还在为学不好英语而苦恼 科学家已经找到重要原因

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2016年1月22日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --进修第二说话对有些人来讲比力轻易,对此外一些人则会相对于坚苦,近日一项钻研发明分歧人在脑部特定区域之间存在“交换”方面的内涵不同,这也许可以帮忙诠释分歧人在进修第二说话方面为什么会存在差别。相干钻研成果颁发在国际学术期刊Journal of Neuroscience上。

即便是在咱们苏息不举行任何勾当的时辰,脑部分歧区域也能够相互交换。分歧人脑部区域之间的连通强度也存在很大分歧,这类毗连强度也叫做静息状况连通性(resting-state connectivity),以前有钻研发明这类不同与说话进修等举动能力有关。









Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in the Adult Brain and Success in Second-Language Learning

Xiaoqian J. Chai1, Jonathan A. Berken1,3, Elise B. Barbeau1, Jennika Soles1, Megan Callahan1, Jen-Kai Chen1, and Denise Klein

There is considerable variability in an individual's ability to acquire a second language (L2) during adulthood. Using resting-state fMRI data acquired before training in English speakers who underwent a 12 week intensive French i妹妹ersion training course, we investigated whether individual differences in intrinsic resting-state functional connectivity relate to a person's ability to acquire an L2. We focused on two key aspects of language processing—lexical retrieval in spontaneous speech and reading speed—and computed whole-brain functional connectivity from two regions of interest in the language network, namely the left anterior insula/frontal operculum (AI/FO) and the visual word form area (VWFA). Connectivity between the left AI/FO and left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) and between the left AI/FO and
还在为学不好英语而苦恼 科学家已经找到重要原因插图
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex correlated positively with improvement in L2 lexical retrieval in spontaneous speech. Connectivity between the VWFA and left mid-STG correlated positively with improvement in L2 reading speed. These findings are consistent with the different language functions subserved by subcomponents of the language network and suggest that the human capacity to learn an L2 can be predicted by an individual's intrinsic functional connectivity within the language network.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: