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英语白话复试指南:碰到不会表达的单词怎样办? 林晨陪你考研
如下几个phrase,建议大师保藏并用起来 !
过渡句一:What’s the word for it? Well, let me just say+从句
I have worked together with my partner for 3 years, and we have a lot of (默契).
I have worked together with my partner for 3 years, and we have a lot of (默契)…um.
…..What’s the word for it? Well, let me say we can read each other’s mind!
过渡句二:This word is on the tip of my togue, but let me just say that + 从句
I have worked together with my partner for 3 years, and we have a lot of (默契)…..um…this word is on the tip of my togue, but let me just say that we can read each other’s mind.
过渡句三:Well , How shall I put it? I guess +从句
I have worked together with my partner for 3 years, and we have a lot of (默契)……well, how shall I put it? I guess we can really understand each other very well.
过渡句四:How to say ? Well, let me just say that +从句
比拟前三句,这句比力好记、易懂,比力@合%62S8N%适大大%5xAu9%都@同窗利用,若是科场上想不起来词,实在直接用“How to say”句型直接过渡到同义句,也是能让考官大白的。
I have worked together with my partner for 3 years, and we have a lot
of (默契)…um…How to say? Well, let me just say that we can really understand each other.