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现在大家在进行托福备考时 TPO 托福模考软件相信是大家用的最多的工具了,对于托福成绩的提升是非常有帮助的。托福听力可以说是整个托福考试当中比较重要的一个部分,如何利用现有资料 TPO 模考软件来提升大家的托福成绩呢 ? 今天小编在这里整理了 TPO10 福口语 Task1 题目 + 满分范文来分享给大家,希望对大家托福听力备考有帮助。

TPO10 福独立口语 Task1 题目:

Talk about a time when you accomplished something you didn't think you could do. What did you accomplish? Why did you think you couldn't do it?

TPO10 独立口语 Task1 满分范文:

When I was a sophomore, I took IELTS. I got 8.5 in Listening section which is almost the full mark,9. Originally, I didn ’ t think I could get above 7 because I couldn ’ t really follow the speakers ’ speed and my vocabulary wasn ’ t enough. So I wasn ’ t confident. But I knew
that my weak point was in listening section, so I listened to the IELTS recordings whenever I had time. When I was walking along the street, I listened to the recordings. When I was relaxing, I listened to the recordings. When I was taking a nap, I listened to the recordings. Besides, I bought a book to enlarge my vocabulary. I think it were these efforts I paid that helped me get 8.5.

以上就是小编为大家整理了 TPO10 托福口语 Task1 题目 + 满分范文,大家可以边借助 TPO 模考软件听音频看看自己哪些地方听不懂,然后来看看原文,同时对练习托福听力精听也是很有帮助的。最后,小站教育编辑预祝大家托福考试能取得理想的成绩。

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