2021年1-4月雅思口语新题part2&3 艺术展览

  • A+

??Describe an art exhibition you have visited.

  You should say:

1. What it was about

2. When and where it was held

3. What you saw in this exhibition

4. And explain how you felt about this exhibition

I once saw an art exhibition in the national gallery in my home city. Itwas an exhibition from a modern artist from Guizhou. There were several examplesof painting, sculpture, and a room with a full art installation in it. It reallystands out in my memory because everything was centred around the concept oflight, and lights and patterns in myriad colours were projected over theartworks from projectors on the ceilings of the various exhibition halls. It wasa stunning exhibition and quite hard to describe in words really. It’s not easyto describe modern art, even in one’s own language, let alone in a secondlanguage! But, anyway, it was exciting and really made me think. The thing Ireally enjoy about some of this more abstract, modern art, is that it provokes ahost of interesting thoughts and inspirations about life. I really find thatquite enjoyable because I’m quite into philosophy and culture, so things thatinspire these kinds of thoughts, I get really
2021年1-4月雅思口语新题part2&3 艺术展览插图
excited about. I do find somemodern art just too abstract or too ridiculous, though, but this particularexhibition was very popular with a lot of people I know, even people who are notso into modern art. The theme of nature and flowers, projected across quiteindustrial sculptures and paintings, provided a very curious and interestingcontrast and made me contemplate how our daily lives, especially in cities, arequite dominated by machines, and how it’s so easy to forget about nature and theimportance of the natural world for sustaining our life. I bought a fewpostcards from the exhibition and even got the chance to talk a little bit withthe artist who was there at the time being interviewed by a several mediaoutlets. There are few art exhibitions I’ve enjoyed as much as this one. I foundit was particularly special and unique.



1. Do people have different conceptions of art?Why?

2. Why some artworks are expensive?

3. Why do some people like to collect expensive paintings?

4. What can art bring to life?



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: