每天学习地道英语口语 keep an ear to the ground

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今天学习一个地道英语口语:keep an ear to the ground,意思是“保持高度警觉,对可能即将发生的事情保持警觉”或者“注意新闻、舆论动向”。

每天学习地道英语口语 keep an ear to the ground插图


1. In this fast-changing world, journalists need to keep an ear to the ground. 在瞬息万变的世界里,记者需要注意舆论动向。

2. Mike kept his ear to the ground when it came to news about latest technology. Mike高度注意关于最新科技的新闻。

3. If you don't keep your ear to the ground, you may miss many opportunities. 如果你不保持高度警惕,你可能错失很多机会。

跟keep an ear to the ground意思相近的短语还有keep an eye on something/somebody,意思是注意/留心某人或某物,例如:Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him. 别担心,我会注意他的。还有一个单词watchful也有注意、警惕的意思,例如:When you cross the road, you must be watchful. 当你过马路的时候,你必须保持警惕。

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