
  • A+


lion dance is an excellent folk art in china, also known as "taiping music" in ancient times. the lion dance is divided into north and south, and the south lion is also called the lion are made of colored cloth strips. each lion is usually performed by two people in cooperation, one dancing the head and the other dancing the dress up as dogs or other animals (such as pixies and lions) under the music of gongs and drums, and make various movements in order to be happy and auspicious. during the performance, the lion dancers have to show the southern martial arts with various moves, which are very dance is considered as an auspicious thing to exorcise evil spirits and avoid harm. every festival or major event, lion dance will be used as an entertainment, which will last forever and be passed down from generation to dance is also widely spread in overseas chinese communities. where there are chinese, there must be lion dance. this has become an important ceremony to promote the national prestige and build the soul of china, as well as a cultural bridge for overseas compatriots to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestral home. its cultural value and influence are far-reaching.翻译:舞狮,是我国优良的民间艺术,古时又称为“和平乐”。舞狮有南北之分,南狮又称醒狮。狮是由彩布条制造而成的,每头狮一般由两自个协作扮演,一人舞头,一人舞尾。扮演者在锣鼓音乐下扮成狗或许其他瑞兽(如貔貅、狮子)的姿势,作出各种形状动作,以图喜庆与吉利。在扮演进程中,舞狮者要以各种招式来体现南派武功,非常赋有阳刚之气。舞狮被认为是驱邪避害的吉利瑞物,每当节庆或有严峻活动必有舞狮助兴,长盛不衰,历代相传。舞狮活动也广泛撒播于海外我国人社区,有我国人之处,必有舞狮,这变成了扬民族之威、立我国之魂的重要典礼,以及海外同胞认祖归宗的文明桥梁,其文明价值和影响非常深远。


lion dance, also known as "lion", "lion dance", it like dragon, is a form of traditional dance in our country, is also a kind of popular folk sports activities is very wide. in the spring festival or celebration lion dance.

lion dance began in northern and southern dynasties. in our country, the lion dance in a variety of forms, which can be roughly divided into the northern lion dance and southern lion dance two kinds. wushizhe only your feet, not man. the northern lion dance of male and female, and the lion, a lion, wu wen, young lions.

the southern lion dance mainly popular in guangdong. the lion dance lion head by one man, one lion tail. the lion's modelling, style, color is different from the northern lion. wushizhe wear knickerbockers, wearing tight girl outfit lantern sleeve unlined upper garment or vest, visible wushizhe body.





狮子在中华民族公民意目中为瑞兽,标志着吉利满足,然后在舞狮活动中寄予着民众消灾除害、求吉纳福的夸姣愿望。狮舞是我国优良的民族传统艺术,每当元宵佳节或集会庆典,民间都以狮舞来助兴。舞狮子至今已有一千多年的前史,狮舞在旧时称"和平乐",而到了唐代(公元618~907年)时更得到广泛的打开。狮艺在其时已变成春节过节、行香走会中的必备节目。在一千多年的打开进程中,狮舞构成了南北两种扮演个性。下面是一篇关于狮舞的英语作文翻译。狮舞(lion dance)是我国最广为撒播的民间舞蹈之一。狮为百兽之首,在我国传统文明中,狮子被视为是能带来好运的吉利物(mascot)。古人将狮子视作英勇和力气的化身,能驱赶凶暴。据记载,狮舞已具有了2,000多年的前史。在唐代,狮舞就现已被引人宫廷。此后,舞狮变成元宵节和其他节日的一大风俗,我们以此来恳求好运、平安和夸姣。the lion dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in china. the lion is the king of animals. in chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck. ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of bravery and strength. they believed the lion could drive away evil. the dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. during the tang dynasty, the lion dance was already introduced into the court. thereafter, performing the lion dance at the lantern festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck, safety and happiness.


bring good luck英:[bri? ɡud l?k]美:[br?? ɡ?d l?k]释义:名 lion dance,我国陈旧的传统风俗扮演;the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and;bring good luck短语:舞龙舞狮dragon and lion dance,lion and dragon dance看舞狮watch the lion dance舞狮 不知道aum修改于 2021-01-31查看悉数5个答复vipkid英语_真人外教一对一,每天只需13.8元vipkid英语(罗湖区)桃园路254号效能周全环境好每日消毒拨打电话晓得更多拨打深圳市vipkid资讯股份有限公司广告腾讯英语怎么样-3-8岁启蒙英语_赠送配套点读笔!#腾讯用言语文字#腾讯腾讯英语怎么样-原腾讯abcmouse_低至49.9元,限时优惠_8000多个互动英语活动,真人外教动画教育,英文原地图书,游戏,儿歌激起孩子学习快乐喜爱本月287人已请求有关效能征询深圳市腾讯核算机体系有限公司广告舞狮的英文怎么写?专家1对1在线答复疑问5分钟内呼应 | 万名专业答主极速发问最美的花火 正在征询一个情感疑问— 你看完啦,以下内容更风趣 —网上哪里有学英语,在家也能学好英语网上哪里有学英语,来vipkid和外教一对一在线互动,学英语不再单调,中大学英语,成人英语,零基础英语,各种英语网课尽在vipkid。广告2021-02-17英语舞狮怎么说舞狮 wǔ shī lion dance (traditional chinese dance form)1赞·182阅读2021-10-14舞狮扮演用英语怎么说你好! 舞狮扮演 lion dance20赞·410阅读2021-01-15这是我初度看舞狮子. 英文怎么说this is my first time to see a lion. 祝你学习前进,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)7赞·582阅读2021-04-18怎样翻译舞龙舞狮舞龙舞狮用英文怎么说dragon and lion dance 舞龙舞狮 其他有关的英文有: pefom the dragon dance 舞龙扮演; perfom the lion dance 舞狮扮演 ; 合在一同说就是loong dance and lion dance, 自个认为用dragon大约替换为loong,究竟是我国陈旧的传统风俗。12赞·1,136阅读2021-05-22舞狮的英文应怎样翻译??错! 大约是lion dance, ------------------------------ lion dance,,我国陈旧的传统风俗扮演 n.perform the lion dance 舞狮扮演 -------------------- dance lion大约翻译为跳舞的狮子。 这种此不能顺次序翻的(舞dance狮lion)5赞·234阅读阿拉索成人英语 vipkid价格表2021丨acadsoc官方主页值得一看的阿拉索成人有关信息举荐acadsoc123.com广告abc360_4-18岁在线青成人英语,100万母亲选择值得一看的abc英语有关信息举荐abc360.com广告二胎家庭里老迈应不大约让着老二?0播映発知恵美理重视美国“第一夫人”的人生,也是“骑虎难下”?美国“第一夫人”的人生,也是“骑虎难下”? 世上难有完美无瑕之事,哪怕结业名校、丈夫曾是美国总统、将家庭与作业完满平衡的前“第一夫人”,也并不像外界愿望的那样一往无前。 我们常常认为,米歇尔·504人在看南京免费的旅行景点而且是好玩的有哪些??旅行的常见疑问驾照全晓得176人在看会计手册133人在看考研辅导114人在看一同说英语37人在看雅思攻略86人在看161播映跟男兄弟有许多敌对,然后今日晚上两自个选择阐理解,他跟我说他一切女人兄弟都?曳质郑邓撬?,265播映晨思暮念ls重视酱届的颜值担任垂钓台,你喝过几款呢喝言公子论喝酱香?0播映海旭尧年月重视英语网课哪家好?_vipkid在线英语_课程丰厚,免费试听根据文中说到的舞狮为您举荐szsgzsh.com广告东的田字格正确写法dōng?的声母:d;韵母:ong;腔调:第一声。2、说明:方位词;主人;东道;姓。3、“东”字共1条答复·84人在看白话文 误认的翻译卓茂早年有一次坐马车出门。有一自个认作他的马是自个的。所以卓茂问他:“您丢掉马多少时刻了?”答复说5条答复·24,028人在看酒和咖啡能一起喝吗6播映褪色晚风yy重视米老鼠前身竟然是只兔子你还晓得哪些人物的隐秘?1播映斗贺桃枝重视英语口语前进练习,在家也能学好英语深圳市vipkid资讯股..广告新郎婚礼表达 简略感人1、最难忘的是你的浅笑,当它绽放在你的脸上时,我似乎感到拂过一阵春风,暖融融的,把我的心都溶化了。25条答复·86人在看白斑病能打新冠疫苗吗?1,282播映潜尘赫顿重视安宝喜爱乔安娜吗2002年,观音桥派出所所长向行进和学徒周术术在管片上捉住了一对贼,男的叫段虎,女的叫乔安娜。因为

错! 大约是lion dance, ------------------------------ lion dance,,我国陈旧的传统风俗扮演 n.perform the lion dance 舞狮扮演 -------------------- dance lion大约翻译为跳舞的狮子。 这种此不能顺次序翻的(舞dance狮lion)

怎样翻译舞龙舞狮舞龙舞狮用英文怎么说how to translate the dragon and lion dance dragon and lion dance with english say

dragon and lion dance ?舞龙舞狮


pefom the dragon dance ?舞龙扮演;

perfom the lion dance ? 舞狮扮演 ;

合在一同说就是loong dance and lion dance,


舞狮的英文:lion dance 或 lion dancing

错! 大约是lion dance, ------------------------------ lion dance,,我国陈旧的传统风俗扮演 n.perform the lion dance 舞狮扮演 -------------------- dance lion大约翻译为跳舞的狮子。 这种此不能顺次序翻的(舞dance狮lion)

bring good luck英:[bri? ɡud l?k]美:[br?? ɡ?d l?k]释义:名 lion dance,我国陈旧的传统风俗扮演;the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and;bring good luck短语:舞龙舞狮dragon and lion dance,lion and dragon dance看舞狮watch the lion dance舞狮 不知道aum修改于 2021-01-31查看悉数5个答复vipkid英语_真人外教一对一,每天只需13.8元vipkid英语(罗湖区)桃园路254号效能周全环境好每日消毒拨打电话晓得更多拨打深圳市vipkid资讯股份有限公司广告腾讯英语怎么样-3-8岁启蒙英语_赠送配套点读笔!#腾讯用言语文字#腾讯腾讯英语怎么样-原腾讯abcmouse_低至49.9元,限时优惠_8000多个互动英语活动,真人外教动画教育,英文原地图书,游戏,儿歌激起孩子学习快乐喜爱本月287人已请求有关效能征询深圳市腾讯核算机体系有限公司广告舞狮的英文怎么写?专家1对1在线答复疑问5分钟内呼应 | 万名专业答主极速发问最美的花火 正在征询一个情感疑问— 你看完啦,以下内容更风趣 —网上
哪里有学英语,在家也能学好英语网上哪里有学英语,来vipkid和外教一对一在线互动,学英语不再单调,中大学英语,成人英语,零基础英语,各种英语网课尽在vipkid。广告2021-02-17英语舞狮怎么说舞狮 wǔ shī lion dance (traditional chinese dance form)1赞·182阅读2021-10-14舞狮扮演用英语怎么说你好! 舞狮扮演 lion dance20赞·410阅读2021-01-15这是我初度看舞狮子. 英文怎么说this is my first time to see a lion. 祝你学习前进,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)7赞·582阅读2021-04-18怎样翻译舞龙舞狮舞龙舞狮用英文怎么说dragon and lion dance 舞龙舞狮 其他有关的英文有: pefom the dragon dance 舞龙扮演; perfom the lion dance 舞狮扮演 ; 合在一同说就是loong dance and lion dance, 自个认为用dragon大约替换为loong,究竟是我国陈旧的传统风俗。12赞·1,136阅读2021-05-22舞狮的英文应怎样翻译??错! 大约是lion dance, ------------------------------ lion dance,,我国陈旧的传统风俗扮演 n.perform the lion dance 舞狮扮演 -------------------- dance lion大约翻译为跳舞的狮子。 这种此不能顺次序翻的(舞dance狮lion)5赞·234阅读阿拉索成人英语 vipkid价格表2021丨acadsoc官方主页值得一看的阿拉索成人有关信息举荐acadsoc123.com广告abc360_4-18岁在线青成人英语,100万母亲选择值得一看的abc英语有关信息举荐abc360.com广告二胎家庭里老迈应不大约让着老二?0播映発知恵美理重视美国“第一夫人”的人生,也是“骑虎难下”?美国“第一夫人”的人生,也是“骑虎难下”? 世上难有完美无瑕之事,哪怕结业名校、丈夫曾是美国总统、将家庭与作业完满平衡的前“第一夫人”,也并不像外界愿望的那样一往无前。 我们常常认为,米歇尔·504人在看南京免费的旅行景点而且是好玩的有哪些??旅行的常见疑问驾照全晓得176人在看会计手册133人在看考研辅导114人在看一同说英语37人在看雅思攻略86人在看161播映跟男兄弟有许多敌对,然后今日晚上两自个选择阐理解,他跟我说他一切女人兄弟都?曳质郑邓撬?,265播映晨思暮念ls重视酱届的颜值担任垂钓台,你喝过几款呢喝言公子论喝酱香?0播映海旭尧年月重视英语网课哪家好?_vipkid在线英语_课程丰厚,免费试听根据文中说到的舞狮为您举荐szsgzsh.com广告东的田字格正确写法dōng?的声母:d;韵母:ong;腔调:第一声。2、说明:方位词;主人;东道;姓。3、“东”字共1条答复·84人在看白话文 误认的翻译卓茂早年有一次坐马车出门。有一自个认作他的马是自个的。所以卓茂问他:“您丢掉马多少时刻了?”答复说5条答复·24,028人在看酒和咖啡能一起喝吗6播映褪色晚风yy重视米老鼠前身竟然是只兔子你还晓得哪些人物的隐秘?1播映斗贺桃枝重视英语口语前进练习,在家也能学好英语深圳市vipkid资讯股..广告新郎婚礼表达 简略感人1、最难忘的是你的浅笑,当它绽放在你的脸上时,我似乎感到拂过一阵春风,暖融融的,把我的心都溶化了。25条答复·86人在看白斑病能打新冠疫苗吗?1,282播映潜尘赫顿重视安宝喜爱乔安娜吗2002年,观音桥派出所所长向行进和学徒周术术在管片上捉住了一对贼,男的叫段虎,女的叫乔安娜。因为


i don't know


lion dance, also known as "lion", "lion dance", it like dragon, is a form of traditional dance in our country, is also a kind of popular folk sports activities is very wide. in the spring festival or celebration lion dance.

lion dance began in northern and southern dynasties. in our country, the lion dance in a variety of forms, which can be roughly divided into the northern lion dance and southern lion dance two kinds. wushizhe only your feet, not man. the northern lion dance of male and female, and the lion, a lion, wu wen, young lions.

the southern lion dance mainly popular in guangdong. the lion dance lion head by one man, one lion tail. the lion's modelling, style, color is different from the northern lion. wushizhe wear knickerbockers, wearing tight girl outfit lantern sleeve unlined upper garment or vest, visible wushizhe body.






lion dance is an excellent folk art in china, also known as "taiping music" in ancient times. the lion dance is divided into north and south, and the south lion is also called the lion are made of colored cloth strips. each lion is usually performed by two people in cooperation, one dancing the head and the other dancing the dress up as dogs or other animals (such as pixies and lions) under the music of gongs and drums, and make various movements in order to be happy and auspicious. during the performance, the lion dancers have to show the southern martial arts with various moves, which are very dance is considered as an auspicious thing to exorcise evil spirits and avoid harm. every festival or major event, lion dance will be used as an entertainment, which will last forever and be passed down from generation to dance is also widely spread in overseas chinese communities. where there are chinese, there must be lion dance. this has become an important ceremony to promote the national prestige and build the soul of china, as well as a cultural bridge for overseas compatriots to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestral home. its cultural value and influence are far-reaching.翻译:舞狮,是我国优良的民间艺术,古时又称为“和平乐”。舞狮有南北之分,南狮又称醒狮。狮是由彩布条制造而成的,每头狮一般由两自个协作扮演,一人舞头,一人舞尾。扮演者在锣鼓音乐下扮成狗或许其他瑞兽(如貔貅、狮子)的姿势,作出各种形状动作,以图喜庆与吉利。在扮演进程中,舞狮者要以各种招式来体现南派武功,非常赋有阳刚之气。舞狮被认为是驱邪避害的吉利瑞物,每当节庆或有严峻活动必有舞狮助兴,长盛不衰,历代相传。舞狮活动也广泛撒播于海外我国人社区,有我国人之处,必有舞狮,这变成了扬民族之威、立我国之魂的重要典礼,以及海外同胞认祖归宗的文明桥梁,其文明价值和影响非常深远。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: