2021年1-4月雅思口语新题答案解析 不喜爱但却常常要做的近间隔出行

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Describe a short trip you often do but you don’t like.

You should say:

Where you travel to

How often you do this trip

Why you need to do this trip

And explain why you don’t like this trip

A short trip that I do every single day is my commute to work. I reallyhate it to be honest. I enjoy my work and the office environment and myco-workers, I must say, but I do not enjoy the trip to work. It takes about onehour and I must change on the subway twice at peak time in thick crowds. I findthe crowds overwhelming and the subway ride claustrophobic. It’s really acomplete pain! I obviously need to do this trip in order to get to work, and Idon’t have any intention of moving closer to the office, because I like the areawhere I live and I’ve always lived around there. I’m not a person who is patientwith crowds. I like peace and quiet. I enjoy calm. I don’t really like busy andbustling environments, and if you’ve ever taken a subway in the capital city toa central business district or technology district at rush hour, you will knowjust how thick the crowds are and how cramped the conditions are on publictransport. Even if I had a private car, it wouldn’t be any better because I’d bestuck in horrendous traffic, and I’d have to sit and drive and then struggle tofind a parking space, and probably end up being late for work anyway! So, all inall, commuting to work, for most people, not just for me, is most certainlyone’s least favourite short trip! I guess that’s life, we just have to do it andhope that one day there are more subway lines or even teleporting devices whichmean we can appear at the office, as if by magic, without having to make such anarduous and annoying journey each day, there and back!

2021年1-4月雅思口语新题答案解析 不喜爱但却常常要做的近间隔出行插图



thick crowds:层层人群(我们要特别留心这个描述词的运用)






:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: