考生必读 托福口语考试之主题答复技巧分析(上海综合英语培训学校)

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Describe your country's national anthem or yourcountry's national flag. Explain how it is used inmodern society. Include details and examples。

15 seconds to prepare

45 seconds to speak

Sample Answer:

The Chinese national anthem's name is " March of the Volunteers". This song wascomposed by Nieer in 1932. It encouraged the volunteers to fight against the Japaneseinvasion in the Second World War. In modern Society, we could always hear this song inschool, government meeting or some sport games. For instance, if some Chinese athletes winthe champi成人零基础英语入门学习ons on the Olympic games, we can hear this song。




I believe…

I agree with the idea of …

I don't think…/I think…

I agree that it is important to…

I disagree with the idea of…

I feel…

I support the idea of…

If you ask me…

Some people might say…, but I think…


Some people think that wildlife does not belong outside of its natural habitat. They do notthink that zoos should exist. Others believe that zoos serve an educational purpose that ismore important than the rights of the wild animals. Which side of this argument do you supportand why? Include details and examples in your explanation。

15 seconds to prepare

45 seconds to speak

考生必读 托福口语考试之主题答复技巧分析(上海综合英语培训学校)插图
ple Answer:

Well, so zoos. Do they serve a useful purpose? In my opinion they do. I think zoos areimportant for a couple of different reason. Firstly, they can really inspire people to care aboutthe natural world. Um… when someone makes a personal connection with an animal at the zoo,it can have a profound effect. That person might become interested in the fate of that animalin the wild. T英语零基础培训那个好hat's the really important role for zoos. Education, I mean. Zoos can informpeople about the real dangers of extinction that exists for so many species nowadays, liketigers and rhinos and oh, I don't know, snow leopards… And the other thing that zoos dothat's really important is that they offer opportunities for breeding endangered species. I justread something about this. A few zoos in Europe had an endangered species of horses in theircollection and they bred them. Recently they reintroduced the horses back into their nativehomeland in Mongolia. So basically, for educational and breeding purposes, I think zoos play auseful role。


campus based

reading: 一个疑问(有时有处置办法)

listening: 一自个处置该疑问的定见,以及理由(150-180字,100s)


标题一般如此需求,给个比方:the student gives her own opinion about the best way to solvethe university's money problems. Say what her opinion is, and summarize the reasons shegives。





30s' 时刻需要结束的使命:

1、speaker 的main idea


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: