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1. General conversation
- “Hello, could you please help me with my seat?”(你好,请帮我查一下我的座位。)
- “Excuse me, do you have any blankets available?”(对不起,你们有毯子吗?)
- “How long is the flight?”(这个航班要飞多久?)
- “Can I have some water, please?”(请给我一杯水好吗?)
- “Is there a vegetarian option for the meal?”(有素食选择吗?)

2. Talking about luggage
- “Where can I claim my baggage?”(我可以在哪里取行李?)
- “Is there a limit on the weight of the carry-on luggage?”(手提行李有重量限制吗?)
- “I would like to check in this bag.”(我想托运这个包。)
- “Could you please tag my luggage?”(能给我的行李打上标签吗?)
- “My luggage is missing. What should I do?”(我的行李丢失了,我应该怎么办?)

3. Asking for assistance
- “I'm feeling sick. Is there a doctor on board?”(我感觉不舒服,机上有医生吗?)
- “Could you please help me with this overhead compartment?”(能帮我把这个行李放到头顶行李库吗?)

- “I think I left my phone in the seat pocket. Can you check for me?”(我好像把手机落在座位口袋里了,你能帮我确认一下吗?)
- “Is there a power outlet on this seat?”(这个座位上有电源插座吗?)
- “I'm afraid of flying. Can I have some water or something to calm down?”(我害怕飞行,能给我一些水或者其他东西安抚一下吗?)

4. In-flight announcements
- “Fasten your seatbelts. We are about to take off.”(请系好安全带,我们马上起飞。)
- “We will be experiencing turbulence. Please remain seated and keep your seatbelt fastened.”(我们即将遇到颠簸,请保持坐着并系好安全带。)
- “We will be landing shortly. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.”(我们即将着陆,请返回座位并系好安全带。)
- “In case of an emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead compartments. Put the mask on and breathe normally.”(在紧急情况下,氧气面罩将从头顶行李库掉下来。戴上面罩,并正常呼吸。)
- “Thank you for choosing our airline. We hope you have a pleasant flight.”(感谢选择我们的航空公司,祝您旅途愉快。)

5. Security procedures
- “Could you please present your boarding pass and passport?”(请出示登机牌和护照。)
- “Please remove all metal items and electronic devices from your pockets and place them in the tray.”(请将您口袋里的所有金属物品和电子设备取出,放在托盘上。)
- “Please step forward and stand with your arms out for the body scan.”(请向前走,并双臂伸直进行体检。)
- “Liquids are not allowed in containers larger than 100 milliliters.”(液体不允许在容量大于100毫升的容器中携带。)
- “Please remain in your seat until the seatbelt sign has been turned off.”(请保持坐姿,待安全带标志灯关闭后才能起身。)



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: