雅思口语备考 让咱们离别中式英语

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1.beat a dead horse 白吃力

2.The sky's the limit. 没有捆绑

3.once in a blue moon 千载一时;可贵一次

4. Beprepared. 预备好

5.It's easier said than done. 说的比做的简略

6.have second thoughts 思考一下;犹疑

7.behind someone's back 在或人不和;背着或人

8.Better luck next time. 下次命运非常好

9.come in handy 派得上用场

10.rain cats and dogs 滂沱大雨

11.First come,first served. 先来先款待;力争上游。

12.It's not myday! 今日命运真糟

13.That's news to me. 这可是新闻呢

14.There's no way to tell. 没办法晓得

15.read sb.like an open book 理解或人心里的主意

16.You've got me there. 你考到我了

17.Easy does it. 逐渐来;留心一点;别生气了

18.on the tip of one's tongue 差一点就说出口;差一点就记起来的

19.The more,the merrier. 越多越好

20.let someone off the hook 让或人脱节费事、脱节窘境

21. besidethe point 离题的;不是要点

22.burn the candle at both ends 白日晚上都要忙;花费许多精力

23.meet a deadline 截稿

24.out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净;离久情疏

25.rub someone the wrong way 惹恼或人


Alright? – Hello. How are you? 你好

Hiya, Aye up – These informal greetings both mean Hello and are especiallypopular in the north of England. The aye is pronounced like the letter A.这两种非正式的打招待用法,都是"你好"的意思,在英格兰北部非常盛行。其间"aye"发音与字母"A"同。

Howay – Let's go or Come on. 走吧

Ta – Thank you 谢谢

Cheers – This is usually said as a toast when you raise your glasses to celebrate, but it also means Thank you.这个词一般在碰杯祝酒的时分说,但也可以标明谢谢。


Bairn – Baby or young child 小孩子

Lad – Boy 男孩

Lass, Lassie – Girl 女孩

Bloke, Chap – Man 男人

Mate, Pal – Friend 兄弟、店员

Our kid – My brother or my sister 我的兄弟或姐妹

Don't be confused if someone calls you pet, duck, sweetie, love, chicken, chuck, chucky-egg or sunshine. People in the UK often use these terms when they are addressing other people as a sign of friendliness and affection.

It is usually not appropriatefor younger people to use these terms with older people, however.假定有人叫你pet、duck、sweetie、love、chicken、chuck、chucky-egg或sunshine,不要觉得新鲜,英国人喜爱用这些昵称来表达友爱和喜爱之情。不春节青人这样称号老一辈就有些不当。


Do – Party. You would go to a do if you were going to a party in the UK.派对、集会。在英国,参加派对就是"go to a do".

BYOB – Bring your own bottle. In the UK, it is common for the party host to ask guests to bring their own drinks. You might see BYOB written on theinvitation.


Cuppa – Cup of tea 一杯茶

Pissed – Americans may think this means upset. But in the UK it is theequivalent of being drunk.


E.g., "Is he pissed?"他是不是喝醉了?

Fancy – To find someone attractive 觉得或人诱人。

E.g., "He just smiled. I think he fancies you!"他刚笑了。我觉得他喜爱你。

Ask out – To ask someone if they want to go on a date 聘请或人外出约会。

E.g., "He asked me out! We're going to the cinema this Friday."

雅思口语备考 让咱们离别中式英语插图

Chat up – To flirt with someone 和或人调情。

E.g., "He was chatting me up at the party."派对上他一向在跟我搭讪。

Snog – To kiss passionately 热吻。

E.g., "My dad and mum were snogging at their anniversary party. I didn't know where to look.


Chin-wag – Talk or gossip with friends 和兄弟闲谈、8卦

E.g., "Fancy a chin-wag?"想聊聊吗?


Quid – Equal to £1. The word doesn't change in the plural, so £50 is fifty quid.一英镑。这个词没有复数方法,所以50英镑就是fifty quid。

Skint, Broke – Poor or lacking money 很穷、没钱

E.g. "I can't come to the restaurant as I'm skint this week."我不能下馆子,本周是穷光蛋一个。

Minted, Rolling in it – Rich 有钱

E.g. "It was my birthday last week and I got some money off my family, so I am minted now!"上星期我过生日,家里人给了些钱,我如今兴隆了。

Splashing out – Spending a lot of money 花大笔钱

That's as cheap as chips – That is very cheap 非常廉价

That costs a bomb – That is too expensive 太贵了

That's a rip-off – That is not worth the price 抢钱呢吧

Cough up! – Pay your share of the bill! 快掏钱付你自个那份账单!


Brolly – Umbrella 雨伞

Telly – Television. Some people also say "What's on the box?" to mean "What's on TV?"电视。一些人也说"What's on the box?",标明电视上在演啥。

Loo – Toilet 厕所

Mobile – Mobile telephone. It is unusual to say cellphone in the UK.手机。在英国说cellphone会很新鲜。


Bloody – One of the most useful swear words in British English. Mostly usedas an exclamation of surprise e.g. "bloody hell".Something may be "bloody marvelous" or "bloody awful". It is also used to emphasize almost anything, e.g. "you're bloody mad", "not bloody likely".

英国英语里最有用的脏话。多用于表达惊奇之情,如bloody hell(该死、见鬼、我的天)。某事物可所以bloody marvelous(超赞的),也可所以bloody awful(糟糕透了)。它还以用来偏重几乎任何作业,如you're bloody mad(你几乎疯了)、not bloody likely(没门儿)。

In the UK, you may hear people use the slang terms."well", "dead" or "mega" instead of"very" or "really". For example, "It was dead good" or "That exam was well difficult!"

在英国,你可以会听见我们运用俚语用法的well、dead、mega来替代very或许really。如It was dead good(棒极了),或That exam was well difficult.(考试好难。)


1. Au fait – this is an example of a French expression that has become part of the English Language. It means to have good detailed knowledge of something. (This is not slang but a very British English expression.)

Au fait –这正本是法语短语,如今成了英语中的一有些。它的意思是对某事物有非常详尽的晓得。(它不是俚语却对错常地道的英式表达)

“She is au fait with the company’s rules and regulations.”


2. Blinding – if something is blinding, it means that it’s excellent.


“She makes a blinding roast dinner”


3. Bugger all – if you’ve got bugger all for dinner, it means you have nothing. (This is an impolite expression so use it with caution)

Bugger all –假定你说晚餐吃个屁,那就是说你啥也没有。(这种表达非常不礼貌需慎用)

“I worked 7 hours on that job and I got bugger all thanks for my efforts”.


4. Cock Up – This can be used as a verb or a noun and it means to make a serious mistake or a mistake. (It has nothing to do with male parts!)

Cock Up –这个俚语既可用作动词也可用作名词,它的意思是犯了很严峻的差错或犯差错。(这个表达跟男性器官毫无联络。)

“You really cocked up this time. What are you going to do?”


5. Donkeys’ years – a long time or ages

Donkeys’ years –好久好久,许多年。

“It was so great to see Sally again. I hadn’t seen her in donkey’s years.”


6. Gobsmacked - “Gob” is mouth is British English and if you smack it, you probably would do it because you are amazed or shocked.

Gobsmacked –“Gob”是嘴巴的意思,是英式英语,假定你用这个表达“smack it”因为你被震动到了,所以你可以会张大嘴巴。

“I was gobsmacked by how much weight Pete had lost”.


7. Gormless – another way to say vacant or clueless.

Gormless –另一种标明茫然或无条理的方法。

Mr Bean’s gormless look.


“She always has a gormless look in meetings.”


8. Gutted – really upset. Gutted –非常不安

“I was gutted when I didn’t get the job”.


9. Hunky-dory – fine, going well,

Hunky-dory –极好,发展顺畅。

“How are things with you?”


“Everything is hunky-dory,thanks.”


10. Knackered – very tired, exhausted

Knackered –非常累,筋疲力尽

“I’ve been working for hours onthis report. I’m knackered“.


11. Lurgy – if you’ve got the lurgy, it means you are ill with the flu or a virus. It means that people will stay away from you.

Lurgy –假定你得了感患病,也就是伤风了或许带了其他病毒。这就意味着我们会和你阻隔远离你。

“Where’s Sarah today?”


“She’s off sick. She’s got the lurgy“.


12. Nice one! – If someone is impressed by what you’ve done, they could use this expression. It’s similar to “good job” in American English. It canalso be used sarcastically.

Nice one! –假定一自个对你所做的作业形象深化,他们就能用这个表达方法。它同美式英语里的“干得好”同义,也可以用于带有讥讽意味的夸奖。

“I managed to get two tickets for the One Direction concert at the O2 arena”. “Nice one, mate!“

“我设法弄到了两张One Direction音乐会的票,在O2舞台。”“店员,这真棒。“


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: