
  • A+



1. 登机口(Gate):Excuse me, where is the gate for flight AB123 to London?
2. 打包(Pack):I need to pack my luggage before I leave for the airport.
3. 登机牌(Boarding pass):I forgot to print my boarding pass at home, can I do it at the airport?
4. 行李托运(Check-in luggage):I have two suitcases to check-in, can you help me with that?
5. 超重行李(Excess baggage):How much do I need to pay for my excess baggage?


1. 起飞(Take off):The plane will take off in a few minutes, please fasten your seatbelts.
2. 空中餐食(In-flight meal):May I have the vegetarian option for my in-flight meal, please?
3. 旅行耳机(Travel earphones):Excuse me, could I have a pair of travel earphones, please?
4. 起飞降落延误(Take-off or landing delay):Due to bad weather conditions, our flight will experience a take-off delay.
5. 航班信息(Flight information):Can you tell me when will be the estimated time of arrival for flight AC456?


1. 打招呼(Greeting):Hi, my name is Emily. Nice to meet you!
2. 闲聊(Small talk):Where are you heading to? Is it your first time visiting this place?
3. 交换旅行经验(Sharing travel experiences):Have you been to this city before? Could you recommend me some must-visit places?
4. 互相帮助(Helping each other):Do you need any assistance with carrying your luggage?
5. 交换联系方式(Exchanging contact information):It's great to meet you. Here is my email address. Let's keep in touch!





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: