your letter of resignation.

W: That may be so. But in the letter, I just told him frankly I could no longer live with his poor management and stupid decisions.

Q: What do we learn about the woman?

Q16.W: I’d like to exchange the shirt. I’ve learned the person I bought it for is allergic to wool.

M: maybe we can find something in cotton or silk. Please come this way.

Q: What does the woman want to do?

Q17.M: Excuse me Miss, did anyone happen to turn in a new hand bag? You know it’s a birthday gift for my wife.

W: Let me see. Oh, we’ve got quite a lot of women’s bags here. Can you give me more detailed information, such as its color, the size and the trade mark?

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

Q18.W: What’re you going to do with the old house you inherited from your grandfather?

M: I once intended to sell it. But now I’m thinking of turning it into a guest house, because it’s still a solid structure.

Q: What does the man plan to do with his old house?


11. D she enjoys staying in Washington

12. D the director’s opinion of her work

13. C avoid excessive physical training

14. C whether she can travel by air

15. C the woman had violated traffic regulations

16. B have someone repair the refrigerator

17. C he can finally do what he has dreamed of

18. D she got hurt in an accident yesterday


19. What do we learn about the woman?

【答案】D She was a witness to the crime.

【解析】文中男人需要女士描绘一下掠取银行的人(describe the man who robbed the bank)。选项中B说到了robbery,可是对话中没有阐明女士是受害者(victim);D选项说到了她目睹了某个违法经过,robbery显着是crime的一种。

20. What did the suspect look like?

【答案】A A tall man with dark hair and a moustache.

【解析】原文中说到The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache.,对应选项A。

21. What did the man finally asked the woman to do?

【答案】A Identify the suspect from pictures.

【解析】对话结束处,男人需求女士look at some photographs,很显着,他的意图是让女士经过相片来区分嫌疑人。因而选择A。

22. How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?

【答案】A By reading a newspaper ad.

【解析】 job vacancy指空缺的职位。在对话一初步,女士就说到她的意图:I’m calling about the job that was in the paper last night.从这句话中可以看出她得知职位信息的来历是the paper last night,对应A选项。

23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?

【答案】B She could work close to her family.

【解析】本题要害词是appealing,意为致使快乐喜爱的。女士说到她喜爱这份作业的缘由是be near to the family.,close是near的同义替换词,因而选择B选项。

24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?

Working as a secretary.

【解析】女士说到她在日内瓦做了一些secretarial work,也就是选项C中的secretary。尽管她也说到之前在大学学习,可是她获得的学位是a degree in English,而非选项D中的a degree in French.

25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?

【答案】C Send in a written application as soon as possible.

【解析】对话中女士期望得到面试机缘,可是男人需求先要递送书面请求(reply a writing to the advertisement),并不是一切人都能得到面试机缘,因而选择答案C。


26 Why do some children trapped in a burning building hide from masked fire fighters?

【解析】D) They mistake the firefighters for monsters.

细节题,从初步when children catch a glimpse of the masked fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster一句中便可得出因为不了解消防人员戴面具的形象,孩子们认为来救援的消防人员是怪兽,所以躲起来。所以选D。其他选项文中都没有触及到。

27 What does the passage tell us about fire fighter Eric Velez?

【解析】B) He often teaches children what to do during a fire.

本篇文章大篇幅讲的是Eric Velez给社区里的孩子说明消防常识,让他们了解消防人员及消防东西的进程。选项A,put out fire尽管是Eric Velez的作业,可是这篇文章要点不是在其消防员救活这个作业上,C、D选项很简略就可以打扫。所以选B。

28 What do we learn about Pete Gentry?

【解析】A) He saved the life of his brother choking on

细节题,从Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food一句便可得出答案,文章中关于Pete Gentry的首要信息就是他救了噎着食物的弟弟。所以选A。做题时必定要把人名及其所做的事精确对应起来。

29 What message is the speaker trying to convey?

【解析】D) Informative speeches can save lives.


30 C) To make money for early retirement.

本题查询缘由,问为啥我们喜爱比照苛求但收入较高的作业,其实听力一初步就用in order to 给出了缘由,即:retire early,所以选C项。

31 A) They may have to continue to work in old age.

本题查询成果,问只为当下而活的人面临着啥风险,从“The earlier neglect of saving, however, makes it difficult not to work when you are older.”中可以看出A是正确选项,及在年迈时有可以不得不持续作业。

32 B) Enjoying yourself while you can.

本课查询文章作者的情绪,从 “Postponing doing what you love and being with people you love until retirement can be a mistake.”中可以看出,作者认为想等到退休后再做自个想做的作业以及和自个喜爱的人在一同可所以一种差错,所以选B,即趁着自个还可以的时分要懂得享受日子。

33.C)Innocent people being suspected groundlessly。

34.D)Allowing only two students to enter at a time。

35.B)He was closely watched。

听力 Section C复合式听写SectionC(恩波版)

36. preserve 37. appreciate 38. households 39. chat

40. convenient 41. rates 42. receive 43. submit

44. They are also sharing information about concerts, sports events, or jokes and philosophy of life

45. A handwritten note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts

46. This writing practice brings rewards that cannot be seen in bank account

参阅答案(细心阅览Section A)(沪江网校)

