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Early childhood education in Hong Kong has become big business, attracting more entrepreneurs and increased investment in the industry. [Provided to China Daily]
Kindergartens will no longer be allowed to teach young children primary-school-level lessons, the Ministry of Education announced on Friday. Banned subjects include primary-school-level
Chinese language, mathematics and English coursework.
除了阻止幼儿园教授大学课程内容以外,教育部还提出要纠正“大学化”教育方法,幼儿园将以游戏为根柢活动(playing games will be the basic activity in kindergartens);整治“大学化”教育环境,创设翻开的、多样的区域活动空间(open and multi-purpose
areas for different activities),并配备要的契合幼儿年纪特征的玩教具、游戏材料、图像书;关于不具有幼儿园教师资历的,要敦促其参加专业技能抵偿培训并考试获得幼儿园教师资历证(teaching certificate),仍不能获得教师资历的,要期限予以调整;大学坚持零起点教育,坚决纠正在招生中面向幼儿组织大学内容的常识才能查验,或以幼儿参加有关竞赛成果及证书作为招生根据(admission to primary school should not refer to any test or contest result)。
学龄儿童 school-age children/children of school age
前期教育 early education
课外培训机构 after-school training institutions
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
超纲教育 teaching beyond the syllabus