
  • A+

First of all, I believe that English is not the language of any country. Language, like art, should not be divided into national boundaries, but the co妹妹on wealth of all mankind;

Secondly, if you truly love your motherland, you should learn English well, learn the world's advanced science and technology through English, and learn from the strengths of others and make up for your weaknesses.

Finally, China is merging into the whole world with a very open mind and speed. You truly have English ability. Not only are the so-called stepping stones and tools aside, you can also put wings on your career and life.





以Should Students Make Friends on Line? 为题,写一篇100词的漫笔。

(14 分)


The Internet is a platform to expand your horizons, and there is no problem with online dating
itself. It mainly depends on the person who treats it. I myself have many netizens, and I can chat about the current situation in my free time. You can learn from each other when you have problems. However, it is still necessary to protect personal privacy and family status when making friends online. Do not disclose your address lightly to avoid being deceived!






3、词数:100 摆布

Attention, please. I’m going to give you a su妹妹ary of today’s discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time.

Thank you.
(14 分)


attention, please! i’m going to give you a su妹妹ary of today’s
discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time.

many students think we can go on line as much as possible in our spare time because we are free then. through the internet, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest information at home and abroad. what’s more, network offers us a convenient way to co妹妹unicate with each other. the internet makes our lives outside class colorful and various.

on the other hand, a few students partly agree to this idea. going on line is part of our daily life. but they suggest a time limit. they’ve found that more students are playing computer games or chatting instead of studying their lessons or looking up materials. there are a few students who are often absent from school in order to go on line for fun.

In my opinion,every coin has two sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good.So I think combining the entertainment with the study is the best.







以My Hope为题,写一篇80词的漫笔。

(14 分)

I believe that if we set goals, we should act on them. Through continuous efforts, all dreams can be realized. My father always asks me what my dreams are for the future. Sometimes I find it difficult to give a definite answer. "I want to be a doctor." "I want to be a teacher." and "I want to be a scientist!" Many of these answers may be very naive and absurd. But I never think they are far away. If I try my best, it will come true.

我信赖,若是咱们设定了方针,咱们就应当付诸举措。经由过程不竭的尽力,所有的空想均可以实现。我父亲老是问我对将来的空想是甚么。有时我感觉很难给出明白的谜底。 “我想成为一位大夫。” “我想成为一位西席。” 和“我想成为一位科学家!” 此中很多谜底可能很是幼稚和荒诞。 但我从不认为他们很遥远。 若是我极力而为,它就会实现。


请以What Will You Do When You Meet Trouble为题,写一篇100词的漫笔。

(14 分)


1. Be calm

Don't panic when setbacks come. Be sure to calm down. If you are at a loss and messy, it will make the setbacks more complicated and difficult to solve.

2. Must dare to face

Some people will shrink back in the face of setbacks because they are afraid and dare not face it. It is wrong to do so. We should face it bravely and solve it!

3. Be optimistic

Don't be sad when setbacks come, don't despair, be optimistic, when you treat him optimistically, he will become easy to solve.

4. Be sure to analyze the frustration

You need to analyze the cause of the frustration and figure it out so that you can know what went wrong and where you should start to solve it.



2. 必需勇于面临







:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: