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I have something to tell you. 我有事要告诉你。

I smelled a smell of cooking. 我闻到了烧菜做饭的味道。

I want to see the film again. 我真想再看一遍。

I've got too much work to do. 我要做的工作太多了。

Let's go for a walk,shall we? 咱们出去走走,好吗?

Please let me check the bill. 请让我核对一下帐单。

Plenty of sleep is healthful. 充足的睡眠有益于健康。

The sun comes up in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

This is because we feel pain. 这是因为我们能感到疼痛。

What do you desire me to do? 你想要我做什么?

What you said was quite true. 你所说的完全符合事实。

You can either stay or leave. 你或者留下或者离开。

Your life is your own affair. 你的生活是你自己的事。

All that glitters is not gold. 发闪光的不全是黄金。

Are you going to have a party? 你要举行聚会吗?

Aren't you concerned about it? 难道你不担心吗?

He is kind of temperamental . 他有点喜怒无常。

You're so right . 你说的太对了。

You look pale . 你看起来脸色苍白。

I am really kind of suffer-in-silent type . 我是沉默寡言型的。

your mood swings 你的情绪变化(你忽冷忽热)

You have impressive power of observation. 你的洞察力还挺强。

I feel sorry for you . 我为你感到遗憾。(当听到别人说不好的事情时用于安慰)

yuck ! 呸!

I'm so dead . 我死定了。

I'm scared . 我很害怕。

It doesn't matter . 无所谓/不重要

I'm freaked out . 吓死我了 = You're freaking me out.

It is so excruciating . 太痛苦了。

I'll be fine . 我没事。.

It's unbearable . 太难以忍受了。

I regretted it very much . 我非常后悔。

That's my stuff . 那是我的东西。

I got caught . 我被抓住了。

I got in trouble . 我碰上麻烦。

That makes sense . 有道理。

A starry night 满天繁星的夜晚

He blew it . 他搞砸了。

I shouldn't have done that . 我不该那么做。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: