- A+
Did you have fun? (玩得欢快吗?)
How do you like this suit? (这套衣服怎样样?)
How did you like it? (你感觉怎样样?)
Did you like it?(你喜好吗? )
What do you think of it? (你感觉阿谁怎样样?
How'd things turn out? (成果怎样样?)
To make a long story short, (长话短说…… )
Just tell me the story in a nutshell (你就简明简要地说吧。 )
Let me know the circumstances(奉告我具体环境。)
A piece
of cake(垂手可得。 )
So far, so good (到如今为止还好。)
So-so (敷衍了事。)
That's about it ((事变)就是如许。)
It was nothing(没甚么了不得的。)
There's nothing to it(这很简略。 )
It worked!(啊,真灵! )
It needs work(还需再加把劲。 )
Almost! (就差那末一点儿。)
Going from bad to worse (愈来愈欠好。 )
He made it big (他一鸣惊人。)
We're set (问题解决了。)