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托福口语中的Task 4是一切标题傍边的一个很大的难点,也是托福培训和托福英语学习进程傍边的一个要点。标题触及的学术规模首要都是与留学的有关类别,分为生物、心思学和商场推广三品种型。包括的规模首要包括生命科学(Life Science)、社会科学(Social Science)、天然科学(Physical Science)和人文科学(Humanity)。许多考生在考试傍边第四题老是在有限的时刻之内答不完,或许看不理解reading passage,甚至是找不到reading和listening之间的相关,下面留学360金牌留学参谋教师就来带我们晓得一下第四题的高分答题规划和答题技巧。

首要,在第四题的reading有些呢,咱们最重要也是仅有的主旨就是要找到标题中给出的学术论题的definition,Official Guide里边是这样描绘阅览的意义的:Reading passage broadly defines a term, process, or idea from an academic subject。那么这个界说咱们要怎么找呢,因为托福考试傍边只需45S的阅览时刻,咱们只需要用信号词寻找的办法找到具有界说的那句话而且吵在草稿纸上就可以了。


……(Definition)is known as ……

……(Definition) is called ……

……(Definition) is often referred to as ……

…… is a form of (Definition)……

…… is a term used to describe (Definition)……

……occurs when (Definition)……

One way……(Definition) is by ……


第四题其实也是对将来的留学日子傍边最有协助的一道标题,Official Guide里边对听力的描绘是An excerpt from a lecture provides examples and specific information to illustrate the term, process, or idea from the reading passage。也就是说听力有些是讲课傍边的一处节选,供给了阅览有些中关于学术论题界说的举例阐明。因而在听力傍边,考生只需要听到教授举出的一个或两个比方而且与阅览傍边的界说做一个连接就可以了。听力傍边的比方根柢上都是与咱们的日后世昆裔息有关,因而用词文法较为简略,考生不必忧虑听不理解的情况。在听懂比方的条件下需要顺次序记下作业打开的要害词。



Work in isolation from other artists = Kept his work completely private.

Outsider artists must invent their own ways of doing things you notice how unique it is and not at all like traditional art . = It doesn‘t remind you of anything you’ve ever seen before. It‘s very much his own.

这两句话均出自TPO11,阅览当顶用isolation和unique这些词来描述outsider artists的作品个性,听力傍边又用private和very much his own这些表达方法来描述Henry Darger的作品,不一样的词组和单词,可是是相同的意思。

另外就是点对面的方法,By observing the results, or consequences, of another’s behavior, people tend to imitate the behavior of another when they see that it leads to a desirable consequence---hoping to repeat it for themselves. = The sister starts crying and screaming and mom buys the girl the toy. The little brother is there and he is watching all this. What do you think he is going to start doing when he wants something from Mom? He will probably cr
y and scream. If the girl was punished to be forbidden to watch her favorite TV program, the boy will not do that next time because the result us undesirable.

TPO 19的这道题在阅览傍边描述social learning界说是我们会根据调查别人所干作业的成果的合意程度来抉择要不要仿照这种做法,而听力傍边有举出了一个姐弟和母亲去超市的比方,假定姐姐的哭闹可以得到想买的玩具,弟弟将来就会仿照;假定姐姐没有得到玩具,还被捆绑了看最喜爱的电视节目,弟弟就不会仿照。




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: