用英语学英语 怎么理解on the house是“免费”的意思

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1) 信赖不少学过英语白话表达:It's on me=I'll pay for you=I'll foot the bill的人都晓得这里的

on有pay the money的意思,雷同中文“包在。。。身上
用英语学英语 怎么理解on the house是“免费”的意思插图

2) 信赖不少学过英语白话表达:The house always wins(玩不外农户的,庄老是赢家,买的没有卖的精)。你就会晓得这里的the house=the management=the establishment

用英语学英语 怎么理解on the house是“免费”的意思插图(1)
the house中对on和house的意思就不难理解了(可是,估量看短语on the house仍是不解除有其“本义”“在房顶上”的寄义的,要看呈现的上下文)。

3) 咱们仍是“问问”英英字典吧,Put English into English

on the house:

1. as a gift from the management, free

2. Paid for by the merchant or the establishment or the management

3.[of something] given away free by a merchant

4. At the expense of the establishment

5. (of drinks or a meal in a bar or restaurant) free(of charge)

恰是由于咱们Put English into English,用英语学英语,咱们才可以把学过的英语as a gift from the management啦, free啦,Paid for by the merchant or the establishment or the management啦, given away free 啦,At the expense啦(多标致的短语!) ,free(of charge)啦“用”起来,同时用它们表达on the house

4) Put English into English英语白话练习

1. Okay.Got you.Just like:It's
用英语学英语 怎么理解on the house是“免费”的意思插图(2)
on me and The house always wins, On means Paid by,House means the management

2. So,On the house means your food or drinks are paid for by,at the expense of the management.It means It's free!

For example,you may say:

4. Tonight the drinks are on the house.

5. Please accept this bottle of wine on the house as an apology.

6. Don't worry, this round is on the house.

7. I went to a restaurant last night. I was the ten thousandth customer, so my dinner was

on the house.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: