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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/13 19:00 英语辅导报



  为叙述方便,今年的高考题用“nmet+原题号”表示,《英语辅导报》(高三版)(2002—2003学年1—52期)上的“雷同题”用“ecp+期别+版面”表示,答案用黑体字表示。有些是在知识点讲解或can i help you栏目中出现的,句尾加三个*号。



  1.nmet21: don’t be afraid of asking for help _______ it is needed.

  a.unless b.since c.although d.when

  ecp2,3: people in the country get lots of exercise _______ they work in the fields.


  ecp11,3:when he was having his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring.***

  ecp21,5:she would go to see the crown jewels in the tower of london _______ we went shopping.

  a.during b.when c.since d.before

  ecp22,6: _______ i came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.

  a.while b.when c.once d.since

  ecp28,6:as we have planned, we’ll go to beijing to attend her sister’s wedding party.we’ll also visit our mother school _______ we go there.

  a.unless b.when c.once d.even if

  ecp31,6: _______ he left school at fourteen,he began to train as an engineer.

  a.since b.when c.then d.but

  2.nmet22:a cook will be immediately fired if he is found _______ in the kichen.

  a.smoke b.smoking c.to smoke d.smoked

  ecp43,2:the next morning she found the man _______ in bed, dead.

  a.lying b.lie c.lay d.laying

  ecp4,3:i found a book _______ with somebody’s name _______with the back cover _______ off.

  a.marking; lying; torn

  b.marked; lain; tearing

  c.marked; lying; torn

  d.marking; laying;tearing

  ecp9,6:he was found _______ (sit)on the ground, _______ ( read).


  ecp9,3:she was found _______ (lie ) on the floor, with her eyes closed.***(答案为lying)

  3.nmet23:allen had to call a taxi because the box was _______ to carry all the way home.

  a.much too heavy b.too much heavy

  c.heavy too much d.too heavy much

  ecp34,3:—i like this kind of coat.***(高二)

  —oh,i am afraid it may be _______ expensive.

  a.too much b.much too

  ecp34,3: i am much too tired to go out.***(高二)

  4.nmet24:—sorry , joe. i didn’t mean to...

  —don’t call me“joe”. i’m mr parker to you,and ______ you forget it!

  a.do b.didn’t c.did d.don’t

  ecp29,2:—who is jerry cooper?

  —_______ ?i saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

  a.don’t you meet him yet

  b.hadn’t you met him yet

  c.didn’t you meet him yet

  d.haven’t you met him yet

  5.nmet25:if anybody calls,tell them i’m out,and ask _______ them to _______ their name and address.

  a.pass b.write c.take d.leave

  ecp11,3:if by any chance someone comes to see me,ask him to leave a _______ .

  a.message b.letter c.sentence d.notice

  6.nmet26:the sign reads“in case of _______ fire,break the glass and push _______ red button.”

  a.不填; a b.不填; the c.the; the d.a; a

  ecp11,2:—where’s jack?

  —i think he’s still in _______ bed,but he might just in _______ bathroom.

  a./; / b.the; the c.the; / d./; the

  ecp37,5:the warmth of _______ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _______ wool used.

  a.the; the b.the; / c./; the d./; /

  7.nmet27:all morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _______ .

  a.has grown b.is growing c.grew d.had grown

  ecp31,6:the recent fashion for jumping from bridges fastened to a length of elasticrope, known _______ as“bungee jumping",has now been tried by over one million people worldwide,and interest in it is continuing to _______ .

  a.add b.extend c.broader d.grow

  ecp5,6:how to feed a _______ (增长) world population of 5.7 billion is a big problem.


  ecp46,8:as disney productions _______ , its founder retained complete artistic control of the films ...

  a.grew b.enlarged c.increased d.succeeded

  ecp24,7:the population of new york _______ to over ten million, _______ it the largest city in the usa.

  a.are growing; making

  b.grew; made

  c.has grown; making

  d.grows; makes

  8.nmet28:a leftluggage office is a place where bags _______ be left for a short time,especially at a railway station.

  a.should b.can c.must d.will

  ecp43,6:if you listen to me, you _______ have some candies, deary.

  a.can b.need c.would d.must

  ecp15,6:“________ i stop here, sir?"“no. go on to the next paragraph ,please."


  ecp15,6: _______ it be true?(答案为can)

  ecp25,5:kate looked back and _______ see mr patel at the door checking through a list.

  a.would b.should c.might d.could

  9.nmet29:we’re going to the bookstore in john’s car.you can come with us ________ you can meet us there later.

  a.but b.and c.or d.then

  ecp44,3:would you like a cup of coffee or shall we get down to business right away?***

  ecp34,6:and whether early entry into international education means better nor it pushes the young to leave their family too early...


  10.nmet30:why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? it will _______ fresh for several days.

  a.be stayed b.stay c.be staying d.have stayed

  ecp36,3:it is said that the weather will _______ cold for another three or four days.

  a.get b.stay c.look d.last

  ecp47,6:it means“stay _______ ".“do not get excited".

  a.home b.away c.silent d.calm

  11.nmet31:news reports say peace talks between the two countries _______ with no agreement reached.

  a.have broken down

  b.have broken out

  c.have broken in

  d.have broken up

  ecp38,6:the plan _______ just because people were unwilling to cooperate.

  a.broke down b.pulled down c.turned down d.put down

  ecp7,1:the rocks are breaking down gradually into soil.***

  ecp7,1:mr liu said,“water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen."***

  ecp7,6:worries about her children made her health _______ .(答案为break down)

  ecp19,7:her health broke away under the pressure of work.(away改为down)

  ecp32,6:chemicals in the body _______ our food into useful substances.

  (答案为break down)

  ecp26,6: sugar is ________ in the stomach.

  (答案为broken down)

  12.nmet32:—there’s coffee and tea; you can have _______ .


  a.either b.each c.one d.it

  ecp37,6:—do you want to use the pen or the pencil?

  —oh,________ .

  a.either does well

  b.either one will do

  c.each one is good

  d.each will be fine

  ecp25,2:either of the two boys is a league member.***

  ecp12,6:i invited tom and ann to dinner, but _______ of them came.

  a.neither b.both c.either d.none

  ecp14,6:“does he live at this end of the street or that end?"“   ."

  a.no one b.none c.neither d.both

  ecp12,6: _______ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.

  a.each b.any c.many d.none

  ecp28,7:i took them _______ because i didn’t know which was the best.

  a.neither b.nobody c.no one d.all

  ecp29,6:—who should be sent there, mike or peter? i can’t decide.

  —_______ . the more, the better.

  a.all b.neither c.both d.either

  ecp50,6:—excuse me, but can you tell me which road i should take to the post office?

  —_______ of the four roads will do.

  a.any b.neither c.both d.every

  13.nmet33:—susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.

  —why _______ ? john is sitting there doing nothing.

  a.him b.be c.i d.me

  ecp28,7:he asked three of us to help her—john, mike and _______ .

  a.mine b.me c.her d.him

  14.nmet34.the old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _______ with each other.

  a.they had quarreled

  b.they have quarreled

  c.have they quarreled

  d.had they quarreled

  ecp6,7:never _______ had they seen such a thing!(答案为before)

never_______ me good advice.

  a.he gave b.do he give c.has he given d.he has given


  15.nmet36:it was one of the most _______ and tiring games i’ve ever had.

  a.encouraging b.hopeless c.surprising d.regular

  ecp2,2: i _______ when he suddenly appeared at the door.

  (答案为was taken by surprise)

  ecp20,5:what _______ me most was that the mother wasn’t _______ at the news at all _______ her son was knoched down by a car on his way to school.

  a.surprised; surprised; that

  b.surprised; surprising; which

  c.surprising; surprised; which

  d.surprising; surprised; that

  ecp24,5: ann jones is one of the most _______ people i have met.

  a.beautiful b.nice c.helpful d.interesting

  16.nmet37:when ed first phoned and _______ we play,...

  a.declared b.mentioned c.persuaded d.suggested

  ecp52,7: the instructor then _______ that we find ways to make an apology to people, or take some action to right any wrong doings.

  a.expected b.suggested c.ordered d.demanded

  ecp8,1: i suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it.***

  ecp20,6: i suggested that we _______ to the cinema.

  a.would go b.will go c.shall go d.go

  ecp8,1: jane’s pale face suggested that she _______ ill, and her parents suggested that she _______ a medical examination.

  a.be; should have b.was; have c.should be; had d.was; has

  ecp2,3: i insist that a doctor _______ immediately.

  a.has been sent for b.send for

  c.will be sent for d.be sent for

  17.nmet38: ...i laughed quietly,figuring on an _______ victory.

  a.unforgettable b.unexpected c.easy d.early

  ecp31,7:“this makes it _______ for them to open up and talk to parents about things that are worrying them, or things they are celebrating in their everyday life.

  a.easier b.funnier c.rarer d.clearer

  ecp32,8: they will create living spaces that can easy be altered by the occupants.


  18.nmet39:after all, ed’s idea of _______ has always been nothing more effor tmaking than lifting a fork to his mouth.

  a.exercise b.preparation c.joy d.fitness

  ecp2.3: children get lots of _______ by walking or riding their bicycles to school.


  19.nmet40: ed’s idea of exercise has always been nothing more _______ than lifting a fork to his mouth.

  a.timesaving b.comfortable c.suitable d.effortmaking

  ecp23,6: _______ must _______ to improve the education so as to make china a powerful country in the world.

  (答案为great effort;be made)

  ecp18,7: _______ to improve public awareness about the need to protect water resources.

  (答案为efforts will be made)

  20.nmet41: _______ i can remember, ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and strangely proud of himself.

  a.as soon as b.as long as c.when d.since

  ecp11,5:you can go wherever you like _______ you get back before dark.

  (答案为as long as)

  ecp11,3: as long as you make ruth happy i’m content.***

  ecp12,1: neither i nor any of the sailors will leave the ship so long as it remains above the surface of the sea.***

  ecp12,1:you may borrow my motorbike so/as long as you have the driving license.


  ecp12,1: so/as long as you follow my advice, you’ll do all right.***

  ecp12,5: there is no need to envy others’ success. _______ _______ _______ you work hard you’ll also be successful.

  (答案为as/so long as)

  ecp14,5:they would be very much satisfied _______ there was a room for them to stay in for the night.

  (答案为so long as)

  ecp22,5:you can go out, _______ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.

  a.as long as b.while c.as well as d.even though

  ecp23,7:—do you think we can get to our destination on time?

   —yes, _______ the car doesn’t break down.

  a.even if b.although c.though d.as long as

  21.nmet42:ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and _______ proud of


  a.strangely b.personally c.reasonably d.eagerly

  ecp25,5: they looked rather _______ because the overcoats were too big for them.

  a.strange b.young c.nervous d.excited

  22.nmet43:although the family often _______ about that.

  a.cared b.forgot c.quarreled d.joked

  ecp8,6: how could you believe him? he said that _______ (开玩笑地)?


  23.nmet44:although the family often joked about that, ed refused to buy a _______ t-shirt or to lose weight.

  a.clean b.larger c.straight d.darker

  ecp41,6:—do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?

  —yes, you couldn’t hope for _______ at this time of the year.

  a.a nice day b.a nicer day c.the nice day d.the nicest day

  ecp31,1:most believe the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks,which had been made _______ as they melted and refroze in the snow.

  a.strange b.large c.deep d.rough

  24.nmet45: so when ed _______ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also...

  a.set out b.got ready c.arrived d.returned.

  ecp10,6: she set out soon after dark _______ home an hour later.

  a.arriving b.to arrive c.having arrived d.and arrived

  25.nmet46:so when ed arrived for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly _______ .

  a.notice b.admire c.believe d.measure

  ecp29,1:—hey,look where you are going!

  —oh,i’m terribly sorry. _______ .

  a.i’m not noticing

  b.i wasn’t noticing

  c.i haven’t noticed

  d.i don’t notice

  26.nmet48: _______ ,at the point in our game when i’d have predicted the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor,...

  a.after all b.as a result c.above all d.at last

  ecp28,8: the normans also preferred cow’s milk to sheep’s milk and as a _______ there was a steady rise in the number of cows in britain, so that by the thirteenth century beef had become the country’s favourite meat.

  a.conclusion b.rule c.result d.cause

  ecp15,6: central and western regions of china will surely achieve better and faster development in the new century as a _______ of the great project.(答案为result)

  ecp28,8: as a _______ ,throughout their career together he insisted on being paid twice as much as his friend because he believed he was worth twice as much.

  a.fact b.conclusion c.matter d.result

  27.nmet49: ...it was _______ 7 to 9-and ed was leading.

  a.mistakenly b.then c.instead d.naturally

  ecp34,3: i don’t like coffee. could you please have tea instead?***

  ecp34,3: if you don’t want to go,i’ll go instead.***

  28.nmet51:we _______ to play like two mad men.

  a.pretended b.stopped c.continued d.decided

  ecp31,7: if the rapid increase in human population _______ at the present rate,there may be much greater harm.

  a.stops b.continues c.slows down d.adds to

  ecp31,7: can man’s rate of increase _______ ?

  a.continue b.exist c.fall d.keep

  29.nmet52: i was having serious _______ about staying alive until 21 years old.


  ecp6,3: i don’t _______ he will pass the college entrance examination.(答案为doubt)

  ecp24,6: there is some _______ whether he is the best man for the job.(答案为doubt)

  ecp30,8: we had a few doubt at first, but now we are very pleased.(doubt改为doubts)

  ecp20,1: it was no wonder that he (should) pass the exam.***

  ecp25,5:—li min is very bright and studies hard as well.

  —it’s no _______ he always got the first place in every examination.

  a.question b.doubt c.problem d.wonder

  30.nmet53: i was having serious doubts about staying alive until 21years old,let alone _______ that many points.

  a.scoring b.completing c.receiving d.keeping

  ecp30,3:in those days we couldn’t send our children to middle school, let alone college.***

  ecp30,3:at that time we didn’t even have time for reading newspapers,let alone participating in political activities.***

  ecp30,3:in the basketball game we won against them by the heavy score of 48 to 22.***

  31.nmet54:...both of us were lying flat..., too tired to _______ .

  a.play b.start c.sleep d.move

  ecp37,8:...in 1585, el greco _______ into a house which must have been similar to this attractive ,sixteenth century toledan house.

  a.rented b.entered c.changed d.moved

  32.nmet55: i think we both won: i the game, but cousin ed my _______ .

  a.friendship b.respect c.support d.favor

  ecp38,3: my parents are respectable people.***


  33.nmet77: the main problem was in that i always thought in chinese.(答案把in去掉)

  ecp8,6: what he insisted on is _______ whatever is wrong should be put right.


  ecp20,6: the fact is _______ computers are of great benefit to the development of science and technology.(答案为that)

  ecp20,6:the reason why i burst into tears is _______ i don’t want to part with my mother.(答案为that)

  34.nmet78:... and tried to translate anything into english.


  ecp3,3: in a word, money is something but not anything.


  ecp10,6: i showed her almost _______ we had at that time in store and found other books we could order.

  a.anything b.something c.nothing d.everything

  ecp26,7: and he will lose _______ .

  a.anything b.nothing c.something d.everything

  35.nmet79:keep my diary (答案my改为a )

  ecp2,3: would you be kind enough to send her the birthday card?(答案the改为a )

  ecp9,7: in the end, there came an announcement told us that the passengers waiting for

  flight lj108 could get the free meal and ... (答案the改为a)

  36.nmet81:soon i began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as i was learning to express me in simple english.(答案talk改为talking)

  ecp2,2:i enjoy _______ (fly)more than anything in the world.(答案为flying)

  ecp28,6: how do you enjoy _______ your weekends, fishing or watching tv?

  a.spending b.to spend c.being spent d.spend

  ecp31,6: i particularly enjoy _______ through switzerland and italy.

  a.to travel b.travelling c.to drive d.driving

  ecp2,2: i can’t imagine _______ (let) a week pass without spending some of my time in the air. (答案为letting)

  37.nmet82: i was learning to express me in simple english.(答案me改为myself)

  ecp15,6: students should observe how native speakers _______ , and how native expressions differ from the way they might say them.(答案为express themselves)

  ecp12,7:—do you think i could borrow your dictionary?

  —yes, _______ . (答案为help yourself)

  ecp34,7: if each of them learned to work for his team and not for him on the football field,...(him改为himself )

  38.nmet83:one day i wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. (答案在showed后加it)

  ecp34,6:the father finally let alfred do his research, and in 1866 he invented dynamite,that was a solid explosive,...

  he had expected to have military uses.(答案在expected后加it )

  39.nmet84:she liked it very much and reads it to the class.(答案reads改为read)

  ecp41,7:the party runs from 6 pm to 10 pm and drew more than 1,000 students.(runs改为run)

  ecp13,7: one day, i was cooking in the kitchen as the telephone rings.(答案rings改为rang)

  40.nmet85:their word were a great encouragement to me.(答案word改为words)

  ecp25,7: tears coming into my eye,i said,“thank you,..."(答案eye改为eyes)

  ecp26,7: we have two different type of memory.(答案type改为types)

  ecp52,7: but last week i found that one of my friend wrote in her english diary that she unliked me. (答案friend改为friends)

  ecp2,3: she accepted three homeless child and brought them up by hard work.(答案child改为children)

  ecp23,7: it protects prisoners of war the sick and wounded, and other citizen during a war.(答案citizen改为citizens)



  北京市将举办主题为“protecting mother earth”的中学生英语作文竞赛。你准备根据下列四幅图画写一篇“story of a tree”的英语小故事参赛。



  one possible version:

  story of a tree

  once there was a family living in a cabin under a huge tree.its strong branches and thick leaves kept the family safe from the wind and rain.some time later,they felled down the tree with an ax as they were building another cabin.they needed the wood for its walls and the branches and leaves for its roof.but before the completion of the new cabin,there came a storm.and strong winds blew away the roofs of both the old and new cabins,because the tree was no longer there to protect the place from the wind.


  假设你是王明,请根据下图所示情况,给省长(provincial leader)写封信。





  one possible version:

  july 5,2002

  dear provincial leader,

  how are you?

  in this letter i want to tell you something serious that is always happening in our area.

  nowadays,some people have been cutting down trees in the forest in order to get wood or more farmland. the forest is getting smaller and smaller. if they continue to cut down the forest,a lot of plants and animals will disappear. the weather will get hot and dry. the bald land will turn into a desert. crops will not grow there. we’ll suffer from droughts and floods. the human beings will be punished because of the forestdestroying activities.

  therefore,it is high time that we did something to protect the forest and the earth,because we have only one earth.


  wang ming








  one possible version:

  john used to send a lot of cards to his friends at new year. he didn’t stop doing this until professor smith came to give a lecture. in his speech, professor smith said that too many trees had been cut down each year, because the cards we sent widely were made from trees. the professor also said that without trees, the soil was easily washed away by rainwater, which would lead to serious floods in some areas. john was shocked at the professor’s speech and realized that it was not right to send cards. nowadays he sends his wishes to his friends by telephone or e-mail.



  guided writing

  directions:write an english composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in chinese.











  wealth and happiness

  some people think wealth can bring happiness to them.it is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor.after making money through hard work they feel very happy and satisfied.spending their money is also a kind of happiness.

  but some people believe wealth cannot bring them happiness. for example, when one gets a fortune, the family members will come and try to share the wealth with him. and afterwards,they will quarrel with one another for more, which can result in fighting and even murder.what a terrible situation!

  in my opinion, there is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in this period of emerging market economy.but we should take the proper attitude towards wealth,and never become slaves of money. remember: money is not everything.






  one possible version:

  dear bob,

  i’m so glad to learn that you’re coming in september.i’ve foudn a place for you.it’s a small flat of 25 square meters,with a bedroom,a bathroom and a kitchen.in the bedroom there is a bed,a sofa,a desk and a chair.the rent is 500 yuan per month.the flat is in a building on fangcao street,which is not far from jianxin chinese school.bus no.11 can take you straight to the school.in fact,it’s only one stop.do you thin you’d like it?if not,i can try and find another place for you.just let me know.


  li hua




   注意:1)叙述要有条理,方位要清楚。2)题目为our school。3)词数:100左右。


  one possible version:

  our school

  our school is a beautiful garden.when you come into our school,you can see there is an avenue(林阴道) leading straight to the teaching building.on both sides of the avenue there are tall trees.and on each side of it there is a flower bed,where various flowers are in bloom.

  you can see an a.v. room on your left,too.to the west of the a.v. room a threestorey building is hidden among the tall trees.that is our library.behind the teaching building is a playground,to the west of which there is a swimming pool.and in the southeast of the schoolyard you can find a big hall.

  what do you think about our school? it is a beautiful and nice place for study,isn’t it? now let me show you around our school.

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: