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在雅思口语Part 2的媒体类话题中,“广告”是个再常见不过的考题,如果受不了电视里恒源祥的“羊羊羊”或者“送礼就送脑白金”,建议大家多看看泰国的广告,有煽情的,有温馨的,有搞笑的,也有情节反转到你不知所措的,猜得到开头却猜不到结尾的…… 总之,总有一款适合你!(如果对泰国广告不感冒,查查美国超级碗期间的广告,也都十分有看头哦!)
Um, the other day, I watched a Thailand advertisement online, which is the most interesting and creative advertisement I’ve ever seen.
It’s a story about a boy who dreamed to be an astronaut. He’s always crazy about outer space, the spacecraft and stuff like that. And one day he saw a telescope in the window, which is priced at 2,500. He made up his mind to buy it, but unfortunately he couldn’t afford it, so he had to save every single coin he’s got. However, that’s not easy, there are so many temptations he had to resist, for example, the ice cream in the hot summer, the new game in the video arcade, and the inviting street food in front of the school gate, but there was a voice at the back of his mind telling him not to waste money on those meaningless things. Every day he put some coins into his moneybox in the shape of a spaceship,
and finally, he saved enough money to buy the telescope. He ran to the store with a bag of coins excitedly, only to find that the price on the tag changed to 3,500, 1000 higher than the original one. And the subtitle goes, “Money depreciates in value day by day. Just saving is not enough. Grow your wealth beyond your previous limits. Start investing now.” So, obviously, it’s an ad for a bank.
I love this advertisement ‘cause the idea of it is brilliant and the twist at the end, after three minutes, finally tells the audience what it is about. The twist is unexpected, but when you think about it, it all makes sense.