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The Romantic Period(浪漫时代)

「扩」美国文学史第一个时代/最首要时代就是浪漫时候,并无文艺回复时代,以是美国的The Romantic Period又称为the American Renaissance(“美国文艺回复”)

· 起头标记:The Sketch Book(《见闻札记》Irving);the end of the 18th century(18世纪末)
· 竣事标记:Leaves of Grass(《草叶集》Whitman); Civil War(美海内战)

· 美国文学表达了美国人民独有的4个履历:
1)the early Puritan settlement初期清教徒的殖民
2)the confrontation with the Indians与印
3)the frontiersmen's life边陲开辟者的糊口
4)the wild west西部荒野

· 美国浪漫时代的特色:was a emphasis夸大 upon the imaginative 想象力、emotional qualities 感情身分included a liking for the picturesque(活泼的描述),the exotic(异国感情的表达),the sensuous(感官的领会),the sensational(引发哗然的), and the supernatural(超天然力的描述).

「扩」imagination想象力,pioneering into the west 向西部开辟

· 浪漫主义时代American character types:speaking local dialects(当地方言) ... and celebrate American farmers,the poor,the unlettered,children,and the noble savages(red and white)untainted by society.

· The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values.美国清教作为一种文化遗产,对美国人的品德观念发生了很大影响。

· the Calvinistic加尔文 view of original sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesser writers(小众作家). 「选择题」

· 新英格兰超验主义 New England Transcendentalism


·超验主义认为 :
1)"the recongition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively, or of attaining knowledge transecnding the reach of the senses."人类具备本能地领会及熟悉真谛的能力,可以或许超出感官获得常识。
3)Emerson曾说"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."只有人心灵的庄严才是最神圣的。
2)nature is ennobling崇高的,the individual is divine小我是神圣的 and self-reliant人必需自主.

·美国十九世纪the 19th century 最有影响力most popular American poet is Whitman,Leaves of Grass

·美国浪漫主义时代小说period特色:original独创性、diverse body 多样性:
书中并列句式为:It ranges from ... of whom to ... of whom, from ... of whom to ... of whom...,....

1)the comic fables of Washington Irving to the Gothic tales of Edgar Allen Poe

2)the frontier adventures of James Fenimore Cooper to the narrative quests of Herman Melville 有库珀的边陲冒险故事,麦尔维尔的长篇叙事

3)the psychological romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne to the social realism of Rebecca Harding Davis霍桑的生理罗曼史和戴维斯的社会实际小说(此处实际主义恰是浪漫时代的多样性特色的表示)

·VIP作家:Nathaniel Hawthorn霍桑、Walt Whitman(poet)惠特曼、Herman Melville 麦尔维尔。

The Realistic Period(实际主义时代)

·初步和竣事:from 1865 to 1914

1)Realism was a reaction against Romanticism对浪漫主义对一种叛逆,

2)a move away from the bias towards romance重视实际,

3)self-creating fictions丢弃幻想,

4)and paved the way to Modernism.为现代主义文学摊平事理。

5)interest注意 in the "reality" of life... 书中P473 中心

·实际主义时代三个代表作家:Howells 豪威尔斯、Mark Twain 马克吐温、Henry James 亨利·詹姆斯


配合点:in short, they set example and charted the future course for the subjects, themes, techniques and styles of fiction we still call modern.总之,他们为厥后点实际主义文学在题材、技能和气概上都建立来典型。

分歧点:they differed in their understanding of the "truth." While Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the "life" of the Americans, Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the "inner world" of man.他们对付“真实”点理解各不不异。马克吐暖和豪威尔斯加倍注意糊口描述,而亨利詹姆斯则较着夸大人类的“心里世界”。

·American naturalism美国天然主义发生的缘由:

1)the impact of Darwin's evolutionary theory on the American thought
2)the influence of the 19th century French literature on the American men of letters. 19世纪法国文学对美国文学家对影响。---->触及法国小说家Emile Zola左拉

·美国天然主义作品特色:in a word, naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic.总之,天然主义源自于实际主义,只是在创作上更富嘲讽,加倍灰心。

1)they chose their subjects from the lower ranks of society

2)portrayed misery and poverty of the "underdogs"

3)they were demonstrably victims of society and nature.

4)the most familiar themes is the theme of human "bestiality" .

·VIP作家:Mark Twain马克吐温、Henry James亨利詹姆斯、Emily Dickinson 狄金森、Theodore Dreiser 德莱塞。

The Modern Period现代时代


1)the 20th century began with a strong sense of social breakdown.二十世纪初是社会心识紧张危机的时代。

2)a series of wars fought on the international scene to affect the life of Americans and their literary writings.

3)in the 20th century,which means violence,devastation, blood and death.

4)after the World War 1, 美国成了 a world power。

5)人们思惟变成“enjoy the present” 实时享乐

6)the second American Renaissance is the expatriate movement

·the expatriate movement移居海外活动相干常识点:

1)the 20th century American literature 20世纪的文学活动

2)there was a spiritual crisis 呈现精力信奉危机

发生了一批自愿加入一战的青年,想打一场“闭幕所有战役的战役”,但他们的英雄主义被实际打败。厥后他们把本身的战役履历写下,成了精采的美国文学作家。这批人曾移居法国巴黎,与欧洲小说家一块儿测验考试用新的方法表达思惟。以是被称为“The Lost Generation”迷惘的一代「专」(注重:属于一战后)。


When the First World War broke out, many young men volunteered to take part in "the war to end wars", but their heroism was defeated by reality.
Afterward, they wrote from their own experiences in the war. Among these young writers were the most outstanding people in American literature. They emigrated to Paris and involved with other European novelists on new modes of thought and expression. So, they were called "The Lost Generation".

·The Lost Generation 作家群中,闻名的三位诗人:Robert Frost 、 Ezra Pound、William Carlos Williams 「选择题」

·诗人:Robert Frost 、 Ezra Pound—'Imagist Movement' “意象主义”前锋,翻译《诗经》Shih-Ching和《论语》Confucius、E.E.Cu妹妹ings—用“i”取代“I”(反语律例律),以此against self-importance 否决自豪、Wallace Stevens—存眷man and things 人与天然的瓜葛。「选择题」

·战后的通用句套话(可用于大题):the world is even more disintegrating and fragmentary and people are even more estranged and despondent.此时(指战后)世界其实不调和,而是越发破裂,人们相互冷淡,意气消沉。

·Allen Ginsberg《金斯堡》的“Howl”《嚎叫》成为了'the Beat Movement'即“垮掉的一代”「专」的文学活动代言manifesto。(二战后)

·“new fiction”新小说(1960s~1970s )代表作家:Kurt Vonnegut、Joseph Heller、John Bath、Thomas Pynchon「选择题」

·VIP作家:Rober Lee Frost 弗罗斯特、F. Scott Fitzgerald 菲兹杰拉德、Ernest Hemingway 海明威、William Faulkner 福克纳

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