边看新闻边学英语 《权力的游戏》作者弃新季剧本

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"Game of Thrones" fans get a treat each season when author George R.R.Martin pens an episode, but now they'll have to face back-to-backdisappointments.

George R.R.Martin(乔治马丁)——《冰与火之歌》的作者,亲自执笔的改编剧《权力的游戏》,他每写一集,对粉丝来说都是上好的福利。不过粉丝们
边看新闻边学英语 《权力的游戏》作者弃新季剧本插图

get a treat。treat 不只可以用作动词,标明对待或人,或许是处置某事,还可以用作名词,标明款待,款待,特另外待遇。(givesomeone something special that he or she will enjoy)

一个简略的pen非常文邹邹地表达了执笔写。(literary to write something)

back-to-back 则标明接二连三的,接连发生的。(happening one after another)

The author of the book series A Song of Ice and Fire already announced thathe wouldn't be writing an episode for the upcoming fifth season of the HBOseries.


announce 声称,声明(officially tell people about something)

upcoming 即将降临的,即将发生的(happening soon)

Martin took to his personal blog on Friday to announce that he won't bepenning an episode for "Game of Thrones" Season 6 either, saying he made thedecision so he can devote more time to finishing his book.


devote time/effort/attention on sth. 把时刻/精力/留心力倾泻在某事上( to use all or mostof your time/effort/attention in order to do sth.)

Fans know Martin has been hard at work finishing up the series' next novel,The Winds of Winter. He's so eager to finish that he's canceled appearances attwo upcoming conventions

粉丝们都理解Martin在日夜不断地尽力结束他的系列小说的下一部,《凛冬的冬风》。 由此他不得不撤消到会迩来的两次碰头会。

eager 描述词,标明热切的,盼望的(very keen and excited about something is going tohappen or you want to do)

appearance 名词,出头,参加某项公共活动(a famous person takes part in publicevent)明星们的出场费就是appearance fee

Martin has already acknowledged Season 5 will deviate from the books, andshow runners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have revealed that the show will spoilthe ending of the novels eventually.

Martin现已得知第五季将会脱离原著,而且制造人D.B. Weiss 和David Benioff也泄露说,电视剧可以会提前曝光小说的结局。

acknowledge 这儿是动词,标明得知,或许收到招认。(to let someone know that you have receivedsth. from him/her/them)

边看新闻边学英语 《权力的游戏》作者弃新季剧本插图(1)
违背或违背正在进行的某事。( to change what you are doing so that you are notfollowing an expected plan, idea or type of behavior)

show runner 指那些每天要担任往常电视接连剧运作的人。show, 扮演或许电视剧,电视节目; run 作业。

reveal 戳穿。(to make known sth. that was previously secret or unknown)

eventually 究竟地, 阅历一段很长时期或许阅历许多事的最结束局(happening at the end of a long periodof time or after a lot of other things have happened)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: