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1. 你好!

2. 谢谢!
Thank you!

3. 对不起,我听不懂。
I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

4. 请再说一遍。
Could you say that again, please?

5. 请慢点说。
Could you please speak more slowly?

6. 你会说英语吗?
Do you speak English?

7. 我不会说英语。
I don’t speak English.

8. 能帮我吗?
Could you help me?

9. 我不知道怎么走。
I don’t know

how to get there.

10. 这是哪里?
Where is this?

11. 我想去旅馆。
I want to go to a hotel.

12. 我想去餐厅。
I want to go to a restaurant.

13. 我想去景点。
I want to go to a tourist attraction.

14. 这里有地图吗?
Do you have a map?

15. 我想租一辆车。
I want to rent a car.

16. 我想坐出租车。
I want to take a taxi.

17. 这里有网吗?
Is there internet here?

18. 这里有免费wifi吗?
Is there free wifi here?

19. 我想预订一个房间。
I want to reserve a room.

20. 我已经预订好了。
I have already made a reservation.

21. 我需要办理入住手续。
I need to check-in.

22. 我想改变预订。
I want to change my reservation.

23. 我需要一个非吸烟房间。
I need a non-smoking room.

24. 我需要一个吸烟房间。
I need a smoking room.

25. 我需要一个更大的房间。
I need a bigger room.

26. 我需要一个更便宜的房间。
I need a cheaper room.

27. 我需要一个更好的房间。
I need a better room.

28. 我需要房间服务。
I need room service.

29. 我需要额外的毛巾。
I need extra towels.

30. 我需要一个吹风机。
I need a hair dryer.

31. 我需要一个电熨斗。
I need an iron.

32. 我需要一个热水壶。
I need a kettle.

33. 我需要一张旅游地图。
I need a tourist map.

34. 我需要一张公交地图。
I need a bus map.

35. 这家餐厅有什么特色菜?
What is the special dish of this restaurant?

36. 这道菜是什么?
What is this dish?

37. 我想点餐。
I want to order.

38. 我们要点两份主食。
We would like two main courses.

39. 我想喝一杯红酒。
I want a glass of red wine.

40. 我想要一瓶啤酒。
I want a bottle of beer.

41. 这个菜的价格是多少?
What is the price of this dish?

42. 这里有没有汉堡?
Do you have hamburgers?

43. 这里有没有比萨?
Do you have pizza?

44. 这里有没有咖啡?
Do you have coffee?

45. 这里有没有沙拉?
Do you have salad?

46. 这里有没有面条?
Do you have noodles?

47. 这里有没有糖果?
Do you have candy?

48. 这里有没有巧克力?
Do you have chocolate?

49. 这里有没有冰淇淋?
Do you have ice cream?

50. 这个菜单有英文版吗?
Is there an English menu?

51. 我要买一个礼物。
I want to buy a gift.

52. 我要给我的朋友买一个礼物。
I want to buy a gift for my friend.

53. 这个礼品店在哪里?
Where is the gift shop?

54. 这里有没有纪念
Do you have souvenirs?

55. 这里有没有邮局?
Is there a post office here?

56. 这里有没有超市?
Is there a supermarket here?

57. 这里有没有旅游咨询中心?
Is there a tourist information center here?

58. 我想去购物中心。
I want to go to a shopping mall.

59. 我想去一个传统市集。
I want to go to a traditional market.

60. 这里有没有便利店?
Is there a convenience store here?

61. 这里有没有药店?
Is there a pharmacy here?

62. 我的手机不好用。
My phone doesn’t work well.

63. 我需要充电器。
I need a charger.

64. 我需要一个转换插头。
I need an adapter.

65. 我想打电话给我的家人。
I want to call my family.

66. 我需要一个计程车。
I need a taxi.

67. 我需要一个地铁地图。
I need a subway map.

68. 这里有没有租自行车的地方?
Is there a place to rent a bicycle here?

69. 这里有没有旅游观光车?
Is there a tourist sightseeing bus here?

70. 我想坐飞机去。
I want to go by plane.

71. 我想坐火车去。
I want to go by train.

72. 我想坐轮船去。
I want to go by ship.

73. 我想坐巴士去。
I want to go by bus.

74. 你们接受信用卡吗?
Do you accept credit cards?

75. 我需要换一些钱。
I need to exchange some money.

76. 这里有没有银行?
Is there a bank here?

77. 这里有没有自动取款机?
Is there an ATM here?

78. 我想去游泳。
I want to go for a swim.

79. 我想去钓鱼。
I want to go fishing.

80. 我想去徒步旅行。
I want to go hiking.

81. 我想去滑雪。
I want to go skiing.

82. 这里有没有度假村?
Is there a resort here?

83. 这里有没有海滩?
Is there a beach here?

84. 我想去看一场电影。
I want to see a movie.

85. 我想听一场音乐会。
I want to go to a concert.

86. 我想参加一个派对。
I want to go to a party.

87. 这个博物馆开放时间是什么时候?
What are the opening hours of this museum?

88. 这个古迹是什么?
What is this historic site?

89. 我还没有参观这个城市。
I haven’t visited this city yet.

90. 这个城市有什么有趣的地方?
What are the interesting places in this city?

91. 这个城市有哪些大型购物中心?
What are the large shopping malls in this city?

92. 这个城市有哪些美食?
What are the local delicacies in this city?

93. 这个城市有哪些博物馆?
What are the museums in this city?

94. 这个城市有哪些公园?
What are the parks in this city?

95. 这个城市有哪些历史古迹?
What are the historic sites in this city?

96. 这个城市有哪些现代建筑?
What are the modern buildings in this city?

97. 这个城市有哪些文化活动?
What are the cultural activities in this


98. 这个城市有哪些娱乐设施?
What are the entertainment facilities in this city?

99. 我喜欢这个城市。
I like this city.

100. 我希望下次能再来这个城市。
I hope to come back to this city again next time.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: