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1. 衣物:(clothes ) :

shoe 鞋, shirt 衬衣, shorts 短裤, dress连衣裙, t-shirt t恤衫,skirt 短裙, coat 大衣, sock 袜子, sport shoe 运动鞋,jeans 牛仔裤, sweater 毛衣, jacket 夹克衫,trousers长裤

2. 数字(number): 

one, seven , eleven

two, twelve, twenty

three, thirteen, thirty

four , fourteen, forty

five, fifteen, fifty

six, sixteen, sixty

seven, seventeen, seventy

eight, eighteen, eighty

nine, nineteen, ninety

one hundred

3. 钱银: yuan, pound(s)

4. 称号:

friend 兄弟, aunt阿姨,

uncle叔叔, grandfather祖父,


father父亲, mother母亲,

parent 父母之一,

parents 父母亲(两人)51talk少儿英语官网 ,

sister 姐妹, brother 兄弟,

cousin 表姐妹

5. 颜色:

blue 蓝色, green 绿色,

pink 粉赤色, purple 紫色 ,

red 赤色 ,black 黑色,

grey 灰色, brown 棕色,

white 白色, orange 桔色,

yellow 黄色

6. 描述词:

big 大的, small 小的,

short 短的, tall 高的, long 长的,

friendly 兄弟,great 巨大的,

funny 风趣的, honest 诚笃的,

handsome 帅气的,


hardworking 尽力作业的,

ugly丑的,weak 虚弱的,

strong健壮的, kind 友爱的,

beautiful 秀丽的, pretty 秀丽的

7. 作业(job) :

nurse 护士, doctor医生,

teacher教师, driver 司机,


farmer农人, policeman(policemen)差人,

postman(postmen) 邮递员,

manager司理, fireman 消防员,

cleaner 清洗工, athlete 运建议,

waiter 男效能员, waitress 女效能员,

lawyer 律师, clerk 职工,

bank clerk银行职 员,

ambulance man驾御救助车的人,

dentist牙医, criminal 罪犯

8. 类别(subject):

music 音乐, maths数学,

p.e. 体育 , art 美术,

english 英语, chinese语文

9. 食物(food):

bread 面包, egg 鸡蛋, cookies 曲奇

10 .饮料(drinks) : 51talk少儿英语官网milk 牛奶, juice果汁

11. 星期(week):

sunday 周日, monday星期一,

tuesday星期二, wednesday星期三,

thursday周四, friday星期五,


12. 球类:

football 足球, basketball篮球,

badminton茸毛球, tennis网球,

table tennis 乒乓球

13. 动词: 

play玩, swim游水, skip跳绳,

run跑步, jump跳 , go 去

14 频度副词: 

usually 一般, often常常, sometimes 有时


a pair of 一双, talk about谈及,

movie star影星,

feed me well , grow up长大,

after school 放学后,

check your teeth查看牙齿,

criminals, put out fires救活 ,

clean up everything 做清洗,

deliver letters送信,

serve us food and drinks为咱们供给食物和饮料,

drive a taxi 驾御租借车,

drive an ambulance驾御救助车,

get up起床,

at the top of 在…顶部

help in a shop 在商铺协助,

help sick people 协助患者,

help us to learn 协助咱们学习,

help my wife with the housework 帮我老婆做家务,

have breakfast吃早餐,

have lunch吃午饭,

have dinner吃晚餐,

have a good time 晚得开心,

go to school上学,

go to bed上床睡觉,

come to school来学校,

go back home回家,

go shopping 逛街,
go swimming 去游水,

go out出去

on sunday在周日,

on monday, on tuesday, on wednesday,

on thursday, on friday, on staurday,

from monday to friday 从周一到周五,

play football踢足球 ,

play cards 玩牌,

play chess下棋,

play basketball打篮球,

play badminton打茸毛球,

play tennis打网球,

play ball games玩球类游戏,

play table tennis with my friends与我兄弟打乒乓球,

play computer games玩电脑游戏

do housework做家务,

do gardening 做园艺,

do your/my homework 做你的/我的家庭作业,

wash the clothes洗衣裳,

wash my car 洗我的车

feed our pets喂咱们的宠物,

watch tv看电视,

sleep late 睡得迟,

cook for my family为我的家人煮饭,

sweep the floor扫地,

clean the house打扫房子


1. can i help you? yes, please. /sorry.需要我协助吗?是的/不必

2. how much is the coat? it’s five yuan. 大衣多少钱?五元。

3. how much are the jeans? they’re fifty pounds. 牛仔裤多少钱? 55英镑

4. i’d like to buy that blouse.我想买那件女式衬衣。

5. i’ll take it. i’ll take them. 我买它/它们了。

6. what can i do for you? 需要我协助吗?

7. i’d like to buy that blue dress. 我想要买那条蓝色的连衣裙。

8. that’s all right.好的。

9. whose t-shirt is it? it’s xiaoling’s. 51talk少儿英语官网这个t恤是谁的?它是小玲的。

10. whose shoes are they? they’re yongxian’s.那鞋子是谁的?它们是永现的。

11. who’s the boy/girl?
he’s /she’s …那个男孩/女孩子是谁?他是/她是…..

12. the boy with a black cap. 戴黑色鸭舌帽的男孩

13. he’s wearing a pair of black jeans.他穿一条黑色的牛仔裤。

14. that’s an american/australian boy.那是一位美国的/澳大利亚的男

15. the tall girl in a red coat. 穿戴赤色大衣的高高的女孩

16. what do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想做啥?

i want to be a teacher. 我想变成一位教师。
17. that’s a good job. 那是一个好作业。

18. what’s the young man’s job? 那个年青人的作业是啥?

he’s a doctor.他是一位医生。

19. what does he/she do? he’s /she’s a farmer.

他/她是做啥的? 他/她是一名农人。

20. my dad has got a new job. 我父亲有一个新作业。

21. why don’t you come to my apartment after school? thank you !


22. see you after school 放学后见。

23. do you help sick people? yes. /no. 你协助患者吗?是的/没有

24. at the top of the house.在房房顶部

25. it can’t get down.它下不来

26. let’s help the cat.让我帮下这只猫吧!

27. let’s
go and ask him.让咱们去问问他吧!

28.what do cleaners do? they clean up everything.


29.what time do you have breakfast?


i have breakfast at about eight o’clock.


30. let’s go and have breakfast. 让咱们去吃早餐吧!

31. what time is it? it’s eight ten. 几点钟了?8点。

32. it’s time to go to school.是上学的时刻了。

33. here’s 51talk少儿英语官网your breakfast.这是你的早餐。

34. i’ve no time for breakfast.我没有时刻去早餐了。

35. what day is it today? it’s monday.今日星期几?星期一。

36. what do you usually do after school on monday?


i often play football with my friends.


37. sometimes we play chess, and sometimes we play cards.


38.what 51talk少儿英语官网 housework do you do ? 你做啥家务?

i clean the house and wash the clothes. 我打扫房间和洗衣裳。

39.what do you do on saturday and sunday?


we go out and we have a good time.


- end -




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: