雅思口语 见招拆招系列 如何回答观点类问题(零基础学英语无锡)

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Do you think…/ What or Why do you think…是雅思口语part 1必考题型,今天8分学长给大家分析下如何回答雅思口语中观点类问题。



1、Do you think…?

Do you think it’s important to choose a subject you like?

Do you think being punctual is very important?

Do you think it’s difficult to drive a car?

Do you think your city is clean?


What places do you think are often crowded?

What do you think are the funct出国常用口语ions of parks and public gardens?

Why do you think people like to watch films?

How important is it to keep the city clean?



在表达自己的观点时,除了说I think,还可以说什么呢~

In my opinion, learning English is vital.

From what I know, learning English is vital.

It seems to me thatlearning English is vital.

I believe thatlearning English is vital.

I suppose thatlearning English is vital.

From my point of view, learning English is vital.

I find sth. / doing sth+ adjeg:I find learning English vital. / I find English vital.

I find it +adj + to do sth.eg: I find it vital to learn English.


雅思口语的评分标准有一项是Lexical Resource(词汇量),Band 7的评分标准是use some less common vocabulary,也就是用一些不常见的词;想要拿7分和英语九百句常用语视频7分以上的同学要注意积累词汇量哦。让我们来看下广州那里学英语口语好表示重要的形容词都有哪些呢~

Do you think it’s important to choose a subject you like?

It is crucialto choose a subject you like.

I find choosing a subject you like vital.

I find it imperativeto choose a subject you like.

Choosing a subject you like is significant.



Honestly, I’ve never thought about it.

That has never crossed my mind.


Q:Do you think being punctual is important?

A: From my point of view, it is essentialto be punctual especially when people attend formal occasions like job interviews or business negotiations. Additionally, being late shows a lack of respect and nobody wants to wait a long time.

雅思口语 见招拆招系列 如何回答观点类问题(零基础学英语无锡)插图
句回答了自己的观点, 把important替换成essential,然后补充说明:守时在人们参加正式场合比如面试和商务谈判时格外重要;下一句话给了附加理由:如果迟到的话会显得很不尊重别人,而且没有人喜欢等很久。

Q:How important is it to keep the city clean?

A:Well, I believe that keeping the city clean is crucial for the reason that we share the public space together. Additionally, unclean and filthysurroundings can breed disease, which may jeopardize the ability of survival of the next generation.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: