
  • A+




1. absorb

be absorbed in 聚精会神于

be absorbed by/with 入神地研讨

2. accompany

accompany sb to 陪…到…

accompany sb at/on…用…给…配乐

be accompanied by/with…与…一起发生/存在、兼带、附有

in the accompany of sb 在…的陪同下

3. account

account for 阐明…的缘由/占

on account of 因为/因为

take account of sth 思考/顾及…

take sth into account 思考/顾及…

4. accuse

accuse sb of (doing) sth 指控…做…

5. accustom

accustom oneself to sth 使…习气于…

be accustomed to sth 习气于…

be accustomed to doing sth 习气于做…

get/become/grow accustomed to sth 习气/习气于…

6. acknowledge

acknowledge doing sth 招认做了…

acknowledge sth as/to be 认为某事…

7. act

act as 充当/扮演

act for 署理/代表

act out (用手势/动作)标明出来

act on /upon 起作用/收效

act against 违背

8. add

add to 添加/添加

add…to 把…加到…

add up 加起来

add up to 总计/共

in addition另外

in addition to 此外/除此以外

9. adapt

adapt to 习气(=adjust to)

adapt oneself to 使…自个习气/习气于

adapt sth for sth 改动…以便在不一样的情况下运用

adapt from 根据…改写/改编

10. adjust

adjust to 习气

11. admit

admit doing sth 招认做…

be admitted to 答应(入学等)

admit one’s mistake 招认差错

12. advise

advise doing sth 主张做…

advise sb (not) to do sth 主张…做/不做…

advise that sb( should )do 主张…应做…

13. afford

afford to do sth 有才能做…

afford sth 买得起…

afford sb sth 为…供给…

14. agree

agree with sb/one`s opinion /what one said 附和或人的定见/观念/观点

agree to sth 附和某物

agree on sth (两边)就…达到共同

agree to do sth附和做…

15. allow

allow sb to do sth 答应…做…

allow doing sth 答应做…

allow for 思考、顾及

allow of 容许/有可以

allow sb in /up /out 答应…进/起来/出去

16. appeal

appeal to/for 央求/激烈呼吁

appeal against(提出)上诉

appeal to (某物)使喜爱/招引/使感快乐喜爱

17. apply

apply to sb /sth 适用于/运用于

apply to sb for help 恳求…协助

apply oneself to sth 专心于…

apply one’s mind to sth 专心于…

apply a theory to practice 把理论运用于实习

apply for a job提上班作请求

18. apologize

apologize to sb for (doing) sth 为(做)…向…抱愧

make an apologize to sb for( doing) sth为(做)…向…抱愧

19. argue

argue with sb about/over sth 与…争辩…

argue for 为…而辩解

argue against 争辩反驳\争辩反驳

argue sb into/out of doing sth ?怠?不做

20. attach

attach sth to sth 将…与…相联络

attach omeself to sb /sth 参加/依托

attach sb to sb /sth 使隶归于…

be attached to 眷恋/眷恋

21. attempt

attempt to do sth 企图/测验做…

make an attempt to do sth企图做…

make an attempt on/upon sth 企图攫取…

make an attempt at doing sth企图做…

22. attend

attend to

attend on /upon

be attended by

23. believe

believe in 信赖、崇奉

beyond believe 难以相信

believe it or not 信不信由你

24. blame

blame sb for (doing) sth 因…责怪…

be to blame (for…)应承担责任/该遭到责怪

25. break

break down 中止/分化/出毛病

break up 分化/散开/打碎

break in 闯入/打断/插话

break into 闯入/强行进入

break off 中止/绝交/歇息一下

break out 发生/迸发

break through 打破

break open 以暴力启开

break away from逃走/脱离

break in tears 俄然大哭起来

without /with a break 不断的/歇息一会儿

break into laughter俄然大笑起来

26. bring

bring in 获利/挣钱/提出/获得(收成等)

bring out 出书/阐明

bring on 使发生/致使

bring up提出/抚育/吐逆

bring down击落/推翻

bring about 使发生/构成

bring sb sth /bring sth to /for sb 带给…某物

bring back偿还/记起

bring sb/oneself to do sth 使或人/自个做…

bring …to an end 结束

27. burn

burn down 焚毁/烧光/烧为平地

burn up 烧掉/焚毁/越烧越旺

burn off 烧掉

burn out (使)烧坏、烧光

burn with 有(激烈的心境或需求)

burn…to sth 将…烧成…状况

28. burst

burst into sth 俄然…起来

burst into doing sth 俄然初步做…

burst out doing sth 俄然初步做…

burst open 俄然被推开

29. call

call at sp 到(某地)造访

call back 回电话

call in 请(进来)/召集

call on /upon 造访/呼吁

call up 打电话/使…想起

call for 需要/需求

call out 大声叫喊

call forth 引发/致使/引起

call after 以…的名字命名

call on sb to do sth呼吁/呼唤…做…

30. care

care for 喜爱/关怀/照看 照看

care about 忧虑焦虑

31. charge

charge for 收费/要价

charge sb with sth 指控

charge into /down…冲进(向…下跑去)

charge a battery 给电池充电

free of charge 免费的/地

in/under one’s charge 由…担任

in the charge of 由…担任

get charged 导电

take charge of /in charge of 主管/掌管

on charge 在充电

at one’s own charge 自费/用自个的钱

32. compare

compare…with 把…与…比较

compare…to 把…比作…

compared with /to 与…比较(在句中作状语)

33. come

come about 发生/发生

come along 过来/跟着来

come on 加油

come after 跟在…后边

come into being 构成/发生

come out 出来/开花/出书

come to 算计/抵达

come over to 造访/来访

come up to 抵达/比得上/不亚于

come to know 逐步知道

come to a stop /an end 结束/中止

come into force /effect 收效

come into power /office 就任

come across 偶尔碰到

come to oneself /come back to life复苏过来

come at 突击

come down下来/式微

come true 变为实际

come up with 提出/想出(方案、答复等)

come into use初步运用

come up 致使留心/走近/发生/思考

come up against 碰到/遭到(对立)

34. complain

complain to sb of /about sth 向…诉苦…

complain of doing sth 诉苦做…

35. concern

concern (oneself)about /for 担忧、关怀

concern (oneself) with /in 从事、参加

be concerned about /over /for 关怀、顾虑

be concerned with /in 牵扯到、与…有关

be concerned with /in 牵扯到、与…有关

show /express concern about /for 对…标明关怀

36. conclude

conclude from 从…得出结论

37. consider

consider sb to be/as认为…是…

consider doing sth 思考做…

38. consist

consist of由…构成

consist in 在于、存在于

convince:convince sb of sth 使…信赖…

convince sb to do 说服…做…

convince sb that 使…深信…

be convinced of /that…深信

39. cut

cut off 堵截/砍掉

cut up 切碎

cut in 插话

cut out 堵截/剪下/改掉

cut short 缩短/打断

cut through 抄近路/穿过/剪断

cut down 砍/削减/削减

cut back 减缩

40. date

date back to 追溯到…

date from 追溯到…

out of date 过期的/陈腐的

up to date如今的/最新的

to date到当前中止

the date line 世界日期改动线

41. demand

demand of sb to do sth需求…做…

demand sth of/from sb 向…需求…

demand to do sth 需求做…

in great demand 急需

demand that sb(should)do sth需求…做…

42. deny

deny doing 否定做过…

deny sth to be 否定…是...

43. desire

have a strong /no desire to do 极想/不想做

at one's desire 应…的需求

desire that sb (should) do期望…做

desire to do盼望做…

leave nothing to be desired 白璧无瑕

desire sb to do 期望…做…

44. develop

develop…into 打开/长变成…

develop…from /out of 由…打开起来

develop a film 冲刷胶卷

develop mind and body 身心打开

develop a new business 打开新作业

45. devote

devote to (doing)sth 牺牲于/专心于

devote oneself to把…献给

devote one’s life /time to 把…用在

be devoted to 聚精会神于/忠于/很喜爱

46. die

die out 灭绝/完全不见/绝迹

die of 死于

die from 死于

die for 为…而死

die away (音/风/光)逐渐不见

die down 逐步削弱/暂停

die off 相继死去

die hard (旧习气等)难改动/消去

be dying for 盼望/极想

47. do

do for 使完蛋 /满足/适合

do up 拾掇、打扮、扣上、系上

do with 处置、抵挡

do without 不必、不要

do over 重做/装饰

do out 打扫/收拾

do all one can to do sth 极力做…

do sth up 修补/从头装饰

do all that one can to do sth 极力做…

do oneself up 梳妆/打扮自个

do what(ever) one can to do sth 极力做…

do away with 除去、结束、杀死

do everthing one can to do sth 极力做…

do (vi) 够、适合

48. dress

dress sb /oneself 给…(自个)穿衣裳

dress up 穿上盛装

dress (sb)up as sb /sth 打扮成…

dress sth up 润饰、点缀

be dressed in 穿戴…

49. drive

drive off 迫使…脱离/击退/用车把…接走

drive in 乘坐

drive …into …把…打进…

drive sb mad 使…发疯

drive sb out of one’s mind 使…损失沉着

50. drop

drop out (of) 不参加/退出/停学

drop off(数量)削减/(价格)降低

drop to 降低到

drop in on sb 趁便造访..

drop into a deep sleep 堕入熟睡中

drop history 不学/不选修前史

51. engage

engage sb to sb 使…与…订亲

get /be engaged to sb 与…订亲

engage oneself to do sth 自愿做…

be engaged in (doing) sth 忙于(做)…

engage with 联接、使契合

52. equip

equip sb/sth with sth 用…配备…

equip sb for 使…有才能担任…

sb be equipped to do sth 使或人有才能做…

53. expand

expand in /into 把…拓宽/打开/胀大

expand on sth 论说/评述

54. fail

fail to do sth 未能做…

fail in doing sth 干…失利

fail in an exam 考试没及格

without fail 必定/有必要

55. fall

fall behind 落后

fall down 掉下/倒塌/降低/失利

fall into the habit of 染上…的习气

fall in love with sb 爱上…

fall to pieces 倒塌/溃散

fall to the ground 颠仆在地

fall ill /sick /asleep /silent 患病/入眠/不吱声

a heavy fall of rain 一场大雨

have many falls 跌了许多跤

56. feed

feed…on sth /feed sth to …用…喂…

feed on sth 以…为食

feed back 反应

57. fight

fight for 为…而战

fight against 与…作战

fight with 与…作战/一起抵挡

fight over 为…而争持

58. fit

fit in (with) 与…相习气/调和

fit sb /sth in (sth) 组织或人/某事

fit sb /sth out with sth 向…供给所需的东西

fit sb up for sth 诬害…(犯某事)

be fit for 合适某事

be fit to do sth 合适做…

59. forbid

forbid doing sth 阻止做…

forbid sb to do sth 阻止…做…

60. force

force sb to do sth 强逼…做…

force…open 强行翻开…


force sth from/out of sb 从…强行攫取…

force one's way 强行行进/挤过

do…with force 用力做…

by force 用暴力

by force of 借…之力

the air force 空军

labour force 劳力

come into force 施行(法令等)

61. get

get across 传达/使人了解

get about 走动/(消息等)传开

get ahead 获得成功/获得发展/抢先

get along (with) 发展/共处

get around /round 走动/传开/战胜/设法躲避

get at 抵达(某地)/讥讽(或人)

get away (from) 逃走

get back 回来

get down 写下

get into 进入/堕入

get off 从…下来

get on 上车/马/飞机

get out 逃出/泄露/出书/宣告

get over 从…恢复/战胜/处置

get through 结束/打通/度过

get together 集会

get up起床

get rid of 脱节

get hold of 捉住

get charged /killed /lost /married /paid / 导电/被杀/丢掉/成婚/得到酬劳

get burnt /broken /damaged /robbed /drunk / hurt / asked


get to 抵达

get a cold 伤风

get down to (doing) sth 初步细心做…

get in touch with 与…获得联络

get into( a habit of …) 养成…的习气

get into trouble 堕入窘境

get ready预备好

get sth done 使…被做

get angry /wet /dirty 生气/变湿/弄脏

get close to 接近/接近

62. give

give sth back 偿还/送还

give in (to sb /sth) 屈服/屈从/让步

give sth in =hand in sth 呈交

give (sb /sth) away 泄露/捐赠/赠送

give off 宣告气味/热气等

give up (doing) sth 扔掉(做)…

give out 分发/用完/耗尽/宣告(声响

63. go

go wrong /bad / blind /hungry 犯错/变坏/变瞎/饥饿

64. guarantee

guaranee sb /sth against /from保证…不受/免遭

guarantee sth to sb向…担保/保证

65. hand

hand in 上交

hand out 分发/宣告

hands up 举手

hand in hand 手拉手

at hand 在手边/邻近、即将到来

in hand 在手中

shake hands with sb 和…握手

by hand 用手工

give sb a free hand 甩手让…干…

first/second hand 亲手/二手

66. help

help sb (to)do sth 协助…做…

help sb with sth协助…做…

can’t help doing 忍不住做…

can’t help to do 不能协助做…

can’t help but do 不得不做

help oneself to 随意、自取

help sb out 协助…脱节窘境

with the help of 在…的协助下

67. hesitate

hesitate about doing sth对做…犹疑不决

hesitate to do sth 对做…犹疑不决

hesitate about /over sth对做…犹疑不决

hesitate in speaking 说话闪烁其词

without hesitation 毫不犹疑

68. hold

hold up 举起/支撑/阻挡/使中止

hold back 阻挡/抑制/畏缩/踌躇

hold out 伸出/坚持/坚持/供给

hold to 坚持(方向/原则)

hold on 持续/不挂断坚持下去/等候

hold on to 捉住不放

hold sb /sth up 延误或人/某物

69. imagine

imagine doing sth 想

imagine one’s doing sth 愿望…做

70. impress

impress…on 给…留下…印/把…印在…上

be impressed by /with /at 被…所感动

be impressed on one’smind /memory 印在…的脑际里

make /leave a /an…impression on sb 给…留下…形象

71. insist

insist that sb (should) do 坚持需求做…

insist on doing sth 坚持需求做…

72. intend

intend to do sth 方案做…

intend sb to do sth 方案让…做…

intend sth for sb /sth 为…而方案

be intended for 为…方案/方案的

intend sth by sth 经过…意指…

intend sth as sth 意欲…变成…

73. judge

judge sb /sth by sth 以…断定/评价

judge sb /sth to be 估量…是…

judging by /from 根据…来判别

as far as one can judge 据我看来

in one’s judgement 依…看

74. keep

keep out 置身于…之外/不让…进来

keep on doing sth 持续做…

keep off 推迟/避开/挡住

keep from 阻挡/隐秘/使不做…

keep up 坚持/持续

keep up with 跟上/不落在后边

keep to 恪守/信守/坚持

keep down 限制/打压/控制

keep back 阻挡/揶制/隐秘/保存

keep at 持续做

keep an eye out for sb /sth 防备/警惕/留心

keep an eye on 照看/照顾

75. knock

knock about 冲击、接连冲击

knock down 击倒、撤消

knock in 敲击

knock into 将…敲进、强行灌注

knock out 敲击、击倒

knock over打翻、推翻、撞到

knock up 敲门叫醒

knock together 相撞

knock against 撞到、遇到

knock off 敲落、中止

knock…out of 从…中敲出

76. lay

lay aside 留下后用/把…搁在一旁/储存

lay down 放下/规则/交出/拟定

lay off 辞退/中止/歇息/不睬睬/使赋闲

lay the table 摆桌子

lay out 安设/组织/铺开/打开/摆出

lay down one’s life for 为…而牺牲

lay the foundation of 奠定…的基础

77. leave

leave out 省去/遗失/不思考

leave alone 不打扰/不干与

leave behind 不带/忘了带

leave off 中止/中止

leave for 启航去…

leave sb doing…让…做…

leave sth as it is /they are 听其天然打开

leave /let …be 别管

leave sth with sb 把…暂时托交给…

leave sth to /for sb 把…留给…

leave sb sth把…留给…

leave sth open 让…开着

78. lead

lead to sth /to doing sth 致使/构成

lead sb to do sth致使…做…

lead sb to sp引…到…去

79. live

live with 和…一同日子/忍耐/忍耐住

live up to 恪守、契合

live through 度过、饱尝住、阅历…后还活者

live on 以…为食 /持续活着

live for 以…为日子方针

live off 依靠…日子

live out one’s dream 完成愿望

live and let live 宽恕别人

live by( doing …)经过…(办法)营生/按…的规则日子

80. look

look back on /up 回想/回想

look down on 鄙视/看不起

look for 寻找

look forward to 期望/期望

look into 查询

look on…as 把…看作…

look out 留心/留心

look over 快速查看

look through 审阅/细心查看

look up 查阅、向上看

look after 照看/照顾

look around round 环顾、四处看看

look at 看/凝视

look like /as if 看起来像/如同

81. make

make up 编造/虚拟/宽和/占(比例)/扮装

make for 向…行进/有利于

make up for 抵偿/抵偿

make it 成功/抵达方针


make sb /sth out 认出…

make out 辨认/了解/认出/填写 /设法唐塞/活下去

be made of /from 由…制成

be made up of 由…构成

make off 仓促脱离/逃走

make out that…声称/断语

make the most /best of 充分使用

make (it) up with sb 和…和洽/宽和

make ends meet 使出入相抵

make (good /full) use of 充分使用

make sense 讲得通/有道理

make sense of 懂/晓得…的意义

make no sense 讲不通/无意义

manage: manage without 在没有…的情况下唐塞曩昔

manage to do 设法做成…

82. marry

sb marry sb 娶/嫁

sb be /get married to sb娶/嫁给…

sb has been married for…成婚…(时刻)

marry sb to sb把…许配给…

83. motivate

motivate sb to do sth

84. need

need to do (或人)需要做…

need do(或人)需要做…

need doing(某物)需要被做…

need to be done(某物)需要被做…

at need 紧迫时

more than needs 跨越需要

meet the needs of 满足…需要

be in need of 需要

There’s no need to do /for sth 不需要做…

85. offer

offer sb sth 为…供给…

offer sth to sb…供给…

offer to do sth 主动提出做…

offer sb money for sth 出钱向…买…

offer sb sth for money 某物卖给…要…钱

86. pay

pay(money)for 付钱、付出

pay back 偿还、酬谢、报复

pay off 还请(债款)、获得成功

pay out 花费、开支

pay the bill 结帐

pay…to sb 付钱给…

pay sb for sth 因…给…酬劳

pay attention to 留心

pay a visit to 造访

87. prefer

prefer sth to sth 喜爱…胜于…

prefer doing sth to doing sth 甘愿做…而不愿做…

prefer sth to sth 喜爱…胜于…

prefer to do sth rather than do sth 甘愿做…而不愿做…

88. prevent

prevent sb from doing sth阻挡…做…

prevent one’s doing 阻挡…做…

89. promise

promise sth /to do sth 承诺…/做…

promise sb to do sth 承诺…做…

promise sb sth /sth to sb 容许或人某事

90. provide

provide sth for sb 向…供给…

provide sb with sth向…供给…

provided /providing that…只需

provide agaist 避免/防备

provide for 奉养/抚育


93. quit

quit (doing) sth 中止做…

be quit of 脱节/脱离/清除


96. reduce

reduce to 削减到

reduce by削减了


99. require

require sth of sb需求或人某事

require sb to do sth 需求…做…

(sth) requires doing /to be done(某物)需要被做

require that sb (should)do 需求…做…

100. respond

respond to sb /sth 答复/呼应

in response to 作为对…的反应



107. send

send out 发送/派发/宣告(光/热等)

send off 给…送别

send forth 宣告(光/热等)

send up 发射/使…上去

send sb sth /send sth to sb 送/寄…给…

send for 派人去请/拿

send sb doing sth 使…做…

send sb to do sth派…做…


110. show

show sb around /round sth 带领…赏识…

show off 夸耀

for show 为夸耀/装门面

on show 展出/展览(=on exhibition)




struggle with/against 与…奋斗

115. suffer

suffer from 患…(病)、受…(苦)

118. suspect

suspect sb of doing sth 置疑…做…

119. take

take off 脱下/起飞/成功/腾飞

take after (长相/行为)像…

take sth back 收回

take sb back to 让…回想/回忆

take over 接收 /接收/控制

take in 收留/吸收/诈骗/承受/了解

take up 拿起/占地/费时/初步从事/初步学

take down 记下/写下

take on 呈现 /从事/雇佣/承受/聘任/聘请

take to 初步喜爱/从事

take apart 把…拆开

take away 带走/拿走 /使不见

take out 拿出 取出

take back 收回

120. tear

tear( sth )apart 扯开

tear down 拆掉/撤消

tear at 撕/扯

tear away(使)牵强离去

tear into 进犯/冲击/严肃呵斥

tear up 撕毁

121. tend

tend to do sth 一般简略做…

tend to sb 照顾/维护…

tend to/towards 倾向于/趋于

122. think

think of 思考/想到

think of doing sth 方案做..

think about 思考/回想

think over 细心思考

think out 想出

think highly/well of 对…评价很高

think little/poorly/badly of 对…评价好/不好

think of…as… 把…看作/认为…是

What do you think of…? 你认为…怎么样?


124. treat

treat …as 视…为…

treat sb (for sth) 医治或人

treat sb /oneself to sth 请…/自个吃…

treat sb fairly /badly 无情/公正地对待

125. turn

turn around /round 转过身/转过来

turn away 回绝/把…打发走/转过脸

turn up 调大出头/调大

turn down 关小/调低/回绝

turn in 上缴/交还

turn into 变成

turn off 关掉

turn on 翻开

turn out (to be)/that…成果是…

turn over 翻过来/移送/翻阅

turn to 转向/求助于/查阅/依靠

turn back 折回/往回走

turn about 回身

take turns to do sth 轮流做…

in turn 轮流/顺次/反过来

by turns 轮流地


127. wear

wear sth away 磨损/用光/不见

wear sb /sth down 削弱

wear off 变弱/不见

wear sb out 使…筋疲力尽

wear sth out 使耗尽/破损

sth be worn out …破了

128. work

work at 从事于

work on 从事于/持续作业

work in 加进/刺进

work out 算出/成果/训练

work off 打扫/发泄

work up 使激动/逐步树立

work over 逼供/拷问

work with 与…同事

out of work 赋闲

at work 在作业/在起作用



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