
  • A+

Let’s make it clear that the one who is late should be punished.

72. 是在我作业的那家工厂我遇上他的. (偏重)

It was in the factory where I worked that I met him.

73. 请大声说, 以便别人能听理解你.

Please speak aloud so that you can make yourself heard.

74. 我国人员比日本多.

The population of China is much larger than that in Japan.

75. 一个石头房子比木头房子巩固.

A house of stone is much stronger than one of wood.

76. 咱们每一自个都大约听教师的话.

Every one of us should listen to the teacher.

77. 在路大两旁有许多树.

There are many trees on both sides of the road.

78. 许多工厂在污水排出之前几乎没有采纳办法.

Little has been done before polluted water goes into the river from many factories.

79. 我有两个小妹, 一个是教师,而另一个是护士.

I have two sisters . One is a teacher while the other is a nurse.

80. 她听到一声巨响,这使她震动不已.

She heard a loud noise, which made her frightened.

81. 我在街上偶尔遇到了一个三岁的小孩. (复合adj.)

I came across a three-year-old child on the street.

82. 这老人茕居却不孑立.

The old man lives alone but he is not lonely.

83. 他进来了, 看起来精力振作. (系表)

He came in, looking in a high spirit.

84. 费了很大力, 他推开了门.

He pushed the door open with great strength.

85. 他下到深深的井里救我,这使我深为感动.

He went deep into the well to save me, which makes me very inspired.

86. 你这样做太蠢了.

It’s so foolish of you to do so.

87. 关于咱们学英语是必要的.

It’s necessary for us to learn English.

88. 这个包背起来太重.

The bag is too heavy to carry.

89. 这个剧院大得可以包容1000人.

The theatre is big enough to seat 1000.

90. 他仓促赶回家,心里充溢惊骇.

He hurried home, full of fear.

91. 这个题太难,我解不出(too … to ).

The problem is too difficult for me to work out.

92. 他是这们一位好教师,致使咱们都喜爱他(so … that ).

So good a teacher is he that all of us like him.

93. 在他俩中, Tom 较高.

Of the two, Tom is the taller.

94. 莎士比亚比任何一个英国其他作家更有名.

Shakespeare is more famous than any other writer in UK.

95. 这间房是那间三倍大( as … as ).

This house is three times as big as that one.

96. 这间房比那间大三倍( than ).

This house is three times bigger than that one.

97. 这间房比那间大三倍( the size of )

This house is three times the size of that one .

98. 蛰伏不只是睡觉( more than ).

Hibernation is more than sleep.

99. 你跑得不如他快.(not … more than)

You are not faster than him.

100. 你和他都跑得不快(no … more than)

You are no faster than him.

101. 今日他是第十三个到校的(序数词).

He was the 13th to come to school today.

102. 请把作业送到302房间.

Please send the housework to room 302.

103. 他结业于1987年7月7日.

He graduaated on July 7th in 1989.

104. 除了英语和日语,他又学了一门言语,法语.

Besides English and Japanese he has learned a third language – French.

105. 不计其数的人在地震后无家可归.

Thousands of people became homeless after the earthquake.

106. 传闻他在20世纪晚期在美国读过书.

It’s said that he studied in America in the late 20th centry.

107. 司理将于一.两天后回来.

The manager will be back in one or two days.

108. 你结束了那篇2000词的文章吧?(复合adj)

Have you finished the 2000 – word article?

109. 我想买那些黑色鞋中的一双.

I want to buy one pair of those black shoes.

110. 他50岁时去了北京.

He went to Bejing in his fifties.

111. 这些都是当前最热销的书.(从句主谓共同).

These are the books that sell well at present.

112. 我国人员许多,其间80%是农人..

China has a large population, of which 80% are peasants.

113. 不只我而且他去过北京。(就近共同)

Not only I but also he has been to Beijing.

114. 父亲连同他的儿子都喜爱垂钓。(with)

The father together with his sons likes fishing.


70% of the earth surface is covered by water.


The old are taken good care of.


More than one student was absent today.


He is the only one of the students in our class who has been praised.

119. 举国上下为他的死而忧伤。(谓语用复数的名词)

The whole nation were in deep sorrow at his death.


The number of the people invited was 50, but a number of them were absent.


It has been raining in the past three weeks.


He was writing a book last year, but I don’t know whether he has finished it.

123. 飞机将于5分钟之后抵达。(进行时表将来)

The plane is arriving in 5 minutes.

124. 假定他会来,我将不会走。(主从句时态)

If he comes , I won’t go.

125. 他在上海读了三年书。然后就一向住在北京。(曩昔时,结束时)

He studied in Shanghai for 3 years, and then he has lived in Beijing till now.

126. 到下学期末中止,我将写完200首诗。(曩昔结束时)

I will have written 200 poems by the end of next term.

127. 他惧怕人讪笑。 (被逼中的介词不省掉)

He is afraid of being laughed at.

128. 这些工人按月发薪酬。(get表被逼)

The workers get paid by the month.


His theory proved (to be ) true.

130. 这本书好卖,而且值得一读,另外,这本书读自来易懂。(归纳)

This book sells well and is worth reading. Besides, it is easy to understand.


If I were you, I wouldn’t help him.

132. 假定明日下雨,我就不去野餐。(与将来)

If it were to rain tomorrow, I wouldn’t go for the picnic.

133. 假定你早一点来你就会遇上他了。(与曩昔)

If you had come earlier, you would have met him.


I wish I knew the answer now, but I don’t know.

135. 我期望我其时晓得答案,但我不晓得。(wish)

I wish I had know the answer, but I didn’t know.

136. 我甘愿你现已结束了作业。(would rather)

I would rather you had finished your homework.

137. 要是我去过北京就好了。(if only)

If only I had been to Beijing.

138. 假定你听了医生的?担闳缃窬突指戳恕?

If you had followed the doctor’s advice, you would recover now.

139. 他主张咱们提前开会,他的口音暗示他来自湖北。(宾从中虚拟与陈述)

He suggested that we (should) put the meeting forward. His accent suggested that he came from Hubei.

140. 他本该早点告诉我实际底细的。(神态动词)

He should have told me the truth earlier.

141. 铃响了。(there悉数倒装)

There goes the bell.

142. 我从没见过他。(never有些倒装)

Never have I seen him.

143. 我一到家电话铃就响了。(hardly…when…/ no sooner…than…)

Hardly had I arrived home when the telephone rang.

144. 直到你来他才脱离。(not until)

Not until you came did he leave.

145. 只是直到战争结束,他才回到作业岗位。(only+状语)

Only after the war was over did he come back to his job.



I like wrestling. So do I.



—You left your clothes outside.

—Oh, so I did.

148. 他不只结束了使命而且提前结束了使命。(not only…but also)

Not only did he finished the task, but also he finished it in advance.

149. 他尽管是个孩子,但晓得的不少。(as引导的让步状语)

Child as he is , he knows a lot.

150. 他是如此勤勉致使得了一等奖。(so提前)

So hard-working is he that he got the first prize.

151. 他昨日不可以能抵达了北京,因为他是昨日晚上启航的。(否定估测)

He couldn’t have arrived in Beijing. Because he set out last night.

152. 他如今必定在图书馆看书。(必定估测)

He must be reading in the library now.

153. 他是进来呢,仍是在外面等。(shall)

Shall he come in or wait outside.

154. 父亲承诺玛丽在生日必定会得到《哈利波特》这本书。(shall)

Father promises that Mary shall get Harry Potter on her birthday.

155. 你不必告诉我这件作业,我现已晓得了。(need)

You needn’t tell
me that, I’ve known it.

156. 任何人都可以犯错。(may)

Anyone may make mistakes.

157. Tom今晚或许会来,但他不太有掌控。(may)

Tom may come tonight, but he is not sure.

158. 令人难以相信的,像他这样的绅士竟然对这位女士如此粗鲁。(should)

It was strange that a gentleman like him should be so rude to the lady.

159. 我有急事要处置,车却偏偏抛锚了。(must)

I have something urgent to deal with but my car must break down.

160. 他必定现已抵达了上海,是吗?(反意疑问句)

He must have arrived in Shanghai, hasn’t he?

161. 我永久也忘不了咱们一同度过的日子。(联络代词)

I will never forget the days (that/which) we spent together.

162. 我永久也忘不了我入党的日子。(联络副词)

I will never forget the day when (on which) I joined the party.


This is the bus on which I came here.


Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.


This is the only book that I can get.

166. 他没来的理由是他病了。

The reason why he didn’t come was that he was ill.


I don’t like the way in which/that/省掉you speak .

168. 逐渐地这个故事进入到很惊骇的当地。

Gradually, the story came to the point where it was very horrible.

169. 缘由与动物对食物的使用有关。(拆,搭)

The reason has something to do with the use that animals make of food.


As is know to all, the earth is round.

171. 不管谁最终脱离有必要关灯。

Whoever leaves last must turn off the light.

172. 谁去还没有定。

Who will go has not been decided.


I cannot accept the suggestion he put forward.

174. 他给我一个主张,即马上脱离。(同位)

He gave me a suggestion that I (should) leave at once.

175. 水之于鱼犹如空气之余于人。

Water is to fish what air is to man.

176. 我需要钱是清楚明晰的。(主从)

It is obvious that I need money.

177. 我用尽全力帮他。

I will what I can to help him.

178. 他是不是会承受你的好心还不理解。

Whether he will accept your kindness is not clear.

179. 我不晓得他住哪儿。

I’ve no idea where he lives.

180. 那就是让你放假两天的理由吗?(why)

Is that why you had two days off?


Leave the question to me and see if I can solve it.

182. 你能看见这个在建筑的大桥吗?

Can you see the bridge being built?


The building to be built next year is the library.


The bridge built in 1990 has broken down.

185. 看见狗,他停下了车。

Seeing the dog, he stopped the car.


I can’t imagine his swimming across the river alone.

187. 我记住要去看他。

I remembered to see him.

188. 我记住现已发了那封信。

I remembered posting the letter.

189. 咱们阻止在教室吸烟。

We forbid smoking in the classroom.

190. 咱们阻止任何在教室里吸烟。I

We forbid anyone to smoke in the classroom..

191. 堕入沉思,他啥也没留心到。

Lost in thought, he noticed nothing.

192. 给予更多的重视,这些树会长得非常好。

Given more care, the trees will grow better.

193. 这位患者需要马上做手术。

The patient needs operating on at once.

194. 教授来了,后边跟着学生。

The professor came in, followed by the students.


The students came in , following the professor.

196. 从太空看来,地球是一个被水掩盖的球体。

Seen from the space, the earth is like a globe covered by water.


He died, leaving his son an orphan.

198. 遭到聘请的客人都是外国人。

The guests invited are foreigners.

199. 你知道倚门而站的那位先生吗?

Do you know the man leaning against the door.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: