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平常糊口英语:小面值英镑硬币 将来是去是留?
平常糊口英语白话,对付大师来讲,也是比力常见的,用到的频率更高。以是增强这部门英语白话的操练,可以更便当大师的糊口。那末这些常见的平常糊口英语白话都有哪些呢?小编为大师收拾了“平常糊口英语:小面值英镑硬币 将来是去是留?
The Treasury says that six out of ten copper coins are used only oncebefore being stashed away or even chucked in the
bin. The Royal Mint has beenissuing hundreds of millions of the coins every year, only for them to disappearinto jars or the back of drawers, which the government believes isn'tcost-effective.
There's been a sharp drop in cash transactions under five pounds since theintroduction of contactless card payments. As yet, the Treasury says it has noplans to get rid of the coins but many see this as the beginning of the end.
英国财务部称,每十枚铜币(即使士)中就会有六枚硬币仅在一次利用后就被人存置一旁,乃至被扔进垃圾箱。英国皇家铸币局(The RoyalMint)每一年都在刊行数以万万枚的硬币,而这些硬币最后却只能被藏到存钱罐里或是抽屉的深处,英国当局认为这是不划算的。
以上就是为大师收拾的“平常糊口英语:小面值英镑硬币 将来是去是留?”相干内容,更多平常糊口英语白话出色内容,请存眷本频道的延续更新!