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1、“how are you doing today, miss?”“小姐,今日过得怎么样?”

a genuine hello accompanied by a heartwarming, three second smile is one of the most basic, highly effective ice breakers there is. often, we brush simple things aside as being too simple not realizing the simplest things can have the biggest impact in life.


think 外教英语课程培训 about the people who say “good morning” or “howdy” to their neighbors. this simple greeting is usually followed up with “how are you” or “how are the kids?” before long, the two parties are talking about their families and even favorite sports teams.


2. “nice earrings!”“你的耳环真秀丽!”

this comment represents a classic technique that is quite effective for starting a conversation. regardless of whom you are talking to, saying something genuinely nice about their outfit, accessories or even mood will usually be received well.


the person receiving the compliment will thank you and possibly say something nice
about you in return. in doing this, a dialogue begins. keep the dialogue going by asking a question like “where did you buy the earrings? i really like them.”


3. “does this shop always have such long queues?”“这家商铺门口老是要排这么长的队吗?”

simply commenting on an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation that you both experience in your immediate surroundings is another effective strategy for starting a conversation. you can comment about a long bathroom line or wobbly waiting-room chair.


by focusing on an unpleasant situation that you both find yourselves in and subtly complaining about it, you cleverly suck the other person into an unwitting pact that unites both of
you against a common enemy.


4、 “oh, did you hear about…”“你听没传闻……”

kick-start a conversation with a deion of an interesting, entertaining and/or funny story. get right in to your story deion and then allow the other person to make a remark or share an opinion of the story.


if your story is interesting enough, there really is no telling where it could take the ensuing dialogue and for how long you could stretch the conversation once your new friend gets on board.


5、“what kind of drink is that?“你喝的是啥?”

people love eating and drinking. if the person you want to start a conversation with has a nice-looking drink or a delicious-looking burger, comment on how delicious (or not delicious) the burger is. alternatively asks her what kind of drink she’s having.


when she replies, follow up with something like “do you really like it?” or ” 外教英语课程培训can i buy you another?” introduce yourself and don’t forget to flash your best charming smile.


6、“that’s a lovely name; are you named after someone?”“这个名字真好听, 是以某自个命名的吗?”

this works especially well in a workplace setting, business meeting or conference where people are wearing name tags. if she has an interesting name, walk up to her and say something like “camille, lovely name. what’s the origin of the name?”


she’ll probably be excited to tell you about her french name and before you know it, a conversation has ensued. if her name is ordinary or common, however, you might not find too many interesting questions to ask.


外教英语课程培训 7、 “hello, do you work here?”“你好,你在这儿作业吗?”

this also works well at a workplace or business setting where people are wearing name tags. even if you know the answer, ask whether he works there anyway. if you know some people who work at his company or retail store, mention them to him.


follow up with related questions like “what do you do here?” “have you been working here a long time?” “do you like it here?” “what’s your favorite/worst part of your job?


8、 “people call me david, but you can call me tonight.”


okay, telling a joke is easier said than done. jokes can be tricky, but they’re some of the best conversations starters you can throw 外教英语课程培训at someone new. they help the other person see a witty, fun and likeable side of your personality.


that said, unless you’re really confident about your joke-telling skills, it’s probably a good idea to avoid them or start with a self-deprecating joke. you can’t possibly offend yourself, can you?


9、 “excuse me, i just thought i should come over and talk to you.”“打扰一下,我觉得我大约过来跟你聊聊。”

sometimes the best and most fun ice breaker is honesty. walk up to her and just be honest. tell her you want to talk to her. point out how awkward and funny the situation actually is for both of you and that you are trying to make the best of it.

honesty really can be the best policy. who doesn’t love a refreshing bout of honesty, any way?








:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: