高自学英语音标零基础考英语语法精讲与精练 第十一章 名词性从句

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第十一章 名自学英语音标零基础词性从句精讲与精练


I am going to tell you an unbelievable thing that happened 自学英语音标零基础 in my restaurant today. This afternoon a poorly dressed gentleman came into my restaurant. Nobody knew [1] _______ he was. We wondered [2] ________ he was so hungry. We were surprised [3]_______ he finished two orders of food in a very limited time. We doubted [4]________ the man was able to pay the bill. The gentleman asked [5]_________ we would mind waiting for just a few minutes. Then we were shocked to see [6]_________ he took out of a letter and a million pound bank note. I asked Mr. Clements [7]__________ it was genuine(adj. 真实的,真正的). Mr. Clements said it was true because two of this amount had been issued 自学英语音标零基础 (发行,发布) by the Bank of England this year. He thought [8]________ the gentleman showed them couldn't be a fake. [9]__________ a gentleman with a million pound bank note was in rags and ate in 自学英语音标零基础 our small restaurant was a big puzzle to all the people there. I really couldn't describe [10]___________ excited I was.

Keys: 1.who 2自学英语音标零基础.why 3.that 4.whether/if 5.whether/if 6.that 7.whether/if 8.what 9.Why 10.how



1.We didn't know whether or not 自学英语音标零基础 she was ready。

2. Where the English 自学英语音标零基础 evening will be held has not yet been announced.


3. China is not what it used to be.中自学英语音标零基础国已不是过去的中国了。

4. The news that we won the game is exciting. 自学英语音标零基础 我们赢得这场比赛的消息令人激动。









Whethe自学英语音标零基础 r



i自学英语音标零基础 f



As 自学英语音标零基础 though



As 自学英语音标零基础 if



Wha自学英语音标零基础 t

(1)什么自学英语音标零基础(2)所…的(东西,地自学英语音标零基础方,人自学英语音标零基础,话…) (3)多自学英语音标零基础么…!





Wh自学英语音标零基础 om






wh自学英语音标零基础 en



wh自学英语音标零基础 ere






h自学英语音标零基础 ow



how 自学英语音标零基础 many


how 自学英语音标零基础 much


how 自学英语音标零基础 often



How 自学英语音标零基础 soon






whichev自学英语音标零基础 er



whoev自学英语音标零基础 er



whom自学英语音标零基础 ever





①wha自学英语音标零基础 t(什么,所…..的人/自学英语音标零基础物/东西,多么)可引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从自学英语音标零基础句,并且在名词性从句中充当主语、宾语或表语(尤其注意what引导的从句可作介词宾语自学英语音标零基础),表“所…..的人/自学英语音标零基础物/东西”时,相当于“名词或代词+that/which引导的定语从句”;另外w自学英语音标零基础 hat不能引导定语从句。

EG1自学英语音标零基础:What he said was a fact.

EG2:What is 自学英语音标零基础 needed is a good text book.

EG3:He is no 自学英语音标零基础 longer what he used to be.


如:That he said nothing at the meeting surprised us.自学英语音标零基础

[注]介词后不接t自学英语音标零基础 hat从句,除了in 自学英语音标零基础 that...和except that...之外。



①The school is no longer _____自学英语音标零基础___ it used to be.

=The school is no longer the one________ it used to 自学英语音标零基础 be.

②Finally 自学英语音标零基础 he told us everything ________ he had seen.=Finally he told us ________ he had seen.

③They arrived in ________ was once a 自学英语音标零基础 school.

=They 自学英语音标零基础 arrive in the place ________ was once a school.

④Don't care ________ others think about 自学英语音标零基础 you.

⑤Do you know ________ they 自学英语音标零基础 do with waste paper?

⑥_______the famous 自学英语音标零基础 singer will come to our school next week excites all of us.

【答案】①what;that ②that;what ③what;that/which④what ⑤what 自学英语音标零基础 ⑥.that

2、“疑问词+ever”和“no matter+疑问词”自学英语音标零基础的用法

“疑问词+ever”既可引自学英语音标零基础导名词性从句,在主句中充当一定的成自学英语音标零基础分,又可自学英语音标零基础引导让步状从;但是“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句。


①________ leaves the room last ought to turn 自学英语音标零基础 off the lights.

________ 自学英语音标零基础 leaves the room last,he ought to turn off the 自学英语音标零基础 lights.

②He 自学英语音标零基础 wouldn't listen to ________ I said.

__自学英语音标零基础______ I said,he 自学英语音标零基础 wouldn't listen to me.

③Sarah hopes to become a friend of ________ 自学英语音标零基础 shares her interest.

________ 自学英语音标零基础 comes,you mustn't open 自学英语音标零基础 the door.

④As many 自学英语音标零基础 as five courses are provided, and 自学英语音标零基础 you are free to choose ________ suits you best.

【答案】①Whoever;Whoever/No matter who :②whatever;Whatever/No matter 自学英语音标零基础 what

③whoever;Whoever/No 自学英语音标零基础 matter who ④whichever

3、if与whet自学英语音标零基础 her的用法

1). 自学英语音标零基础 if和whether都可译为“是否”,两者引导宾语从句时自学英语音标零基础通?可以互自学英语音标零基础相替换。而自学英语音标零基础以下几种情况中,只能用wheth自
高自学英语音标零基础考英语语法精讲与精练 第十一章 名词性从句插图
学英语音标零基础 er,不能自学英语音标零基础用if:

①自学英语音标零基础强调两方面的选择,特别是whether后紧跟or not时自学英语音标零基础。如:自学英语音标零基础

Let me know whether or not you can come.自学英语音标零基础

②宾语从自学英语音标零基础句前置时。如:Whether this is 自学英语音标零基础 true,I 自学英语音标零基础 can't say.


Whether 自学英语音标零基础 the football game will be played depends on the weather. (主语从句)

The question 自学英语音标零基础 is whether he can do it. (表语从句)

The 自学英语音标零基础 question whether we should go with them must be decided at once. (同位语从句)


Whether we will go there 自学英语音标零基础 depends on whether it is going to rain.

⑤在不定自学英语音标零基础式前与不定式一起组成短语时。如:Whether to go or stay 自学英语音标零基础 is still a question.

[注]if可以引导条件状语自学英语音标零基础从句,有“假自学英语音标零基础如;如果”之意,而whether可以引导让步状自学英语音标零基础语从句,有自学英语音标零基础“不管;无论” 之意。

如:If you 自学英语音标零基础 ask him,he will help 自学英语音标零基础 you.

Whether he
高自学英语音标零基础考英语语法精讲与精练 第十一章 名词性从句插图(1)
comes 自学英语音标零基础 in time or late,we 自学英语音标零基础 will begin our party on time.


①自学英语音标零基础He treated all the people around him, if he knew or 自学英语音标零基础 he didn't know.

②You have not yet answered 自学英语音标零基础 my question if or not I can join in the party tonight.

③Whether 自学英语音标零基础 you have any question, don’t 自学英语音标零基础 hesitate to ask me.

2). whether和that的区别自学英语音标零基础:that表示事实,而自学英语音标零基础whether 表示疑问。


①_____自学英语音标零基础___ they are twins is clear. — ________ they are twins is not clear.

②There is a question/an argument ________自学英语音标零基础____ we have enough time to do it.

③The problem is ________ he is 自学英语音标零基础 poor at English.

—The problem 自学英语音标零基础 is ________ he can improve his English.

