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语句是言语运用的根柢单位。能正确写句是最根柢、最基础的写作微技能。英语句子千变万化,但都可以由简略句兼并或拓宽而来,因而掌控简略句的六个基础句型是写好英语句子的第一步。(本专题将五个根柢句型和there be句型交融起来说明,故可以说是六个根柢句型)
(6) there be句型
有些不及物动词可以单独构成谓语,不必带其他成分就能表达一个无缺的意思,例如:the bus has left. 可是有少量几个动词这今后有必要带有状语,否则规划不无缺,意义不清楚。例如:i live in guangzhou. i stayed in a small hotel.
翻译语句 请运用句型(1)翻译下列语句。
2. 我的方案现已改动了。(change)
3. 这趟班机晚上九点半钟起飞。(take off)
4. 我来自一个受过杰出教育的家庭。(come, well-educated)
5. 我2011年2月8日上午抵达上海。(get to)
留心:有些动词(短语)后一般不能接v-ing 方法作宾语,只能接to do作宾语。如:agree, ask, decide, desire, expect, hope, manage, promise, afford,beg, offer, plan, refuse, wish, want, fail, prepare, arrange, choose, pretend, would (should) like等;
有些动词(短语)不定接不定式作宾语,只能接v-ing 方法作宾语。如:admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, excuse, face, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, mention, mind, miss, practise, postpone, risk , resist, suggest, understand, give up, feel like, keep on, put off, leave off, can’t help (控制不住…), can’t stand (不能忍耐),等等。
翻译语句 请运用句型(2)翻译下列语句。
1. 怅惘的是,我没能看到那表象。(miss)
2. 我期望在一周内回来广州。(expect )
3. 我总算准时结束了作业。(manage)
4. 我不能忍耐失掉一个亲近的兄弟。(can’t stand)
5. 我叔叔抉择晚点出国。(choose, not…until later) ??.
6. 我正方案下个月去欧洲旅行。(plan, go on a trip)
7. 我一见到我早年的数学教师就不由想到了曩昔。(can’t help, at the sight of )
8. 为了省钱,我主张步行去那里。(suggest)
9. 我想听听其别人的观点。(should like)
10. 我不想去看影片。(feel like)
11. 我不想冒上学迟到的风险。(want, risk, be late)
12. 我不能再推迟去看牙医了。 (put off, not…any longer)
可以用于该句型的常用及物动词有ask, buy, bring, call, get, give, offer, lend, send, tell, teach, cost等等。
翻译语句 请运用句型(3)翻译下列语句。
1. 我的英语教师给了我几本英文小说。(give)
2. 我姑妈在我生日那天给我买了一个mp3播映器。(buy)
3. 我昨日晚上给李明发送了一封电子邮件。(send)
4. 我给我的父母写了一封长信。(write)
5. 我前天将新英汉字典借给了我表弟。(lend)
留心:有一些动词后边接动词不定式作宾语补足语时,不定式要省去to。常见的这类动词有feel, hear, listen to; make, have, let; see, watch, notice, observe以及help等。例如:
let me have a look at it.
i helped her (to) choose a new dictionary.
一、翻译语句 请运用句型(4)翻译下列语句。
1. 我外祖父给我取了个英文名字叫萨拉。(name, sarah)
2. 我发现这本体育杂志非常风趣。(find, interesting)
3. 爷爷奶奶鼓舞我好好学习。(encourage, in one’s studies)
4. 我主张外祖母卧床歇息。 (advise, stay)
5. 我能感遭到自个的心脏在快速跳动。(beat)
6. 我从未听人唱过这首歌。(hear, sung)
7. 我父亲期望我做到最佳。 ??(do one’s best)
8. 我的表亲聘请我与他们共度周末。(cousin)
二、结束语句 在空格处填入一个恰当的词或许用括号中词语的正确方法填空结束语句。
1. 我在长城拍照了一些极好的五颜六色相片。
i ______ (have) _______ excellent color _______ _______ (take) _______ _____ great wall.
2. 我甘愿她不要改动方案。
i would ______ (prefer) ______ _______ ________( change) ______ plan.
3. 我时刻提示我自个,心里有必要充溢期望。
i must always ______ (remind) _______ _______ (fill) my mind _______ _______ (hope) thoughts.
4. 我留心到一个重生坐在班上最前面的位子。
i ______ (notice) ______ new student ________ (sit) _______ ______ front______ ______ class.
5. 我要聘请一切的邻居下星期六参加我的生日集会。
im going ______ (invite) all ______ neighbors______ ______ birthday part y______ _______.
6. 我假装没有看见男孩翻过大门。
i ________ (pretend) ______ _______ (observe) the boy ______ (climb) over ______ gate.
7. 我总算说服她跟我一同去书店。
i ______ (final) ______ (persuade) her ______ (go) to ______ bookstore ______ ______.
8. 我叫理查德,可是我的兄弟都叫我迪克。
my ______ ______ richard, ______ my _______ _______ (call) ______ dick.
一般不能用副词作表语,但某些标明地址的副词或与介词同形的副词可以在be后边作表语,如here, there, over there, back, abroad, outside, below, in, up, down, off, over, by等。
标明“是”的有:prove (证明是), seem(如同是), appear(如同是), remain(仍然是);
标明“变成”的有:grow, turn, get, go;
标明“……起来”的有:taste (尝起来) , look, sound, feel, smell。
另外,come true, fall asleep等也归于固定分配型‘系表’规划。
翻译语句 请运用句型(5)翻译下列语句。
1. 我是一名高三学生。(be)
2. 没有啥不可以能!(be)
3. 我越来越忧虑即将到来的高考。(become, increasingly, 用如今进行时)
4. 我的忧虑被证明是完全差错的。(fear, completely, 用曩昔进行时)
5. 我的脸在炽热的太阳下变得通红。(go red)
6. 出路看起来不错。(look good, 用如今进行时)
7. 我一切的期望会成真。(come true)
句型(6):there be句型
翻译语句 请运用句型(6)翻译下列语句。
1. 主教育楼后边有一座实验楼。(classroom building)
2. 咱们班有22个男生和23个女人。(class)
3. 明日下午,会议室里将会有一个讲座。(meeting room)
4. 花园里早年有过一口水井。(used to)
5. 这房间里有一张床,一张桌子和两张椅子。 (there be)
前面所讲英语的六种根柢句型只是英语句子的最根柢规划,要表达千差万别、五颜六色的思维内容,只是依托这样几个简略的语句规划显着是不可的。假定咱们以这些根柢句型为基础,对语句加以拓宽,就可以增大信息量, 使语句表达办法得愈加丰厚,然后满足咱们对各种凌乱内容表达的需要。
john visited a farm.
这是一个典型的svo(主谓宾) 句型,经过添加并排成分可拓宽为:
john, mike and their classmates went to the countryside and visited a farm and a nursing home.
句中mike and their classmates 是john的并排主语,went to the countryside 是visited的并排谓语,a nursing home是a farm的并排宾语。
添加并排成分常运用and, or, so,? but, not only …but also,? both…and,? either…or, neither…nor,? rather than, as well as等并排连词。例如:
mary dances well.可拓宽为:mary not only dances well but also sings well.
1. the development of technology has changed our way of living.
(1) 科技的打开改动了咱们交流的方法,学习的方法,甚至作业的方法。(and)
the development of technology has changed our ______ ____ _________, ______ _____ ________, and even the way ______ ________.
(2) 科技的打开不只改动了咱们的作业方法,而且也改动了咱们的思维方法。(not only…but also)
the development of technology has _______ _______ changed _____ _______ ______ ______, ______ ______ _changed _____ _______ ______ _________.
2. tom didn’t go to school yesterday.
(1) 汤姆昨日没有上学,也没有结束作业。(neither…nor)
tom ________ went to school _______ ___________ his homework yesterday.
(2) 汤姆和他兄弟昨日都没上学。(neither…nor)
________tom _______his brother __________ to school yesterday.
3. my brother’s effort brought him success.
(1) 我哥的尽力不只带给他名声也带给了他财富。(both…and)
my brother’s effort brought him________ ________and __________.
(2) 我哥的尽力和他的才干给他带来了名声和财富。(as well as)
my brother’s effort and ________ brought him wealth ______ ________ ________ ___________.
4. the man finished his meal.
the man finished his meal, _______ ______ ________, ______ then _______ the hotel.
5. you have to hand in your report.
__________you _______he ________ to hand in the report.
6. some grandparents spoiled their grandchildren.
有些爷爷奶奶不是爱而是娇惯他们的孙子。(rather than)
some grandparents spoil their grandchildren _______ _______ ________ them.
he sells socks.(主谓宾根柢句型)
he sells women’s socks.
he sells old women’s socks.
he sells old women’s socks made in china.
he sells the best old women’s socks made in china every evening in the market.
i am a student. 我是一论理学生。
i am a student of senior three. 我是一名高三学生。
i’ll give you some advice. 我会给你一些主张。
i’ll give you some advice on how to learn english well. 我会给你一些学好英语的主张。
1. 祸殃见真情。(用介词短语和副词)
a friend ________ ________ is a friend __________.
2. 在开学典礼上,校长作了一个简略但却煽悦耳心的说话。(用介词短语和描述词)
____ _____ ________ ________ ________, the headmaster made a _______ _____ _______ speech.
3. 为了养活全家,父亲每天作业十小时以上。(用不定式短语)
______ __________ ______ ___________, dad worked over ten hours every day.
4. 他很害臊,在学校交兄弟有些困难。(用-ing短语)
he is shy and has trouble _________ ____________ at school.
5. 多年前,有位老木匠住在这个小屋里。(用时刻状语和-ing短语)
________ _________ _______, there was an old carpenter _________ in this cottage.
6. 中山大学音乐系的学生星期五下午要给咱们表演。(用介词短语)
the students of music _______ _________ ________ will give us a performance ________ ________ ________.
7. 委员会的主席史密斯先生到会了昨日的新闻发布会。(用名词短语作同位语)
mr. smith, _________ _______ ______ _________, was present at the press conference yesterday.
8. 重建破碎的友谊可以很难,但不管怎样你大约试一下。(用-ed分词和副词)
rebuilding a __________friendship can be difficult, but ___________ you should try.
9. 因为被同学们讪笑,他在学校一点也不开心。(用-ed分词短语)
________ _____ _____ ______ _________, he is not happy at all at school.
10. 我下周要去纽约参加一个世界会议。(用不定式短语)
next week, i am leaving for new york _______ ________ ________ _________ __________.
1. 同学们赏识了约翰父亲作业的那家工厂。(定语从句)
the students visited the factory __________________________________________.
2. 我一下飞机就会给你打电话。(时刻状语从句)
i’ll call you __________________________________________________________.
3. 我永久忘不了咱们一同度过的那个暑假。(定语从句)
i will never forget the summer vacation ____________________________________.
4. 不到长城非好汉。(定语从句)
he ______________________________________ is not a true man.
5. 他讲得很慢以便每自个都能听懂。(意图状语从句)
he spoke rather slowly ?????????????????????????????????????????????????.
6. 她如此振奋致使于不能入眠。(成果状语从句)
she was so excited ____________________________________________________.
7. 我很难信赖父亲现已戒烟的这一实际。(同位语从句)
i can hardly believe the fact _____________________________________________.
8. 他缺席讲座的缘由是他母亲患病了。(定语从句;表语从句)
the reason _______________________________ was __________________________.
9. 疑问是咱们能不能让这些外国兄弟听懂咱们的意思。(表语从句)
the problem is ___________ we can make ourselves ___________ by those foreign friends.
10. 不管谁违背了规则都大约受处置。(主语从句)
______________________________________ should be punished.
11. 已然是你的差错,就大约向她抱愧。(缘由状语从句)
________________________________, you should make an apology to her.
12. 不管他怎么吃苦,老是赶不上其他同学。(让步状语从句)
_____________________________________, he cannot catch up with other students.
1. my head aches.
2. my plan has changed.
3. the plan takes off at 7:30 pm.
4. i came from a well-educated family.
5. i got to shanghai on the morning of february 8, 2011.
1. unfortunately, i missed seeing the sight.
2. i expect to return to guangzhou within a week.
3. i managed to finish my homework on time.
4. i can’t stand losing a close friend.
5. my uncle chose not to go abroad until later.
6. we are planning to go on a trip to europe next month.
7. i couldnt help thinking about the past at the sight of my former maths teacher.?
8. to save money i suggested going there on foot.
9. i should like hear others’ views.
10. i don’t feel like going to the movie.
11. i didnt want to risk being late for school.
12. i cant put off going to the dentist any longer.
1. my english teacher gave me several english novels.
2. my aunt bought me an mp3 player on my birthday.
3. i sent li ming an e-mail last night.
4. i wrote my parents a long letter.
5. i lent my cousin the new english-chinese dictionary the day before yesterday.
1. my grandfather named me an english name sarah.
2. i found the sports magazine very interesting.
3. my grandparents encouraged me in my studies.
4. i advised my grandmother to stay in bed and rest.
5. i could feel my heart beating fast.
6. i’ve never heard the song sung.
7. my father expects me to do my best.
8. my cousins have invited me to spend the weekend with them.
1. had, some, photos, taken, on, the???????? ????2. would, prefer, her, not, to change, her/the
3. remind, myself, to fill, with hopeful????? ?????4. noticed, a, sit/sitting, at, the, of, the
5. to invite, the, to, my, next, saturday?????? ????6. pretended, not, to observe, climb, the
7. finally, persuaded, to go, the, with, me??? ?????8. name, is, but, friends, call, me
1. i am a senior 3 student
2. nothing?is?impossible!?
3. i am becoming increasingly anxious about the coming college entrance examinations.
4. my fear was proving completely wrong.
5. my face had go
ne red in the hot sun.
6. the future is looking good.
7. all my wishes will come true.
1. there is a lab building behind the main classroom building.
2. there are 22 boys and 23 girls in our class.
3. there will be a lecture in the meeting room tomorrow afternoon.
4. there used to be a well in the garden.
5. theres a bed, a table, and two chairs in this room.
1. (1) way of communicating, way of learning, of working? (2) not only, our way of working, but also, our way of thinking
2. (1) neither, nor did? (2) neither, nor, went
3. (1) both fame, wealth? (2) talent, as well as fame
4. paid the bill, and, left
5. either, or, has
6. rather than love
1. in need, indeed
2. at the school opening ceremony, short but inspiring
3. to support the family
4. making friends
5. many years ago, living
6. from zhongshan university, on friday afternoon
7. chairman of the committee
8. broken, anyway/anyhow
9. laughed at by his classmates
10. to attend an international conference
1. where/in which john’s father works
2. as soon as /the moment i get off the plane
3. that/which we spent together
4. who fails to reach the great wall
5. so that/in order that everyone could follow him
6. that she could not fall asleep
7. that my father has given up smoking
8. why he was absent from the lecture, that his mother was ill
9. whether, understood
10. whoever breaks the regulations
11. since/now that it’s your fault
12. however hard he works/ no matter how hard he works


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: