口语笔记Part 1 英语口语常见易错11大语句及35个实用口语短句

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NO.1 英语白话常见易错的语句Part 1(小我条记):

1. Are you convenient? -------------×

Are you free? --------√

2. It doesn’t matter else.---------×

Nothing else matter.-------√

3. I am a Chinese.-----×

I am Chinese.------√

4. I want to
口语笔记Part 1 英语口语常见易错11大语句及35个实用口语短句插图

I want to get married.------√

5. I don’t have boyfriend.-----×

I don’t have a boyfriend.-----√

6. Where are you come from?----×

Where are you from /where do you come from? -----√

7. You are so fashion!-----×

You are fashionable.----- √

8. No why!-----×

No reason!----√

9. How to say?----×

How to say it in English?----√

10. I haven't English name.----×

I don't have an English name.----√

11. I think I can't.-----×

I don’t think I can.----√

NO.2 “Good”的白话用法:

1. Sounds good:听起来不错

Eg:Let’s take a break. Sounds good.

2. It’s all good. 没问题,不要紧

Eg:I am sorry. It’s all good.

3. What’s good = what’s up : 你怎样样, 有甚么事?

4. Have a good day :夸姣的一天

5. Good job做得好

NO.3 日常平凡常见的的白话短句:

1.I get it. 懂 = I see/ understand.

2. I made it. 做到了

3. Good luck. 好运

4. Try again. 再试一次

5. Of Course. 固然

6. Any volunteers?有志愿举手的吗?----
口语笔记Part 1 英语口语常见易错11大语句及35个实用口语短句插图(1)

7. How are you? = How are you going ? 你好吗?

8. After you. 你先

9. Good job= Well done = Excellent=wonderful=Great=perfect做得好, 完善,很好(用在赞美、鼓动勉励,讲堂上常见的互动用语)

10. Congratulations! 庆祝!

11.Don't let me down. 别让我绝望

12. Any thing else ? 另有此外吗?

13. Be quiet! 连结恬静

14. Be careful! 把稳!

15.How about you?= And you? 你呢?

16.What do you think of ..?= How do you like...? 你感觉……怎样样?

17. Not yet. 还没

18. No problem. 没问题

19. Let me see. 让我想一想---------不要理解为“让我看看”的意思

20. What's new? 有甚么新颖事吗?

21. Follow me 跟我来

22. Read after me. 跟我读------教课经常使用语句

23. So do I 我也同样

So I do. 我简直如斯

24. Don't worry 别担忧

25. Are you sure ? 你肯定吗?Are you ready?你筹备好了吗?

26. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩的高兴!

27. Let’s go! 一块儿走吧

28. See you next time. 下次再会

29. Why not? 为甚么不?

30. Here you are. 给你

31. You’re welcome. 不消谢

32. It doesn't matter. 不要紧

33. Thanks = thank you 感谢

34. Shut up. 闭嘴

35. Please turn to ...请翻到...


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: