- A+
1. See you around. 转头见。
2. I'm going to go away. 我要走了。
3. I'm afraid I must be leaving
now. 生怕我得走了。
4. I have to prepare leaving. 我得筹备走了。
5. I'm sorry I have to go now. 抱愧我得走了。
6. I gotta run. 我要走了。
7. I'm in a rush now. 我如今赶时候。
8. I really gotta be going. 我真的得走了。
9. You have to let me go. 你必需让我走。
10. I can't stay any longer, sorry. 我不克不及久留了,抱愧。
在平常糊口中,不少时辰咱们会碍于人情欠好意思直接说本身要分开,这类环境下,咱们可以说一些善意的假话(white lies), 礼貌间接地表达本身想要分开的意愿,好比咱们可以说:
1. I have to leave earlier than I thought because the traffic is really bad outside。
2. I got an emergency call from home, I must go now。
3. As I have plan for the afternoon, I'm afraid this is it。
The Big Bang Theory S504(《糊口大爆炸》第5季 第4集)
【L=Leonard P=Penny H=Howard S=Sheldon】
L: Listen, guys, I'm sorry, I don't
mean to be rude, but I need to go call Raj's sister, who I love so much. So vastly much。
P: Okay, so he's got money, and it's a few gifts and a car。
H: And she got him to pay off all her credit cards。
P: What? He paid off her credit cards? Damn it. I could've dated Raj for a couple months. But I wouldn't have, because I'm not that kind of girl. We should really talk to Raj。
H: He's not going to listen. He's in love。
S: Can't figure out what to do? I remember those days. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to… stay right here。
H: This is a bad idea. We should go。
P: No. I'm the one that introduced him to her. I've got to say something。
H: Wow。
P: You're engaged to my friend。
H: Hey, Bernadette doesn't mind where I get my motor running, as long as I park in the right garage。
Leonard发明杰拉什颇有钱,想和他有点瓜葛,因而方针就指向了他的mm,诙谐而又滑稽地表达了本身的设法。I don't mean to be rude, but I need to go……我不想失仪,但我得去……咱们日常平凡在平常交换中,便可以直接用这句话礼貌地来表达本身想分开的意愿。
I don't mean to be rude, but I need to go. 我不想失仪,可是我得走了。
1. 在符合的时候去表达本身分开的设法。在正式的场所,若是你提早分开的话,必定要找取一个符合的时候点去表达你的设法。
2. 向对方表达出你本身很享受在一块儿的韶光。I really had a pleasant evening. / I enjoyed every minute of the party。
3. 朴拙地表达本身提早分开的缘由。It's getting late. I must be going now. (天气已晚。我得走了。)/ My mom need me to be there now。(我妈妈必要我如今就到那儿。)
4. 向对方自动提出今后连结接洽。I hope I can see you again. / Let's meet more often。