强师专栏 英语口语教学(二) 以听促说的策略与方法(附案例)

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主题:Helping the Environment

教师首先播放一段BBC制作的纪录片 One Life (《地球生灵》)的片头部分,其中展现了地球上各种生物不同的生命形态和生存瞬间,画面精美且震撼。看过之后教师以提问形式展开教学。

Q: What do you see in this video clip? How do you feel about it?

(Possible answers: Different animals are living different lifestyles. They are also living creatures on the Earth. It's exciting and interesting. )

Q: If these animals disappeared, what would happen to us human beings?

(Possible answers: We would disappear too. Nature would be destroyed and there would be little chance for us to survive alone on the Earth. )





主题:Cartoon Characters


T: Today, we are going to hold a Students' Union meeting to discuss the mascot of the coming sports meeting. We have four candidates to choose from—Donald Duck, Batman, Doraemon, Pleasant Sheep. What do you think of them in the first place? Who is more promising in your mind?

Possible answers:

Donald Duck is funny but bad-tempered, and he always fails in his tasks, so maybe he is not suitable.

Batman is brave and have superpowers. I think he can better represent our spirits.

Doraemon can be the best choice because he has so many gadgets that can help him overcome every difficulty, which is what we desire.

Pleasant Sheep is the cleverest sheep and fastest runner in the village; therefore, he is also competitive.

T: You have expressed your opinions on the impressions of the four candidates. Now you are going to listen to some passages or conversations about them to get more information. Then we will see whether you will change your mind at the end of the class.





主题:Life Choice

T: Listen to the passage and try to answer the question—What is the passage mainly about?

Possible answer: It's about what made Robinson's first sea journey.

听力素材:My First Sea Journey

Before I begin my story I would like to tell you a little about myself. I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York in the north of England. My father was German but he came to live and work in England. Soon after that he married my mother who was English. Her family name was Robinson so when I was born they called me Robinson after her. My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job and live a quiet comfortable life. But I did not want that. I wanted adventure and an
强师专栏 英语口语教学(二) 以听促说的策略与方法(附案例)插图
exciting life. “I want to be a sailor and go to sea,” I told my mother and father. They were very unhappy about this. “Please do not go,” my father said. “You will not be happy you know. Sailors have a difficult and dangerous life.” And because I loved him and he was unhappy I tried to forget about the sea. But I could not forget and about a year later I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship and my friend said to me, “We're sailing to London tomorrow. Why do not you come with us?” And so on September 1st, 1651. I went to Hull and the next day we sailed for London.



精听,就是要求学生能够听懂文本材料中的所有内容,从发音到单词、语法到句式,理解每一个单词和句子,注重锻炼听细节的能力。精听训练最直接的方式是听写,可以通过反复听、听写检查、与原文对照的方式来强化听写训练;亦可降低难度,采用Spot Dictation填空式的方式把握细节问题,进行听力训练。精听训练结束后,可以采用诵读的方式,积累生词和句式,帮助学生建立话题的口语框架,为说打下基础。例如,

强师专栏 英语口语教学(二) 以听促说的策略与方法(附案例)插图(1)


A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. There's always going to be people that hurt you, so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. Remember: Whatever happens, happens for a reason.

How many people actually have 8 true friends? Hardly anyone I know. But some of us have all-right friends and good friends.




主题:Famous People

Mak a speech and try to retell the story of Beethove briefly on the basis of the
强师专栏 英语口语教学(二) 以听促说的策略与方法(附案例)插图(2)
information you have got.

(听力素材来源于新世纪版《高中英语》Unit 2 Listening and talking)




主题:Food Group Work: Listen to the conversation about ordering food in the restaurant and be familiar with the expressions used when the customers want to change their mind. Work in groups of four and make a conversation using the menu for Candy Best Restaurant.(听力素材来源于《高中英语》(牛津上海版)S1U6 Ordering Food)

教师设计不同的听力任务,帮助学生了解顾客在点单过程中改变主意时用到的实用句型以及如何在西餐厅用英语点餐。随后,给出 Candy Best Restaurant的菜单,模拟真实场景,让学生综合利用所学内容完成四人一组的西餐厅点单对话,提高学生学英语、说英语、用英语的兴趣。




主题:Making a Plan

Speaking: Planning a celebration

Instructions: In groups, plan an end-of-term party. Start by brainstorming the points and discuss which ideas are best. Try to decide the following to finalize your plan. Remember the useful expressions mentioned in the listening part.

After that, when each group gives the presentation, other groups need listen to the plan carefully and make comments according to the checklists.

(素材选自《高中英语》(牛津上海版)S3A Unit 4)



在听说活动结束后,为了能更好地巩固课堂所学,使学生能内化知识,从而最终达到提升口语能力的目的,教师应合理设计课后活动,以此来为学生提供更多“Speak English & Speak Authentic English”的机会。





(1)模仿跟读以下语句,注意学习意群停顿和音调变化。(|:短暂停顿,| |:较长停顿)

① The term | COVID-19 appeared in Merriam-Webster's online dictionary | just a little over a month later, | | marking the fastest journey from conception | to formal recognition | in the company's nearly 200-year history. | |

② We know | that social distancing—| staying at least six feet | (about 1.8 meters) | apart |—helps avoid the spread of coronavirus | by limiting our exposure | | to any droplets of bodily fluid | that may be in the air when someone talks,(升调)|coughs(升调)| or sneezes.(降调)| |

③ Since 2003, | | Merriam-Webster has announced a “Word of the Year" | to name the word or expression | that has been looked up online the most time frequently in that time. | | Despite some words remaining controversial. | like social distance, | | one thing seems certain: | this year’s winner will | undoubtedly(降升调)| be related to the COVID- 19 pandemic. | |


① Given the impact that the novel coronavirushas had not only on the daily lives of people worldwide, but the global economy, it should not be a surprise that COVID-19 has also influenced our vocabulary.

② Words like asymptomatic(无症状的),droplets(飞沫)and super-spreader(超级传播者)have become a part of regular conversation, along with terms such as red zone(危险地区),social distancing and flattening the curve(压平曲线).

③ We also know that avoiding hot spots and red zones, areas with a heavy concentration of COVID- 19 cases, can flatten the curve, slowing the spread of the disease and helping doctors and nurses avoid a sudden overload(超负荷的)of patients.



主题:Public Speaking

在课堂上,教师通过一系列听说活动引领学生了解和掌握了关于演讲时要注意的重点,如 stance,gestures,eye contact等。课堂时间有限,为了将主题意义进一步挖掘,教师可以利用更多资源为学生打开更广阔的天地,同时也能为学生今后做公开演讲奠定基础。

教师可利用一套TED演讲 Talk Like TED来进行课后补充巩固训练。该系列演讲分别着重在public speech的多个层面展开演讲,有趣且地道,能带给学生有别于教材文本的感受。(视频都配有中文字幕,部分配有中英文字幕。)


① Break the ice—Joe Kowan

② Body language—Amy Cuddy

③The Golden Circle—Simon Sinek

④Connect with the audience—Carmen Agra Deedy

⑤ Follow the path of influential speeches—Nancy Duarte

⑥ Be engaged—Hans Rosling

⑦ Keep their attention—David Rose

⑧ Use the tools in your vocal toolbox—Julian Treasure


For those under average:

Follow and imitate parts of the speech and show it in front of your classmates.

For those on average:

Summarize what you have listened and make a short speech in front of your classmates.

For those above average:

Write down your own opinions on the same issue and present it in front of your classmates, with the tips guiding your performance.






Students are divided into several groups of six. They are supposed to present a show about an interview.

Finally, the students will present their interview as if they were undergoing a real one. Then, their performances will be evaluated by both the teacher and their classmates. The best group will come out as the winner and be awarded.

(上海市奉贤区奉城高级中学 胡欣

上海市奉贤区教育学院 陆慧)



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: