雅思口语part 2怎么准备 几分钟了解雅思口语高分策略

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所有Part 2 各类卡片题里都会有一个共同的关键词- “ describe ”尤其是人物/实物的话题:Describe a person you have met who you think is beautiful or handsome

很多学生第一反应几乎是集中精力思考如何describe外貌特征如:长长的睫毛,厚厚的嘴唇等;但这部分描述能用1.5 ms 不间断描述,也实属不易,不过能做到这些的,口语基础是相当不错了。

Sample :I think the most beautiful person I have ever met is my co-worker Emily. I met Emily at work about two years ago. Emily is Irish and like most Irish girls she has long red curly hair, and huge shining green eyes. More specially, her skin is pure white like an angel. She has quite luscious full red lips.



I think the most beautiful person I have ever met is my co-worker Emily. I met Emily at work about two years ago. Emily is Irish and like most Irish girls she has long red curly hair, and huge shining green eyes(描述). That recall my memory about how a female elf looks like in the movie called The Lord Of The Ring. (议论). More specially, her skin is pure white like an angel. (描述). I have never seen such white skin before. She is so pretty that every time I am close to her, I get tongue-tied and start to talk gibberish. I guess she must think that I am sort of blockhead. (议论). However when I look at her luscious full red lips (描述)., my heart just melted (议论).


策略二 摒弃 ‘cliché’

Part 2 里常见性的话题(Architecture Animal Plant Movie )表面上看起来很直白简单,然而却是个陷阱。这些简单常见的话题考生往往会出现雷同的问题,千篇一律的答案考官当然是不会喜欢的。以下是一个关于Prize的例子:

Personally, it ‘s been my dream to win the Nobel Prize. As you may know, the Nobel Prize is awarded once a year for those who have made extraordinary achievements in scientific fields such as biology, physics as well as chemistry. I even heard there is also the Nobel Peach Price , and the Prize for literature, which I heard about 6 years ago when the Nobel Committee, which is based in Stockholm, Sweden, decided to give the prize to Mr. Mo Yan, the very first Chinese writer who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2012……

中国考生特点:在Part 2部分,总喜欢给出安全稳妥简单但缺乏新意的答案。所以考生们要学会紧抓提干,并运用了大量丰富词汇。所以,今后碰到描述历史建筑,可以试试美国的Mount Rushmore/英国的Stoneheng
雅思口语part 2怎么准备 几分钟了解雅思口语高分策略插图


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: