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1.写 作 必 背 单 词 好 句
简称“新冠肺炎”,英文名为“Novel coronavirus pneumonia”,简称为“NCP”。
写 作 必 背 单 词 好 句
" 新型冠状病毒 " 用英文怎么说?
coronavirus 冠状病毒 = corona+virus 冠状+病毒
此次“新型冠状病毒”的英文是 novel coronavirus,这里的 novel 不是“小说”,而是一个形容词,表示“新型的”,比如 a novel feature(新特性)。
" 肺炎 " 用英文怎么说?
医学上肺炎为 pneumonia [nju??m??ni?]
" 人传人 " 用英文怎么说?
动物传人:from animals to humans
2019表示发现时间,nCoV代表 novel coronavirus
Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow.
Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.
Avoid going to the crowded places.
Wear surgical mask.
Practice good hand and personalhygiene.
Minimise contact with birds andanimals.
Keep the room well-ventilated.
2.中 英 文 新 闻 报 道
中 英 文 新 闻 报 道
[ 1 ]
Public Health England(英国公共卫生部,缩写为PHE)日前发布的“新型冠状病毒”预警报告↓
PHE is aware of a reported outbreak of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan City, China, and has offered advice to travellers to the area regarding this as well as the ongoing avian flu risk.
[ 2 ]
A Central China wet market known for seafood was closed on Wednesday amid a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, according to the Wuhan Evening News.
A notice posted outside the Huanan Seafood Market said that according to regulations for public health emergencies, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission's Jianghan district bureau decided to suspend the seafood market's operation to improve its environment and sanitation. The opening time will be further notified.
3.需 要 认 识 的 热 点 单 词
1. 冠状病毒 coronavirus
2. 2019新型冠状病毒 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
3. 肺炎 pneumonia
4. 病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia
5. 不明原因肺炎 pneumonia of unknown etiology/cause
6. 严重急性呼吸综合征(非典) severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
7. 严重急性呼吸道感染 severe acute respiratory infection (SARI)
8. 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
9. 中东呼吸综合征 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
10. 呼吸道疾病(呼吸系统疾病) respiratory diseases
11. 国际关注的突发公共卫生事件 (PHEIC)
Public Health Emergency of International Concern
12. 乙类传染病 Category B infectious diseases
13. 人传人 person-to-person/human-to-human transmission
14. 行走的传染源 mobile source of infection
15. 潜伏期 incubation/latent period
16. 无症状的潜伏期 silent/asymptomatic incubation period
17. 特定传染病 specific infectious disease
18. 病毒携带者 virus carrier
19. 无症状携带者 asymptomatic carrier
20. 超级传播者 super spreader
21. 飞沫传播 droplet transmission
22. 接触传播 contact transmission
23. 病毒的蔓延 spread of a virus
24. 隐性感染 covert/silent/inapparent/subclinical infection
25. 外源性感染 exogenous infection
26. 密切接触者 close contact
27. 接触者追踪 contact tracing
28. 传染途径 route of transmission
29. 传播方式 mode of transmission
30. 宿主 host
31. 易感人群 susceptible/vulnerable population
32. 医院/院内感染 nosocomial infection; hospital-acquired infection
33. 职业暴露 occupational exposure
34. 确诊病例 confirmed case
35. 疑似病例 suspected case
36. 散在病例 sporadic case
37. 输入性病例 imported case
38. 二代病例 second-generation case
39. 传染性 transmissibility; infectivity
40. 致病性 pathogenicity
41. 疫情 epidemic; outbreak
42. 疫区 affected area
43. 发病 morbidity
44. 发热病人 patients with fever; febrile patients; fever patients
45. 重症 severe case
46. 发病率 incidence rate
47. 死亡率 mortality rate
48. 病死率(致死率) fatality/mortality/death rate
49. 治愈率 recovery rate
50. 疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control
4.需 要 认 识 的 热 点 单 词
51. 监测体温 to monitor body temperature
52. 体温检测 to check body temperature
53. 早发现、早隔离 early detection and early isolation
54. 隔离治疗 to receive treatment in isolation
55. 自我隔离 to quarantine yourself in your home; self-monitored quarantine
56. 临床数据 clinical data
57. 核酸检测 nucleic acid testing (NAT)
58. 血清诊断 serodiagnosis
59. 自觉接受医学观察 to present yourself to medical observation
60. 解除医学观察 to be discharged from medical observation
61. 诊断、治疗、追踪和筛查 diagnosis, treatment, tracing and screening
62. 预防措施 preventive measure
63. 疫苗 vaccine
64. 戴口罩 to wear a mask
65. 勤洗手/仔细洗手 to wash your hands often/carefully
66. 消毒 disinfection
67. 避免去人多的地方 avoid crowds
68. 健康筛查 health screening
69. 旅行限制 travel restrictions
70. 健康申报表 health declaration form
71. 海鲜市场 seafood market
72. 活体农贸市场 live animal market
73. 湿货市场 wet market
74. 野味 bushmeat; game
75. 果子狸 masked palm civet
76. 蝙蝠 bat
77. 竹鼠 bamboo rat
78. 獾 badger