47. M) raised

48. L) psychological

49. E) contributions

50. A) abilities

51. B) achieve

52. N) smart

53. I) extent

54. J) indicates

55. G) essentially

56. H) eventually

47. raise在这儿的意思是“抚育”,the environment in which you were raised 意思是“你生长的环境”。

48. "psychological activity"意思是“心思活动”,全句意思是“研讨基因和外部环境如何彼此作用影响人心思活动的学科被称为行为遗传学”。

49. “make contributions to”为固定分配,意为“为……做奉献”。

50. “ability to …”意思是“做某事的才能”,在此处,全句意思是“任何一篇声称人类做出氖亟谫动的才能是根据生物学的研讨都是有争议的”。

51. "limitations to what you can achieve"意思是“对你所能抵达的水平的捆绑”。

52. 此处需填一个描述词,而且用来描述人,根据题意,smart契合题意,标明“机伶,心爱”。

53. 此处填extent,首要是因为后边有to,“to the extent …”译为“……的程度”。

54. indicate 意思是“标明,闪现”。全句意为“越来越多的科学(表象)标明基因对人类许多特征有基础作用”。

55. essentially 的意思是“实践上,本质衫淠全句意为“从这个视点来讲,人一出世,本质上就像是还没洗出来的相片:相现已照了,可是究竟会呈现多少就在于显影的进程了”。

56. eventually 副词,意思是“究竟,最终”。

细心阅览: (新东方版)











参阅答案(完形填空) 答案及解析:(沪江版)

67. D came out 标明出书,发布,这儿标明陈述的发布。

68. C less 根据上下文可知这儿说的是都市人员的增加,偏重之前的少和如今的多,所以用少于更适合。less than:少于,不到。

69. D by 在这儿标明截止到某时刻中止。

70. A almost 几乎,将近,对前面的说明,阐明人员有多少。

71. B developed 根据上下辞意思,以及后文相对的developing world可知大约是兴隆国家,即:developed countries。

72. C growth 细心阅览的话可以发现下文就有答案,这儿讲的是都市人员的增加,所以用growth。

73. B lead lead to标明致使,通向,本段末也有呈现过,在这儿是说都市化有助于社会和经济的前进。

74. A pressure 从下文的描绘可以看出过快的都市化也给城市带来了无量压力,所以选pressure。

75. B services 效能,城市为我们供给住所和效能。

76. B into 介词选择,move into 移入,迁入;固定分配。

77. C driven 标明推进,驱动,driven by 由…驱动,由啥缘由致使的。

78. C wealth 财富;social division and differences in wealth 社会分化和财富上的间隔。

79. C unless 除非,这儿说的是除非城市方案非常好,否则各有些财富分配不均的局势将可致使使违法疑问。

80. D expand 指扩展, expand into rural areas 扩展到村庄区域。

81. C at at a much faster rate 以更快的速度,固定分配

82. C common 标明某作业很广泛,往常。从下文的across America可知这种情况很广泛很常见。

83. A major major cities,大城市,与后文中的smaller cities构成比照

84. D trend 趋势,这儿是对前面情况的归纳,a trend toward de-urbanization 标明一种逆城市化的打开趋势。

85. C but 标明转机,说城市仍是有本身利益的,与前面的“逆城市化”构成转机联络。

86. B possibilities 可以性,这儿标明城市仍然可以供给村庄所不能供给的机缘和可以性。


87.___________________(为了保证他参加会议),I called him up in advance.

解析:In order to ensure him to attend the meeting

To ensure his attendance at the meeting

【规划分析】本题语句的骨干 “I called him up in advance”现已给出,无需翻译,需要翻译有些为“为了保证他能参加会议”。该有些在语句中作意图状语

【考点说明】本题查询是意图状语。①意图状语可以由to/in order to来引导。②保证 ensure sb to do 保证或人做某事,ensure sth 保证某事


88.The significant museum________________(传闻建成于)about a hundred years ago.

解析:is said to have been built

【规划分析】本题语句的主语为the significant museum,缺谓语,即(传闻建成于)

about a hundred years ago为时刻状语。

【考点说明】本题要点查询:①被逼语态。主语museum与动词build之间为被逼联络; 且bulid这一动作发生在曩昔。②传闻 be said to;be said to+ 动词不定式的结束时,标明不定式标明的动作现已结束。


89.There would be no life on earth ____________________ (没有地球一起的环境)。

解析: without its unique environment

but for its unique environment

【规划分析】本题语句富含There be规划。骨干无缺,there主语,would be 谓语,no life 表语,on earth 地址状语

【考点说明】本题要点查询:①without的用法 without 是介词,后接名词;一起,标明“没有”,除without外,还可用but for;②单词拼写 unique adj.一起;environment n.环境 ③当名词重复呈现时,可恰当运用代词,避免重复。


90.______________________________(给游客形象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.

解析:What impressed the tourists most

【规划分析】本题语句为主系表规划,主语即查询有些,was 系动词,剩下有些为表语。

【考点说明】本题要点查询①what引导的主语从句;what可引导语句充当主语;②impress用法 给…留下形象 impress sb;③最高档的用法most;联系考点②③,可推出“给…形象最深”为impress sb most


91.They requested that ___________________________ (我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday.

解析:books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library

I (should) return the book I borrowed to the library

【规划分析】本题语句的骨干有些别离是they 主语,request 谓语,后接that引导的宾语从句。

【考点说明】①request的用法。request v. 需求;当request标明“需求”时,引导的宾语从句要运用虚拟口气,即(should)+ 动词原形。②定语从句。“我借的书”, the book (that) I borrowed;③单词的拼写。偿还 return,借 borrow,图书馆 library ④本题就此题供给了两个版另外答案,但在标明“规则,规则”时,被逼语态更为常用。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: