英语口语 It’s up to you是中文“你拿主意”

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英语口语:It's (all) up to you是“你拿主意”?


见到英语It's (all) up to you,你就“说”中文:去留两可,随你便,你说了算,你拿主意,等等,这就是“说”中文口语,不是“说”英语口语,也跟我们“练英语口语”的初衷背道而驰了。

1) 如果你听到别人说英语It's (all) up to you,你能把下面你学过的英语用起来表达英语It's up to you才是真正的“训练英语口语”:

1. Well,I got you.When you say:It's (all) up to you, you mean:You are the one to decide=the one to make a decision.

2. Well,I got you.When you say:It's (all) up to
英语口语 It’s up to you是中文“你拿主意”插图
you, you mean:You are the one
英语口语 It’s up to you是中文“你拿主意”插图(1)
responsible for deciding= for makung a
英语口语 It’s up to you是中文“你拿主意”插图(2)

3. Well,I got you.When you say:It's up to you, you mean:You are the boss,you have the final say/word on it.

2) 下面轮到你做把英语说成英语的英语口语训练:

1. To go ,or not to go, it's (all)up to you.

2. If your students don’t trust you, it’s (all) up to you to fix the problem.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: