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牛津英语词典(Oxford English
Dictionary, 简称OED)迩来在官方网站了发布了2021年4月的新增词汇表

在全球抗击新冠疫情的大布景下,许多与抗疫有关的新词及新用法也进入了牛津英语词典编纂者的视界。除了一份21个词的更新名录之外,修改部司理Fiona McPherson还撰文回想了其间一些词的前史。下面咱们就来看一下吧。

New word entries

1. Covid-19 n. 【新冠病毒】

“An acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, which is capable of producing severe symptoms and death, esp. in the elderly and…” 原词coronavirus最早呈现于1968年的《天然》杂志上。


2. infodemic n. 【危机时期的信息紊乱】

“A proliferation of diverse, often unsubstantiated information relating to a crisis, controversy, or event, which disseminates rapidly and…” 本词呈现于“非典”时期。

与危机、争议或作业有关的、一般未经证明的各种信息的涣散, 它能灵敏传达…

3. R0 n.【被1个患者感染的人群】

“The average number of cases of an infectious disease arising by transmission from a single infected individual, in a population that has not…”


4. self-isolate v.【自我阻隔】

“To isolate oneself from others deliberately; (now) esp. to undertake self-imposed isolation for a period of…”

主动使自个与别人阻隔; (如今)特别是在一段时刻内自我孤立。


5. self-isolated adj. 【自我阻隔的】

“Of a person or group: that has undertaken self-imposed isolation for a period of time, typically at home, in order to avoid catching or transmitting…”


6. self-isolating, adj. 【撑持自我阻隔的】

“That adheres to or promotes self-isolation; (of a person, group, or population) undertaking self-imposed isolation for a period of time, now esp. in…” 本词最早呈现于1841年,其义与今义类似。


7. self-isolation, n.【自我阻隔】

“The action, fact, or process of deliberately isolating oneself; an instance of this. Now esp.: self-imposed isolation undertaken in order to avoid…” 本词最早呈现于1834年,其义与今义类似。

孤立成心孤立自个的行为、实际或进程; 比方此类。自我强加的阻隔是为了避免……

8. self-quarantine, n. 【自我阻隔】

“Self-imposed isolation undertaken in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease, or as part of a community initiative to inhibit…”


9. self-quarantine, v. 【自我阻隔】

“To undertake self-imposed isolation in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease, or as…”


10. self-quarantined, adj. 【自我阻隔的】

“Of a person or group: that has undertaken self-imposed isolation in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease, or as part of a…”


11. shelter in place, n.【紧迫流亡所】

A public safety protocol invoked during an emergency in which there is an imminent threat to life or health, instructing people to find a place of shelter in their present location or immediate surroundings, and stay there until an all-clear is given.


12. shelter in place, v.【紧迫流亡】

Originally during an emergency in which there is imminent threat to life: to find a place of safety in one’s present location or immediate surroundings and stay there until an all-clear is given.

开始指在紧迫情况下,生命遭到迫在眼前的挟制: 在当前的方位或周围找到一个平安的当地,并呆在那里直到清除警报。

13. social distancing, n.【坚持肢体间隔】

“The action of practice of maintaining a specified physical distance from other people, or of limiting access to and contact between people (esp…” plus one more sense… 本词最早呈现于1957年,原指不与人交游,类似遁入陶渊明的世界。

与别人坚持必定的物理间隔,或捆绑人与人之间的触摸的行为 (尤指…另一层意义…)

14. social isolation, n.【戒绝交际交游】

“The state of having little or no contact with other people; (now) esp. a condition in which an individual lacks social connections or has no access…”

很少或不与别人触摸的状况; (如今)特别指一自个短少社会联络或无法触摸……

New sub-entries


15. to flatten the curve (at CURVE n.)【[医]削减感染率】

“(Medicine, spec. Epidemiology) : to take measures designed to reduce the rate at which infection spreads during an epidemic, with the aim of lowering the peak daily number of new cases and extending the period over which new cases occur.”

(医学上,特指盛行病学): 采纳办法,降低感患病在盛行时刻的传达速度,意图是降低每天新病例的顶峰数量,延伸新病例发生的时刻。


Updated sub-entries


16. PPE n. (at P n.)【自个防护用品】

“personal protective (or protection) equipment: clothing and equipment designed to provide the wearer or user protection against hazardous substances or environments, or to prevent transmission of infectious diseases (see personal protective equipment n.).” 本缩写呈现于1977年,在本次疫情之前一向是医疗救助作业的专用语。


17. personal protective equipment n. (at PERSONAL adj., n., and adv.)【自个防护用品】

“(also personal protection equipment) clothing and equipment designed to provide the wearer or user protection against hazardous substances or environments, or to prevent transmission of infectious diseases; abbreviated PPE (see PPE n.).”

(也指自个防护配备)为穿戴者或运用者供给防护以敌对有害物质或环境,或避免感患病传达的衣物和配备;缩写PPE(见PPE n.)

18. social recession n. (at SOCIAL adj. and n.)【社会衰退期】

“a period of widespread deterioration in quality of life among members of a community, especially due to reduced interactions and weakened social bonds.”


Additions to unrevised entries


19. elbow bump n. (at ELBOW n.)【碰肘(以替代握手致意)】

“(a) a blow with or to the elbow; an injury resulting from
this; (b) a gesture (usually of greeting or farewell) in which two people lightly tap their elbows together as an alternative to a handshake or embrace, esp. in order to reduce the risk of spreading or catching an infectious disease.” 本词首现于1981年,原义恰当于运建议的击掌相庆。



20. WFH n. (at W n.)【居家作业】

“working (or work) from home, either as a regular or permanent alternative to office work or on an occasional or temporary basis.”


21. WFH v (at W n.)【居家作业】

“to work from home, either as a regular or permanent alternative to office work or on an occasional or temporary basis.”





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