【答自学英语音标零基础案】①That;Whether ②whether ③that;how/whether


高自学英语音标零基础考英语语法精讲与精练 第十一章 名词性从句插图(2)
的同位语的名词性自学英语音标零基础从句。连接词 自学英语音标零基础 that, 自学英语音标零基础 which, 自学英语音标零基础 when. where, 自学英语音标零基础 why, 自学英语音标零基础 how, 自学英语音标零基础 whether, 自学英语音标零基础 what等,引导同位语从自学英语音标零基础句时,应在某自学英语音标零基础些抽象名词之后,如自学英语音标零基础:fact,h自学英语音标零基础 ope, 自学英语音标零基础 thought,sug自学英语音标零基础 gestion,i自学英语音标零基础 dea,n自学英语音标零基础 ews,poss自学英语音标零基础 ibility,doubt自学英语音标零基础 ,truth自学英语音标零基础 ,w自学英语音标零基础 ord(消息),reque自学英语音标零基础 st,info自学英语音标零基础 rmation,order自学英语音标零基础 ,m自学英语音标零基础 essage等,对自学英语音标零基础前面的名词起补充说明的作用。同位语从句自学英语音标零基础有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是被别自学英语音标零基础的词隔开。


EG1: The news that we won 自学英语音标零基础 the game excited us.

EG2: 自学英语音标零基础 The news that our English teacher told us excited us.



①The news ____自学英语音标零基础____ he told us excited us.

The 自学英语音标零基础 news ________ our team won the game excited us.

②The fact ________ he collected was 自学英语音标零基础 surprising.

The fact ________ he 自学英语音标零基础 said nothing was surprising.

③There 自学英语音标零基础 is a chance/possibility ________ he will lose the game.

=________ are that he will lose the 自学英语音标零基础 game.

④Information has been put forward ________ more middle 自学英语音标零基础 school graduates will be admitted into universities.

【答案】①that/自学英语音标零基础which/不填;that ②that/which/不填;that ③that;Chances ④that

5、It 自学英语音标零基础 is...和There is...

It is...句自学英语音标零基础型中it为形式主语,真正的主语为动自学英语音标零基础名词、不定式或从句,而There is意为自学英语音标零基础“有……”,有时be也可以用exis自学英语音标零基础 t,remain等替自学英语音标零基础代。

考点对自学英语音标零基础练5:用it,the自学英语音标零基础 re填空:

①________ is a 自学英语音标零基础 pity that he was absent.

②______自学英语音标零基础__ is a fact that he has lied to you.

③______自学英语音标零基础__is no wonder that he is so excited.

④________ is no need to worry 自学英语音标零基础 about it.

⑤____is no sense/point (in) 自学英语音标零基础 arguing with him.

⑥_自学英语音标零基础_______ is no doubt that he has gone.

【答案】①It ②It ③It ④There ⑤The自学英语音标零基础 re ⑥There



①The reason 自学英语音标零基础 is that......;含义为“原因是......”;that后接是reason的具体内容。常与定语从句同自学英语音标零基础时考,构成句型:The 自学英语音标零基础 reason why..... is that......, 此句型中why引导的是定语自学英语音标零基础从句,而that引导的是表自学英语音标零基础语从句。一定记住reaso自学英语音标零基础 n后的表语从句用that引导,而不是b自学英语音标零基础 ecause。

②It is because......;含自学英语音标零基础义为“它是因为......”,becaus自学英语音标零基础 e后接的是“it”发生的原因。

③That's 自学英语音标零基础 why......;含义为“那就是为什么......”,why后接的是“自学英语音标零基础that”导致的结果。

④That's where......; 含义为“那就是......的地自学英语音标零基础方”。


①The 自学英语音标零基础 reason ______ he is absent from school is ________ he is ill.

=He is 自学英语音标零基础 ill. That's ________ he is absent from school.

=He is absent from school. That's ________ he is ill.自学英语音标零基础

②The reason ____ he gave was ___ he was 自学英语音标零基础 caught in the traffic jam.

The reason ________he didn’t come to school today was _________ he was 自学英语音标零基础 ill.

③That's 自学英语音标零基础 ____ the problem lies.

That's _______the problem lies 自学英语音标零基础 in.

【答案】①why;that;why自学英语音标零基础 ;because ②which/that/不填, that; 自学英语音标零基础 why, that ③ 自学英语音标零基础 where;what



2、在语自学英语音标零基础法改错题中,主要关注从句与主句自学英语音标零基础之间的逻辑关系,再自学英语音标零基础者注意?考的连词的用法是否自学英语音标零基础准确,如:although/though不与b自学英语音标零基础 ut连用,but与and的误用自学英语音标零基础,because不与so自学英语音标零基础 连用,that与自学英语音标零基础which的用法,what与that的用法自学英语音标零基础等。



1.【2021·新高考Ⅰ卷】56 is so breathtaking about the experience is the out-of-自学英语音标零基础this-world scenes.

Key:what 自学英语音标零基础 【解析】考查主语从句。句意:这次经历的惊人自学英语音标零基础之处在于这世界之外的景色。此处是主自学英语音标零基础语从句,从句自学英语音标零基础缺乏主语,应用wh自学英语音标零基础 at引导,指自学英语音标零基础代“经历的事情”。故填What自学英语音标零基础 。

2自学英语音标零基础.【2020?浙江高考】Over thousands 自学英语音标零基础 of years, they began to depend less on57自学英语音标零基础 could be hunted or gathered from the wild, and more on 自学英语音标零基础 animals they had raised and crops they had sown.

Key: 自学英语音标零基础 what。!【解析】考查名词性从自学英语音标零基础句。what could be hunted or 自学英语音标零基础 gathered from the wild是what引导的宾语从句,作depend 自学英语音标零基础 on的宾语。what是连自学英语音标零基础接代词,表示“自学英语音标零基础……东西”,在宾语从句自学英语音标零基础中作主语。

3.【2019·全国卷Ⅰ】The polar bear 自学英语音标零基础 is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland.While they are rare north of 88°,there is evidence61 they range all the way across the 自学英语音标零基础 Arctic,and as far south as James Bay in 自学英语音标零基础 Canada.

Key: that 自学英语音标零基础 解析】that。?考自学英语音标零基础查同位语从句的连接词。分析句自学英语音标零基础子可知,同自学英语音标零基础位语从句结构意义完整,解释自学英语音标零基础说明evidence的内容,只缺自学英语音标零基础少连接词,故填that自学英语音标零基础 。

4.【2019·北京卷】What students do at college seems to 自学英语音标零基础 matter much more than 8 they go.

Key:where 【解析】自学英语音标零基础考查名词性从句中的连接词。句意:学生在大学里做什么似乎比他们自学英语音标零基础去哪里更重要。句中go是不及物自学英语音标零基础动词,接副词作状语自学英语音标零基础,表示“他们未来走向何自学英语音标零基础方”,故填自学英语音标零基础where,在介词than 后自学英语音标零基础跟宾语从句;与What students do at college进行对比。

5.【2021.3 天津卷单项选择改编】What puzzles Lily's friends is she always has so 自学英语音标零基础 many crazy ideas.

Key: why 【解析】考查名词性从句连自学英语音标零基础接词。句意:令Lily的朋友们感自学英语音标零基础到困扰的是她为什么总是有这么多疯狂的想法。分析成分结构自学英语音标零基础句子,该空需要一个表语从句的连接词自学英语音标零基础。再自学英语音标零基础结合句意可知,应该是朋友们不明白Lily 为什么有这么多疯狂的自学英语音标零基础想法。所以本句为why引导的表语从自学英语音标零基础句。故填:自学英语音标零基础why。

6.【2020江苏自学英语音标零基础高考真题改编】It is not a problem _____ we can win the battle; it’s just a matter of time.

Key: whether【自学英语音标零基础解析】考查主语从句。句意:我们能否打赢这场自学英语音标零基础战斗不是问题;这只是时间问题。根自学英语音标零基础据下文it’s just a matter of time可知,此处指”我们自学英语音标零基础能否打赢这场战斗不是问题”,i自学英语音标零基础 t是形式主语,whether引导的从句是真正的主自学英语音标零基础语。故填w自学英语音标零基础 hether。

7.【2020天津高考真题改编】The student 自学英语音标零基础 completed this experiment to make come true ________ Professor Joseph had said.

Key: what【解析】自学英语音标零基础考查名词性从句。句意:为了使约自学英语音标零基础瑟夫教授所说的成为现实,这个学自学英语音标零基础生完成了这个实验。_________ Professor Joseph had 自学英语音标零基础 said作make的宾语从句,该自学英语音标零基础从句中,空处在从句中作said的自学英语音标零基础宾语,表示”……所自学英语音标零基础说的话”,因此应用what引导自学英语音标零基础该从句。

8.【2019·江苏卷·单项填空改编】Scientists have obtained more evidence ___________ plastic is finding its way into the 自学英语音标零基础 human body.

Key:that 自学英语音标零基础 【解析】考查同位语从句。句意自学英语音标零基础:科学家已经获得更多证据,塑料正自学英语音标零基础在进入人们的体内。从句不缺自学英语音标零基础句子成分,且与自学英语音标零基础evidence指代的是同一事件,故用that引自学英语音标零基础导同位语从句。

9.【2018·天津·单项填空改编】The gold medal 自学英语音标零基础 will be awarded ___________to wins the first place in the bicycle race.

Key:whoeve自学英语音标零基础 r【解析】考查名词性从句连接词。句意:无论谁获得自学英语音标零基础自行车比赛第一名,金牌自学英语音标零基础将授予他。分析句子可知自学英语音标零基础,空格处做be awarded to的宾语自学英语音标零基础,同时在后面的从句自学英语音标零基础中做主语,再根据句意可自学英语音标零基础知,这自学英语音标零基础里主语指人,故用自学英语音标零基础whoever, 表示“任何人自学英语音标零基础,无论谁自学英语音标零基础”。

10.【2自学英语音标零基础018·江苏】21. By boat is the only way to get here, which is _______ we 自学英语音标零基础 arrived.

Key: 【解自学英语音标零基础析】考查名词性从句。句意:乘船是到达这里唯自学英语音标零基础一的途径,这就是自学英语音标零基础我们如何到达的。分析w自学英语音标零基础 hich引导的非限定性定语从句可知,后面为表语从句自学英语音标零基础。分自学英语音标零基础析句意可知,这里用连接副词how引导表语从自学英语音标零基础句,充当方自学英语音标零基础式状语,表自学英语音标零基础示“如何”。故填h自学英语音标零基础 ow。

1自学英语音标零基础1.【2018·全国III】I'm not sure _______ is more frightened, me 自学英语音标零基础 or the female gorilla(大猩猩)that suddenly appears out of nowhere.Key: which

22.【2015全国II】As natural 自学英语音标零基础 architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly _________ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the 自学英语音标零基础 cycle work on most days. Key:how

23.【2014年广东卷】I didn’t understand _______ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged 自学英语音标零基础 for the reservation. Key:why

24.【2012年广东卷】The new boy looked at the teacher 自学英语音标零基础 for a few seconds and all the other students wondered ___________ the boy would do.Key:what

25.【2015·江苏卷】________Li 自学英语音标零基础 Bai,a great Chinese 自学英语音标零基础 poet,was born is known to the 自学英语音标零基础 public,but some won't accept 自学英语音标零基础 it.

解析:句意:李白是中国一位伟自学英语音标零基础大的诗人,他的出生地是自学英语音标零基础众所周知的,但有些人不愿接受这一自学英语音标零基础事实。分析自学英语音标零基础句子结构可知,a great Chinese poet做Li Bai的同位自学英语音标零基础语,is前面是主语从自学英语音标零基础句,where在主语从句中作地点自学英语音标零基础状语。


26.【2015·浙江自学英语音标零基础卷】If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate________is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or 自学英语音标零基础 branched hidden in the water.

解析:句意自学英语音标零基础:如果你在河里或湖里游泳,一自学英语音标零基础定要调查水下有什么东西。(自学英语音标零基础因为)经常会有些岩石或树枝暗藏在水里。动自学英语音标零基础词investigate后的宾语从句中缺少主语,故填wha自学英语音标零基础 t。

答案:w自学英语音标零基础 hat

2自学英语音标零基础7.【2015·重庆卷】We must find out________Karl is coming,so we can book a room for 自学英语音标零基础 him.

解析:句意:我们必自学英语音标零基础须弄明白卡尔什么时候来,为自学英语音标零基础的是我们能给他预定房间。find out 后自学英语音标零基础面跟着宾语从句,根自学英语音标零基础据句意填when。


28.【2015·安徽卷】A ship in 自学英语音标零基础 harbor is safe,but that's not________自学英语音标零基础 ships are built for.

解析:句意:船停放在海港里是很安自学英语音标零基础全的,但这并非建造船的目的自学英语音标零基础。isn't后跟从句作表语自学英语音标零基础,表语从句中的fo自学英语音标零基础 r后缺少宾语,用自学英语音标零基础what引导,wh自学英语音标零基础 at与for连用,表示目的自学英语音标零基础。

答案:w自学英语音标零基础 hat

29.【2015·福建卷】—I wonder ________ Mary has kept her figure after all these 自学英语音标零基础 years.

—By working out every 自学英语音标零基础 day.

解析:句意:——我好奇玛丽在这些年是自学英语音标零基础怎么保持着身材的。!——通过自学英语音标零基础每天锻炼。句中I是主语自学英语音标零基础,wonder是自学英语音标零基础谓语,how引导的宾语从自学英语音标零基础句在整个句子中做宾语。连接副词ho自学英语音标零基础 w是宾语从句中的方式状语。句子是用表示方式自学英语音标零基础的介词by回答的,所以是自学英语音标零基础针对方式提问的,故用h自学英语音标零基础 ow。


30.【2015·湖南卷】You have to know________you're going if 自学英语音标零基础 you are to plan the best way of getting there.


答案:wher自学英语音标零基础 e

3自学英语音标零基础1.【2015·陕西卷】Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration 自学英语音标零基础 for________Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.

解自学英语音标零基础析:句意:读完了她的自传后,我对Doris Lessing在文学上做出的贡自学英语音标零基础献非常敬佩。介词for后面是宾语从自学英语音标零基础句,从句中缺自学英语音标零基础少宾语,所以填wh自学英语音标零基础 at。

答案:wh自学英语音标零基础 at

32.【2014·山东卷】It is difficult for us to imagine ________ life 自学英语音标零基础 was like for slaves in the ancient world.



33.【2014·重庆卷】—Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale 自学英语音标零基础 University yesterday?

—Ye自学英语音标零基础 ah,but I have 自学英语音标零基础 no idea ________ he did it;that's one of his favorite universities.


答案:wh自学英语音标零基础 y

34.【2014·四川卷】Grandma pointed to the 自学英语音标零基础 hospital and said,“That's _自学英语音标零基础_______ I was born.”

解析:句意:奶奶指着那家医院说自学英语音标零基础:“那就是我出生的地方。!”本题考查表自学英语音标零基础语从句。根据句意可知该空应该填表示地点的连接词引导自学英语音标零基础表语从句,故填w自学英语音标零基础 here。

答案:wh自学英语音标零基础 ere


1.【2020·全国卷II】Thank you for your 自学英语音标零基础 letter, what really 自学英语音标零基础 made me happy.

Key: what→which 考查非限制性定语从句引导词和名词性从句自学英语音标零基础引导词的的用法。句意:自学英语音标零基础谢谢你的来信,你的信真正让我自学英语音标零基础开心。分自学英语音标零基础析句子,逗号后自学英语音标零基础的从句为非限制性定语从句,修自学英语音标零基础饰先行词your letter,关系词在自学英语音标零基础从句中作主语,指物自学英语音标零基础,that不能引导非限制性自学英语音标零基础定语从句。故自学英语音标零基础将what改为which;注意:。What 不能自学英语音标零基础引导定语从句。

2.【2020·全国卷III】 Understanding 自学英语音标零基础 her good intentions, I eat all the food what is 自学英语音标零基础 provided by Mom with appreciation.

Key:what→that 【解自学英语音标零基础析】考查定语从句引导词和名词性从句引导词的的用法。句自学英语音标零基础意:出于对妈妈好意的理解,我满怀感激地吃着妈妈提供的所自学英语音标零基础有食物。这里含有一个自学英语音标零基础定语从句,先行词是all the 自学英语音标零基础 food,关系词在从句自学英语音标零基础中作主语,指物自学英语音标零基础,可用that或which自学英语音标零基础 ,先行词被all所自学英语音标零基础修饰,只能使用自学英语音标零基础that,不能自学英语音标零基础使用which,且what不能引导定自学英语音标零基础语从句,所以what改自学英语音标零基础成that。

3.【2018·全国卷I I】The games my parents 自学英语音标零基础 taught me where I was a child turned out to be very useful later in my life.

Key:where→when考查宾语从句的连自学英语音标零基础接词与时间状语从句的连接词。句意:当我是个孩子的时候我父母教给我的自学英语音标零基础纸牌游戏在我日后的生活中证明非常有用。where I was a child并不是宾语从句连自学英语音标零基础接词也不是表示地点,而自学英语音标零基础是时间状语。故把where改为whe自学英语音标零基础 n。

4.【2018·全国III】I 自学英语音标零基础 was afraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. Key:划掉that

5.【自学英语音标零基础2016·全新课标I】My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. Key:that→where

6.【2016·全新课标II】My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. 自学英语音标零基础 Key:how→what

7.【2015·全国II】After looking at the toy 自学英语音标零基础 for some time, he 自学英语音标零基础 turned around and found where his parents were missing. Key:where→that

8. If he is fit for the 自学英语音标零基础 job is unknown to all. Key:If→whether

9. This is clear that it is much colder today than yesterday. 自学英语音标零基础 Key:This→It

10. 自学英语音标零基础 That he told us at the gate was quite interesting.Key:That→what

11. I 自学英语音标零基础 don’t doubt whether he will come in time. Key:whether→that

12. It depends on if 自学英语音标零基础 we have enough money. Key: if→whether

13. The reason why they were always poor was which they paid little attention to education. 自学英语音标零基础 Key: which→that

14.自学英语音标零基础 It never occurred to me what you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. Key: what→that

15. We express the hope which the Browns would come to China 自学英语音标零基础 again.

Key:which→th自学英语音标零基础 at

16.I know nothing about the accident except that I read in the newspaper.自学英语音标零基础

Ke自学英语音标零基础 y:tha→what

17. The town is quite different from as it was 3 years 自学英语音标零基础 ago. Key:as→what

18.If 自学英语音标零基础 this is true or not, I really don’t know. Key: If→自学英语音标零基础whether.

19.What I have been admitted into the Beijing University 自学英语音标零基础 excited me.


20.【2013全国II】But before 自学英语音标零基础 long they began to see which was happening.

Key: 自学英语音标零基础 which→what


Yesterday 自学英语音标零基础 we went camping at the foot of the mountain. [1]________impressed us most was the beauty of the high mountain. There were a great many tourists visiting the mountain. There was no doubt [2]________they were attracted by the beauty of the mountain as well. During the camp, we found some waste thrown away by the tourists. [3]_________we were concerned about was [4]__________the tourist spot could be well reserved. We came up with an idea [5]________we called for the tourists to pay attention to protecting the environment and [6]_________they should put away the waste. That’s [7自学英语音标零基础]_____________we did to protect the environment. Some of the tourists agreed [8]________it was important to protect the environment. [9]_________we can live in harmony with nature depends on [10]__________we take action to reduce the pollution.

Keys:1.what 2.that 3.what 4.whether 自学英语音标零基础 5.that 6.that 7.what 8.that 9.whether 10whether









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