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Nothing given that is not earned…nothing taken that is not given.所得都是应得,所失都是应失。

2.The blessing of an honest man.能诚实为人是件幸事。

3.You can’t do every silly thing you want to in life.You have to make your choices.你不可能实现所有傻乎乎的梦想,你必须做出选择。

4.Now everything is easy’cause of you.现今皆如意,只因有你。

5.This is the life,Someone’s always one step behind.这就是生活,总有人会紧紧追着你。

6.Bad things happen to good people.好人总会遭遇不幸之事。

7.Only the poor have courage.Why? Because they are hopeless.只有穷人才勇敢,原因是他们绝望无助。

8.To live poor——that takes courage.贫穷地活着,这需要勇气。

9.You can’t beat the house.你永远斗不过庄家。

10.Now trumps later every time.现在永远都胜过未来。

11.The future is a sucker’s bet.一个笨蛋才会押注未来。

12.People that form the brick and mortar of who we are.身边的人让我们的身份具有了实质意义。

13.Sharing my hand with anyone goes ag
ainst every instinct I have. But such is life.与任何人合作都有悖我的天性,但这就是人生。

14.Fairness is overrateted.公平并没有人们想的那么好。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: