
  • A+

→ 1.后元音 [a:]

1)发音部位和要领:Stepl 舌尖离开下齿 Step2 舌身自然平放,后部稍微抬高 Step3 嘴张开略成圆形,开口最大,没有摩擦 2) 常见字母组合 R [a: ] a fast [fa:st] ask [a:sk] father ['fa: ] after ['a:ft ] pass [pa:s] tomato [tma: 'tu] al half [ha:f ] palm [pa:m ] almong ['a:mnd ] ar mark [ma:k] star[sta:] arm [a:m] car [ka:] hard [ha:d] park [pa:k] augh laugh [la:f] laughter ['la:ft ] ear heart [ha:t] 3) 练习 找出句子中含 [a:]音的单词 1.Far from eye, far from heart. 眼不见,心不烦。 2.Harm set, harm get. 害人终害己。 3.Have you passed the exam? 你通过考试了吗? 4.They are playing cards. 他们在玩扑克牌。 5.I feel my heart beating fast. 我感到心跳得很快。 4) 绕口令 Tom parked his car in the park. Father went to the bar with his aunt. They laughed at the clerk for he has dropped the glass . The clerk felt his heart beating fast. But he calmed down at last.

→ 2.中 元音 []

1) 发音部位和要领: Stepl 舌尖轻触下齿龈 Step2 双唇向两边平伸,唇形扁平 Step3 嘴的开口度较大,没有摩擦 2) 常见字母组合 W ['dblju:] u cup [kp] bus [bs] duck [dk] but [bt] butter ['bt] supper ['Sp] ou touch [tt∫] rough [rf] tough [tf] o son [sn] some [sm] come [km] love [lv] mother ['m]
nothing ['nθi] oo blood [bl d] flood [fld] 3) 练习 找出句子中含 []音的单词。 1. Love me, love my dog. 爱屋吉屋。 2. Well begun ishalf done. 好的开始是成功的一半。 3. Promise little but do much. 少许愿, 多做事。 4. He loves nothing but money . 他只爱钱。 5.Alittle duck jumped in the river suddenly. 一只小鸭子突然跳进河里。 4) 绕口令 1. My brother needs some money to buy some honey. 2. Double bubble gum bubbles double .

→ 3.中元音 /长元音 [:]

1) 发音部位和要领 :Stepl 舌身自然放平,舌的中部向硬腭抬起 Step2 双唇向两边略微拉伸,呈微笑状 Step3 嘴的开口度较小 2) 常见字母组合 (美音时需卷舌 ) ir bird [b:d] girl [g:l] first [f:st] shirt [∫:t] dirty ['d:ti] sir [s:] er her [h:] person ['p:sn] certain ['s:tn] term [t:m] mercy ['m:si] German ['d:mn] ur hurt [h:t] nurse [n:s] fur [f:] curtain ['k:tn] church [t∫:t∫] purse [p:s] or word [W :d] work [w :k] world [w :ld] ear heard [h:d] earth [:θ] earn [:n] 3) 练习 找出句子中含 [:]音的单词。 1.The early bird catches the worm. 早鸟先得食。 2.First come,first served. 先到先得。 3.Her face turned red with anger. 她气得脸都变红了。 4.I bought apurse and afarcoat last Thursday. 上周我买了一个钱包和一件皮大衣。 4) 绕口令 Iam abird. Iknow aword. You are the third. Iam the first.

→ 4.中元音 /短元音 []

1) 发音部位和要领: Stepl 舌尖抵下齿根部,舌身放平 Step2 唇呈扁平 、 自然 Step3 音质短促而清晰

2) 常见字母组合 a ago ['gu] above ['bv] agree ['gri:] about ['baut] i holiday ['hldi] -ible :flexible ['fleks bl] o polite [p'lait] police [p'li:s] pilot ['pai lt] scallop ['skp] u campus ['kmp s] success [sk'ses] lotus ['luts] syllabus[ 'silbs] ar sugar ['∫ug ]as dollar ['dl] solar ['sul] polar ['pul](bear) er father ['fa:] mother ['m] sister ['sist ] brother ['br] or doctor ['dkt] actor ['kt] tutor ['tju:t ] color ['kl] our colour ['kl] labour ['leib ] favourite ['feiv rit] ur Saturday ['stdi] surprise [s'praiz] survive [s'vaiv] murmur ['m:m ] 3) 练习 找出句子中含 []音的单词。 1.Amother ’slove never changes. 母爱永恒。 2.Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好。 3.Pink ismy favorite color. 粉红色是我最喜欢的颜色。 4.She got afever and decided to see adoctor. 她发烧了,决定去看医生。 4) 绕口令 Doctor, actor, and professor, All of them can be successful. Driver , sister and visitor , Travel istheir pleasure.

→ 5.爆破音 [t]

1) 发音部位和要领:Stepl 舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍 Step2 呼气但不振动声带 Step3 舌尖突然离开上齿龈,气流由口腔爆破而出 2)常见字母组合 T[ti:] t tea [ti:] tell [tel] turtle ['t:tl] eat [i:t] sit [sit] wanted ['wntid] tt cotton ['ktn] better ['bet ] bitter ['bit ]

3) 练习 找出句子中含 [t]音的单词。 1. Time ismoney. 一寸光阴一寸金。 2. Content ishappiness. 知足常乐。 3. Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人。 4. It’stime to start .是时间开始了。 4) 绕口令 Tonight isalight night.You mustn ’tlight anight light on this light night. Afat cat has ahat in its bag.

→ 6.爆破音 [d]

1) 发音部位和要领:Stepl 舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍 Step2 呼气并震动声带 Step3 舌尖突然离开上齿龈,气流由口腔爆破而出 2) 常见字母组合 D [di:] Z[zed] W ['dblju:] d dog [dg] dad[d d] read[ri:d] ride[raid] food [fu: d] dd middle[ 'mid l] ladder[ 'ld] riddle[ 'ridl] paddle[ 'pdl] pudding[pudi ] 3) 练习 找出句子中含 [d]音的单词。 1.Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日。 2.Every day isnot Sunday. 好景不常在。 3.The toy was made by hand. 这个玩具是手工制作的。 4.Are you ready to order? 您准备点菜了吗? 5. Denny isafraid of dogs. 丹尼害怕狗。 4) 绕口令 Daddy drew his dagger and dashed to defend his daughter. 爸爸拔出匕首,猛冲过去保护他的女儿。Dust isadisk's worst enemy.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: