
  • A+


1. 机场和酒店

1.1 机场
- Excuse me, where is the baggage claim area?(对不起,请问行李提取区在哪里?)
- Can you tell me how to get to the immigration office?(请问如何到达入境处?)
- Is there a currency exchange near here?(附近有没有外币兑换处?)

1.2 酒店
- Hello, I have a reservation under the name of [your name].(你好,我预订了一个房间,姓氏是 [你的名字]。)
- What time is the check-in/check-out?(入住/退房时间是几点?)
- Can I have a wake-up call at 7 a.m.?(可以请你们在早上7点叫醒我吗?)
- Is there a restaurant in the hotel?(酒店里有餐厅吗?)

2. 导游和景点

2.1 导游
Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!(早上/下午好,女士们先生们!)
- My name is [your name] and I will be your guide today.(我叫 [你的名字],今天将担任你们的导游。)
- Please follow me and stay together.(请跟我走并保持在一起。)
- If you have any questions, feel free to ask.(如果有任何问题,请随时提问。)

2.2 景点
- This is the famous landmark of [city name].(这是 [城市名] 的著名地标。)
- The architecture here is a perfect blend of traditional and modern styles.(这里的建筑是传统与现代风格的完美融合。)
- Don't forget to take photos and capture the beautiful moments.(别忘了拍照,留住美丽的瞬间。)
- The view from the top is absolutely breathtaking.(从顶部看出去,景色绝对令人惊叹。)

3. 餐馆和购物

3.1 餐馆
- Do you have a table for [number of people]?(有没有[人数]的座位?)
- What is the specialty here?(这里的特色菜是什么?)
- Could I have the menu, please?(请给我看一下菜单好吗?)
- The bill, please.(请给我账单。)

3.2 购物
- How much is this [item]?(这个[物品]多少钱?)
- Do you accept credit cards?(可以刷信用卡吗?)
- Could you show me some other options?(可以给我看看其他的选择吗?)
- Can I have a discount?(可以给我打个折扣吗?)



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: