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Unit 1(13个单词)




英 [?d??gl?(r)] / n.杂耍扮演者

The juggler performed her tricks.(这个变戏法的人作了一番扮演。)


英 [d?z] / v.做;干

What does she look like?(她看起来啥姿势?)


英 [?ti:t??(r)] / n.教师

I''m a teache.(我是一名教师。)


英 [?d??gl] / v.杂耍

I can''t juggle.(我不会玩杂耍。)


英 [?d?kt?(r)] / n.医生

I want to be a doctor in the doctor.(我想将来变成一名医生。)


英 [vet] / n.兽医

Ah, you are a vet!(你是兽


英 [?fɑ:m?(r)] / n.农人

The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.(老农在长时刻辛苦耕耘今后歇息了一会儿。)


英 [p??li:sm?n] / n.差人

The policeman has caught the murderer alive.(差人已缉捕到凶手。)


英 [n?:s] / n.护士

I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护士。)

·bus driver

英 [b?s ?draiv?] / n.公交车司机

I want to be a bus driver.(我想当一名公共轿车司机。)


英 [?s???(r)] / n.歌手;歌唱家

She used to be a singer of some renown.(她曾是位小有名望的歌手。)


英 [?w?:k?(r)] / n.职工,工人

The worker was ready to work.(工人预备好作业了。)



英 [ti:t?] / v.教;教育

It feels rewarding to teach young children.(教成人子们感触很是很有收成的。)

Unit 2(17个单词)




英 [si:] / v.看见;看到

See you tomorrow!(明日见。)


英 [?skw?r?l] / n.松鼠

The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.(松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。)


英 [b?ld] / v.缔造;建筑

A monument will be erected in this town.(该城市将缔造一座留念碑。)


英 [si:d] / n.籽;种籽

Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.(春天把种子播在地里。)


英 [li:f] / n.叶片;叶子

These trees come into leaf in February.(这些树二月里长叶子。)


英 [?p?nd?] / n.熊猫

It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda''s staple diet.(竹笋是熊猫的首要食物,这是人所共知的。)


英 [?r?b?t] / n.兔

I have a rabbit.(我有一只兔子。)


英 [l?v] / 居住,日子

Fish live in the water.(鱼日子在水里。)


英 [h??l] / n.洞;穴

The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree.(啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。)


英 [grɑ:s] / n.草

Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花。)


英 [?ta?g?(r)] / n.虎

It''s a tiger.(这是一只山君。)


英 [?lep?d] / n.豹

It''s a leopard.(它是一头豹子。)


英 [?i:p] / n.绵羊

Sheep are raised to produce


英 [ka?] / n.牛

A mature cow has horns.(成年奶牛有犄角。)


英 [d???rɑ:f] / n.长颈鹿

This is the giraffe.(这是一只长颈鹿。)


英 [?k??g??ru:] / n.袋鼠

The kangaroo is a native of Australia.(袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物。)


英 [?la??n] / n.狮子

The lion roared once, and sprang.(狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。)

Unit 3(18个单词)




英 [tu:] / adv.太;过于

The box is too small for him to sit in.(这个盒子太小了,它坐不下。)


英 [?k?spens?v] / adj.贵;名贵

The are so expensive! I can''t buy them!(天哪,这么贵啊!我可买不起!)


英 [sk?:t] / n.裙子

I like your skirt.(我喜爱你的裙子。)


英 [kl??ez] / n.衣裳;服装

I have already started knitting baby clothes.(我现已初步给宝宝织衣裳了。)


英 [t?i:p] / adj.廉价

They served breakfast all day and sold it cheap.(他们全天供给早餐,而且代价公正。)


英 [?eni] / adj.一些;少量

Ask me if you have any question.(假定你有疑问就问我。)


英 [''?u:z] / n.鞋

You should wear your sports shoes.(你大约穿运动鞋。)


英 [pe?(r)] / n.一双;一条;一对

This is a pair of spectacles for nearsighted persons.(这是一副近视眼镜。)


英 [?tra?z?z] / n.长裤

She wears a pair of white trousers.(她穿戴一条白裤子。)


英 [sa?z] / n.标准;尺码

It was made in the size of the clothes.(这是照那件衣裳的原标准而缝制的。)


英 [k?p] / n.(有帽舌的)便帽

Police wear a blue cap when on duty.(差人在执勤的时分戴着蓝帽子。)


英 [dres] / n.连衣裙

Look at my dress.(看我的连衣裙。)


英 [k??t] / n.外套

She wore a thick coat to keep warm in the winter.(大冬天她穿了一件厚外套来保暖。)


英 [?swet?(r)] / n.毛衣

She wears a yellow sweater.(她穿了一件黄色的毛衣。)


英 [?d??k?t] / n.夹克

My brown jacket is very expensive.(我的棕色夹克非常贵。)


英 [d?i:nz] / n.牛仔裤

Your jeans are in the wash.(你的牛仔裤还在洗着呢。)


英 [??:ts] / n.短裤

I like your shorts.(我喜爱你的短裤。)


英 [s?ndlz] / n.凉鞋

I want to buy a pair of green sandals.(我想买一双绿色的凉鞋。)

Unit 4(12个单词)




英 [we?(r)] / adv.哪里

Do you know where we are?(你晓得咱们在哪里吗?)


英 [h??(r)] / n.这儿

The map says that there is treasure here.(地图闪现这儿有瑰宝。)


英 [b??ha?nd] / prep.在……后边

Bad people should be standing behind here.(坏人大约站在这后边。)


英 [?s??f?] / n.沙发

Your sofa is so nice!(你的沙发真秀丽!)


英 [??nd?(r)] / prep.在……下面

This cat fell asleep under the desk.(这只猫在桌子底下睡着了。)


英 [?n] / prep.在……里边

Why are you hiding in the box?(你藏在箱子里干嘛呀?)


英 [bed] / n.床

On the bed?(在床上?)


英 [?w?:dr??b] / n.衣柜

All the shirts hang together in the same wardrobe.(一切的衬衣都挂在同一个衣橱里。)


英 [?n] / prep.在……上面

All of my textbooks are on my desk.(我一切的讲义都在书桌上。)

·in front of

英 [in fr?nt ?v] / 在……前面

We dried our clothes in front of the fire.(咱们在火前烘干了衣裳。)

·next to

英 [nekst tu:] / 在……近旁;紧邻

Canada is next to the United States.(加拿大与美国接壤。)


英 [?b?k?elf] / n.书架

He keeps many books on his bookshelf.(他的书架上一向有许多书。)

Unit 5(19个单词)




英 [ta?n] / n.乡镇

I grew up in a seaside town.(我在一个海边小镇长大。)


英 [m?p] / n.地图

All we had to do was follow the map.(咱们所要做的就是依照地图走。)


英 [n??(r)] / adv.接近;在……邻近

The ball rolled so near the hole,it almost fell in.(这个球滚到离洞很近的当地,差一点就进了。)

·train station

英 [trein ?stei??n] / n.火车站

This is a train station.(这是一个火车站。)


英 [zu:] / n.动物园

She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)


英 [pɑ:k] / n.公园

I''m going to the park.(我要去公园。)

·go straight

英 [ɡ?u streit] / v.直行

I''ll go straight there.(我会直接去哪儿。)


英 [t?:n] / v.转弯

The sign is telling us to turn right.(这个标志标明车辆在路口可以右转。)


英 [left] / n.左

In Britain cars drive on the left.(在英国,轿车靠左行进。)


英 [ra?t] / n.右

You can use green marks under right answers.(你可以在正确答案下面用绿色符号。)


英 [?t??l?t] / n.厕所;清洁间

The boy is cleaning the toilet.(那个男孩正在打扫厕所。)

·post office

英 [p?ust ??fis] / n.邮局

I need to go to the post office to send this letter to my pen pal.(我要去邮局把这封信寄给我的笔友。)


英 [?su:p?mɑ:k?t] / n.超市

We''re going to the supermarket!(咱们要去超市!)


英 [?s?n?m?] / n.影片院

The cinema is always filled to capacity.(影片院常常客满。)


英 [le?k] / n.湖泊

The lake is hidden among the mountains.(胡泊邻近群山环绕。)


英 [stri:t] / n.大街

There are no people on the street at night.(到了晚上,街上就空无一人。)

·bus stop

英 [b?s st?p] / n.公交车站

They waited at a bus stop.(他们在一个公共轿车站等车。)


英 [?h?sp?tl] / n.医院

I''m going to the hospital.(我要去医院。)


英 [?la?br?ri] / n.图书馆

The one student are looking for some books in the libray.(一个学生正在图书馆里找一些书。)




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: