
  • A+


1. 收到信件或邮件:
- I've received your letter/email.
- Your letter/email has arrived.
- I got your letter/email.
- The letter/email you sent me is here.

2. 收到礼物或包裹:
- I received a gift/package from you.
- Your gift/package has been delivered to me.
- I got a present/pa
rcel from you.
- The gift/package you sent me has arrived.

3. 收到通知或消息:
- I've received the notification/message.
- Your notification/message has come to me.
- I got the news/update from you.
- The notification/message you sent me is here.

4. 收到电话或短信:
- I got a phone call/message from you.
- Your phone call/message has reached me.
- I received your call/text.
- The call/text you sent me is here.

5. 收到邀请:
- I received an invitation from you.
- Your invitation has been sent to me.
- I got your invitation.
- The invitation you sent me has arrived.

- Thank you for the letter/email.
- I appreciate the gift/package.
- Thanks for the notification/message.
- I'm thankful for the phone call/text.
- Thank you for the invitation.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: