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Anne Glass老师来自美国纽约一家私立学校阅读教学方面的专家。语音意识(phonological awareness)和音素意识(phonemic awareness) 是上下级的关系,是自然拼读法(phonics)的前期准备基础阶段。国内现在非常火热的phonics自然拼读法被认为当今北美孩子学英语的法宝,其实phonics是阅读发展阶段中的一步。在phonics自然拼读法的前一个阶段。在北美幼儿园进行的儿童语言教育中,学前阶段是音素意识(Phonemic Awareness)的培养而不是自然拼读(phonics)。5+5课程是指美国小学英语的Big Five(五大教学理论)+Daily Five(日常五点学习方法),是“美国小学英语”百家号针对中国国情,联系美国课程大纲开发的培训课程。5+5课程可以帮助教师和家长解决儿童英语的启蒙和快速成长。 欢迎私信索取高清教学资料。


Hi. my name is Anne Glass. I'm a reading and learning specialist at a private school in New York City and I work with Kindergarteners through 3rd graders on Reading, Word Study, and Writing Skills. In addition to be a reading specialist and learning specialist, I'm also a parent and today I'm going
to talk to you about topics in reading.


Phonological or phonemic awareness is a crucial factor which predicts how easily your child will develop early reading skills. It has to do with developing a sensitivity to the sound structure in oral language. At its most sophisticated level, it means phonemic awareness. Phonological awareness is the bigger umbrella which subsumes phonemic awareness. Phonological awareness can refer to noticing the words in a sentence, the syllables in a multi-syllabic word, and phonemic awareness is much more specific to the individual sounds in a single word. We call these individual sounds, phonemes.


Phonemic awareness is something that develops over time and can, in fact, be taught and should be taught. Phonemes are the very smallest units of sound
in words. For example, in the word bug, there are 3 phonemes. Bu-uh-ga. A child with sophisticated phonemic awareness would be able to substitute the bu- for ha, to get the word, hug, and she will also know that the initial sound changed, but the rest of the word didn't. When children receive explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, including rhyming games and substitution and segmenting tasks with individual phonemes, they are much more successful than their same peers who did not receive similar instruction.


美国小学英语课程设置:主教材Spotlight On English,语法Pathway to Grammar,词汇Amaze,阅读Reading Paths,戏剧Richmond Theater。


原版进口美国小学英语教材Spotlight On English

美国小学英语涵盖美国课程大纲五大领域:Phonemic Awareness(音素意识),Sight Words(常见单词),Phonics(自然拼读),Vocabulary & Grammar(词汇和语法)
,Comprehension(阅读理解)。美国小学英语教材Spotlight On English课程设置和介绍原版进口嘟嘟少儿英语Beep教材介绍和课程设置


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: