2021年9月雅思口语保留题part2&3 认识并尊敬的老人

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Describe an old person you know and respect.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What he or she is like

2021年9月雅思口语保留题part2&3 认识并尊敬的老人插图

And explain why you respect this person

1 What kind of things can young people learn from old people?

2 What qualities does a person need to have when taking care of old people?

3 Do you think old people should be taken care of at home?







1 年轻人可以从老人身上学到什么样的东西?

2 在照顾老人时,一个人需要具备哪些素质?

3 你认为老人应该在家里得到照顾吗?


An old person I like is my uncle. Actually, he’s not that old, but he’s about 20 years older than me! He’s around 60 years old, so in many ways he’s quite young, but I always see him as an “old person”, not really because of his age or attitude, but more because he’s always been like a father figure to me in some ways. He’s pretty wise, he has travelled a lot in China and around the world, and has a great understanding of people. He’s never very judgemental of others and has always taught me to consider other people’s feelings, their life experience and their personal history when trying to understand people. I appreciate his insights into life and he’s also got me involved in all sorts of curious hobbies he has, like photography, art, drama and literature. He’s definitely a very cultured person with a strong interest in the arts, and I appreciate this. He’s always been the person I turn to when I fall out with or have disagreements with my parents. He gives good advice, that is also fairly objective, and he is good at resolving disputes. I’ve known him for as long as I can remember, actually, since I was a kid. He only lives a few houses up the road, so we’ve always been close and spend a lot of time together on weekends and during the holidays.

我喜欢的一个老人是我的叔叔。事实上,他没有那么老,但他比我大20岁左右!他大约60岁,所以在很多方面他都很年轻。他大约60岁,所以在很多方面他都很年轻,但我总是把他看作一个 "老人",并不是因为他的年龄或态度,而是因为他在某些方面一直像我的父亲一样。他相当有智慧,他在中国和世界各地走了很多地方,对人有很好的理解。他从来没有很好地评判过别人,并且一直教我在试图理解别人时要考虑别人的感受、他们的生活经历和他们的个人历史。我很欣赏他对生活的洞察力,他还让我参与到他的各种好奇的爱好中,比如摄影、艺术、戏剧和文学。他绝对是一个非常有文化的人,对艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,我很欣赏这一点。当我和父母闹矛盾或有分歧时,他一直是我求助的对象。他给出的建议很好,也相当客观,而且他善于解决争端。从我记事起就认识他了,实际上,从我还是个孩子起就认识了。他只住在路边的几栋房子里,所以我们一直都很亲近,周末和假期时有很多时间在一起。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: