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641.He always has a lot of ideas.他总是有很多想法。

642.I hope I have alternatives.我希望我还有其它选择。

643.We have op
posite views on this.我们对此有不同的看法。

644.There are always two sides to everything. 一切都有两面。

645.Would you go along with my opinion?你同意我的观点吗?

646.I’d like to share with your some opinion.我想与你分享一些观点。

647.We’re often asked to give our opinion.经常有人会询问我们的意见。

648.You have your point of view,and I have mine.你有你的观点,我有我的。

649.Our views are not so far apart,after all.毕竟,我们的看法并不相同。

650.You approach it in a different way than I do.你以不同于我的方式来处理它。

651.I don't want to discuss the question any further.我不想再讨论这个问题了。

652.We should be able to resolve our differences.我们应该能够解决我们的分歧。

653.We can be very direct with our opinion.我们可以非常直接地表达我们的意见。

654.I reckon it will be much convenient to get to Sichuan by air.我认为坐飞机去四川会更方便。

655.I won't argue with you,but I think you're being unfair.我不会和你争辩,但我认为你是不公平的。

656.I just take a look myself.我先自己看看。

657.Is it for a special occasion?是有特殊的日子吗?

658.You are dressed to kill today! 你今天的打扮酷毙了!

659.This suit doesn't fit me anymore.这套西装不合身了。

660.We have this dress sale right now.这条裙子正在打折。

661.Hurry up and get dressed. It’s cold.快点穿衣服,天气寒冷。

662.Take off your T-shirt. It doesn't fit.别穿T恤。不适合这个场合。

663.What do you going to wear for the party tonight?今晚派对你穿什么?

664.Are you shopping for anything in particular?你有什么特别想买的吗?

665.You'd better wear a jacket.It's chilly outside.外面冷,你最好穿件夹克衫。

666.I've got to get this suits cleaned and ironed.我要去把这套西装拿去洗烫一下。

667.It's hard to choose what to wear for this occasion.很难选择适合这种场合的衣服。

668.President Obama is wearing a solid-colored black business suit.欧巴马总统穿着素色黑西装。

669.All my suits are dirty.I don't have anything to wear. 我所有的西装都脏了,没有什么能穿的。

670.He is also wearing a blue striped tie and a lapel pin of the American flag.他还打了一个蓝色条纹领带和别了一个美国国旗的徽章。






:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: